Two- another day, another fight.

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"Yamamoto Takeshi!! Wait for me!" A messy looking Hinata yelled, running over to them. "You Baka!!" She punched his arm lightly. "You could've woken me up,at least!"

"Sorry,sorry!" Yamamoto laughed. "I forgot." He winked,ruffling her hair.

"Yah! My hair!" She shouted, brushing her fingers through it in an attempt to tame her crazy hair, causing him to laugh even more. "Shut up, Baka!" She cried, forcing it into a ponytail.

"Yamamoto-kun!" Tsuna called. Gokudera stood next to him, glowering slightly as Tsuna walked towards Yamamoto. "Good morning."

"Yo, Tsuna." Yamamoto grinned.

"Good morning, Tsuna-kun!" Hinata grinned,finally finished with her hair. "Gokudera-kun." She greeted.

"Oh?What a coincidence!" Tsuna said. "Do you live nearby?"

"Actually..." She smiled sheepishly.

"She crashed at my place." Yamamoto said nonchalantly. "And now she works at the store."

Tsuna looked surprised. "Hinata-chan, you don't live with Hibari-San?"

She shuddered. "I'd rather not."she said. "Plus, I have no idea where he lives. And he's still a bit pissed at me."

"YOOO SAWADA!!!" An extremely loud voice bellowed. Ryohei ran over to them, his sister following him. He looked at Hinata. "Eh? Hibari's sister?" He asked.

"MORNING, SASAGAWA!!" Hinata screamed at him.

"MORNING, HIBARI-CHAN!" He screamed back.

"Don't call me that. It's Hinata." She said.

"Ok. GOOD MORNING, HINATA-CHAN!!!" He shouted. Hinata laughed. She noticed Kyoko hiding near Tsuna. "Good morning, Sasagawa-chan!" She greeted. She smiled slightly.

"G-good morning, Hinata-chan?"

"Are you scared of me?" Hinata asked, raising an eyebrow. "Don't worry, I'm not my brother. I don't use tonfas."

"Oh ok." She said.

"Let's go before he decides that we're late!" She said, linking her arm with Kyoko's, running towards the school. Kyoko laughed, running with her. They ran ahead, ignoring Tsuna's pleas for them to slow down.

The school gate came into view, and the demon was patrolling the gate, as usual. "Uh oh." Hinata breathed as he turned to glare at her.

"Still here, Hinata?" He said, brandishing his tonfas menacingly. "I'll bite you to death."

Meanwhile, Tsuna and the others had finally caught up to them. "H-hiiiiee!" Tsuna cried. "Hibari-San!"

"Herbivores, you're crowding." He said, walking over. "For that I will bite you to death."

"Don't worry, tenth! I'll protect you!" Gokudera yelled, standing in front of Tsuna. Yamamoto smiled nervously. "YEEEAH!!!! FIGHT TO THE EXTREME!!!" Ryohei shouted.

Hinata pushed Kyoko towards Ryohei quickly, walking over to Hibari. "I'm not leaving, Kyoya. What will you do now?" She asked quietly. He narrowed his eyes at her. He swung his tonfa forward,towards Hinata. She leapt up, over him. "I'll bite you to death." He said.

"Uh oh. Guys, get inside!" She said, running off, Hibari chasing after her. She ran all the way to the school field, Hibari hot on her heels. Where now..? She climbed up a tall tree quickly, swinging herself up onto a thick branch.

"Hinata, get down from there." He said.

"Or what?" She said.

"I'll go after you."

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