chapter 7- His treasure

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The sun gradually fell, and the lotus was sitting in the outer room to receive the soles, and she saw ChangLong came out of the house without looking at her ...walking out

"What are you doing?" Lotus called.

Long didn't answer, went straight to the gate .. saw that the gate was locked,  he froze for a while and ran to the house to find the key.

The key is with Lotus.. he couldn't find it, so he ran around in the house anxiously and ran out again.

Lotus didn't know what he was going to do, let go of the work in her hand and went out, but when she stood at the door and
saw him pulling the lock hard, he smashing the door vigorously... shouting crazily

Lotus said anxiously

"What are you going to do?  I already said that you are not allowed to go to the ground, you promised me first that and then i open the door for you."

Long ignored her and began to hit the door with his body.

Lotus was afraid that he will broke the main door.. she quickly took the key and opened the door lock, she Followed  him all the way to the village entrance ... then she suddenly understand  something...

yes, this time of the day he came to wait for the grandma

Lotus was sitting on the big rock at the entrance of the village next to ChangLong for a while, and it was a bit boring.

After thinking about it, she teased him and said,

"Peanuts in your pocket give me ?"

Long didn't say anything, silently raised his hand and clutched his pocket.

Lotus teased him a few more times, and when she didn't get reply, she do not talked to him any  longer.

After sitting for a while, they two saw the figure of grandma appearing on the small road at the entrance of the village.

The two got up and greeted her

ChangLong took a small handful of peanuts from his pocket, counted them, and stuffed them with his grandma

: "Ten peanuts, i don’t need it...

The land is gone, don’t want her to be my wife

go .. give peanuts to them and asked them to return our land..

i dont need her

i dont want her "

Grandma  said,

"we dont have any land. There is a lot of flat land in near our village...You will open up the wasteland for our family to survive. That half acre of land is also your grandfather's hard work... so like him go and work .. and get new land... understand "

Long was pushed back, and his lips were speechless.

Lotus took advantage of  grandma's Attention and secretly uttered her tongue to ChangLong and the winner smiled like that.

ChangLong's mouth turned away....

Grandma glanced at Lotus

: "What fun is it?"

" did you prepared  dinner?"

Lotus suddenly looked up and said,


Grandma said coldly,

"Cooking is a woman's job, and it's not job of XiaoLong. You, as his wife, still want him to help you or what? Or do you wait for me to come home and serve you two?"

This time Lotus deflated.
She was as obedient as long and hurried back to cook.

Only she ran in a hurry, but didn't see that Long
as like her... he threw his tongue to provoke  her


Early in the morning,

Lotus slept soundly. she could hear the chicken screaming outside, subconsciously tucked the quilt tighter, and clamped it with both legs.

Unsurprisingly, within a moment, she felt that someone pulling her quilt

The lotus hugged the quilt, determined to never compromise this time, and he had nothing to do with her sleepiness and she had to fight with ChangLong to the end.

Only ChangLong is a man in the end, no matter how powerful she is, she is still girl..her power in not enough to fight with Well developed man.

She insisted that she can dragged ChangLong in a quilt. but here this Dog..Long

Lotus opened her eyes and saw the face close to her

She stared at him angrily, but he only said innocently,

"what ...i need to Fold the quilt, you pressed the quilt."

Lotus murmured angrily

: "You pig head! You have to fold the quilts of the whole village!"

After that, she pushed the long and sat down to wear clothes.

Long ignored her, shook the quilt that was scrambled by the two and laid it out, and began his first daily task

folding the quilt properly

Lotus glanced at Long angrily, and she wondered which silly rooster crowed so early, and it was still dark outside.

Long is a tendon, he have to get up as soon as he hear a chicken call, and the first thing he get up is to fold the quilt, including her quilt, of course.


So, she had been married for two months, and she couldn't sleep well in the morning.

What makes her even more angry is that ChangLong get up so early every day, but in fact does nothing but fold the quilt.

After spending a long time to fold the quilt flat until there was no fold, he just sat at the door of the house and looked at the sky stupidly, and of course he would also "smartly" glance at her every move while taking advantage of her.
"Not paying attention", and secretly went back to the house to count his baby peanuts.

Lotus wanted to scare him several times,

she always  said that
"if you pull my quilt before dawn, I will eat all your pile of peanuts! Smashed them!"

Of course, she just thinks about it. She knows that the box of peanuts is a Long's baby.

It is definitely more importantto to him more than his own wife...

If there is something wrong with it, it is the same as the death.

That's what he saved one by one. For every thing he did right, grandma would give him a peanut.

For example, married  to her...ChangLong got ten peanuts from grandma at once.

Lotus can't probably understand it...

The peanuts obtained by Changlong are carefully collected like baby.

The last time he cried, when he lost one.. he collected them like treasure

After all, he was reluctant to eat, even just like the old rich man counting money, he often counted out them. Many of them were so dry that they had shrunk to dryness, and she never saw him eat one.

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