Sixty seven- beach!!

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"We're here!" Hinata cheered, steeping out of the car. "The beach!" A breeze blew her hair back as she adjusted her sunglasses.

"Wow, it's so pretty!" Haru breathed, looking over the clear blue seawaters.

"And crowded!" Kyoko noted, looking at the mass of people on the beach.

"Well, looks like we came late." Kirika announced. "This beach is always crowded during this time of year."

"What are we still standing here gaping at them for?" Hinata asked. "C'mon, I want to go for a swim!" She said. "Too bad the boys couldn't come with us today..."

"Yeah, I wanted to show Tsuna-san my new swimsuit too..." Haru sighed.

Kirika took out her phone and snapped a quick photo of Haru. "H-Hahi? Kirika-chan, what are you doing?" Haru asked.

"Since you want him to see your swimsuit, I'll be sending this to the tuna fish then..." She said.

"Hahi?! N-no need, Kirika-chan!" Haru said quickly.

"Yeah, he might get a nosebleed from it." Kirika said. "And the arcobaleno probably wouldn't like to have to clean up that mess...." She deleted the photo and pocketed her phone. "Well, lets go take a dip, shall we?" She smiled.


Minutes later, they were wading into the shallow seawater. "Eh? Hinata-chan, why are you wearing your shirt in the water?" Kyoko asked. "It'll get wet."

Hinata was wearing an unbuttoned white blouse over her swimsuit like a jacket. "I know. But I don't really want to show off my back in such a public place...." She said. "Scars and all."

Kirika smirked. "You're not the only one hiding your scars." She said, wading into the waters. She also wore her shirt over her swimsuit. "Now, prepare to get wet!" She yelled, splashing Hinata. Hinata laughed, splashing her back. Before long, they'd started an all out splashing war.

"Awmigawd." Kirika gasped, wiping water off her face. "I haven't had this much fun in a long time." She laughed.

"Same here." Hinata agreed, sitting down in the waters. "Mmm, I'd forgotten how relaxing the sea was." She murmured. "I wonder what Takeshi and the others are doing?"

"They should be in the middle of a meeting with the ninth by now..." Kirika said.

"Is Dino-san with them?" Haru asked.

Kirika shrugged. "I didn't ask." She said. "He might be."

"Hmm, too bad Chrome-chan couldn't come with us for the trip..." Kyoko said. Even though Reborn had sent her an invitation, she didn't show up.

Haru nodded in agreement.

Hinata sat up. "What's that noise?" She asked, looking around. A wailing sound, like a small child would make. "Over there!" She said, pointing over to a more secluded part of the beach. A small child, held aloft by a float was being pulled out to sea by the current.

"Come on!" Haru said, swimming over. They all swam over to the child, Kyoko reaching him first. "Shh, it's ok." She said. "It's ok." He wailed, obviously not understanding Japanese. Kirika sighed. "Forget it, lets just bring him to shore first." She said as she pulled him to shore. "Hey, kid. Where's your parents?" Kirika asked in Italian.

"Papa is waiting over there." He sniffled, pointing to the quiet part of the beach near a forest. "Papa said he was waiting for me there."

"Is that why you tried to swim?" Kirika asked. He nodded. She sighed. "Typical. Kids." She muttered. "Bundle of trouble. I'm never having kids." She took his hand. "Come on, kiddo. Lets get you back to your papa." She said.

"So, where's your papa?" Kirika asked, looking around.

"I don't see anyone around here." Haru said.

"Me neither." Kyoko said.

Kirika looked at the boy. "Papa's going to be proud of me." He smiled. Her eyes widened in surprise at the boy. "A trap?!" She whirled around. There was a twock sound, and a dart hit her arm. "Ow!" She pulled it out, glaring at it. "What the...hell?" She mumbled, her head spinning.

Three other darts flew out, hitting the others. "What's going on...?" Haru asked, swaying on her feet. Kyoko collapsed. Hinata muttered a curse as she fell.



Five men stepped out from the woods. "Good job, kid." The blonde man smirked, ruffling the boy's hair. He glanced at the unconscious girls, comparing them to the photos in his hand. "Yup. That's them alright." He confirmed. "You, go and get their things. Make sure to get their phones." He pointed at one of the men. "Come on, lets get them inside the van." He said to the others.

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