Forty nine- escaping. more hacking done

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Hinata sat up, looking around. The last thing she remembered....someone putting a cloth over her face. She cursed. She should've known better than to go out like that, and get caught in a trap. She looked around. It seemed to be a hotel room, like the time she got captured by Byakuran. She started to get up, then found out her hands were tied to the chair. "Oh, great. Just perfect." She groaned. "Why do I keep getting into situations like this?!"

The room was small, and the door was slightly open, so she could hear what was going on in the next room. It sounded like someone was on the phone...someone very familiar.

Hibari Touya.

"Yes, I've got the girl." He said into the phone. She strained to listen. "She's unconscious." She fought the urge to scoff. Unconscious? "Yes, I'm aware of her importance to the project." Project? What project? She wondered. "I will move her over to the warehouse soon, as planned." He said. "Is everything ready over there yet?" He seemed satisfied with the answer. "Good. I'll see you in a few moments." Hinata bit her lip nervously. This wasn't good... She tried to squirm out of the ropes. The door started to open. She quickly feigned unconsciousness. She could sense him coming closer. "You look just like your mother." He muttered as he untied the ropes around her. He sighed. "Sakura..." The ropes came loose.

She saw her opportunity, and took it. Her eyes flew open, and she kicked him in the gut. As he doubled over, she punched him in the side of the head, then ran out of the room as fast as she could. There were more men in the other room, who got to their feet when they noticed her. "Looks like I'll be getting into a fight after all." She muttered, assuming a fighting stance. She heard some crashes outside, and grinned. The door was kicked open. "Hey, Kyoya!" She called, blocking several punches. "What took you so long?" She sent a turning kick to the man's stomach, sending him flying into the wall.

"I had to clear up some trash." Hibari Kyoya said, slamming his tonfas into a man as he tried to attack him. "You Baka." He said, kicking a man aside. "Getting yourself into messes like this."

She grinned, sending a flurry of punches at a man. "I'm a magnet for attracting trouble." She said. "Get used to it!" She did a backflip, kicking a man in the face.

"Hinata-chan!" She glanced at the door, where Tsuna and the others stood. "Oh, hi, Tsuna!" She grinned, knocking out a man as Kyoya slammed the last man into the opposite wall. "Well. Looks like we're all done!" She said, tossing her hair back. "What took you so long?"

"Where is he?" Kyoya asked. She pointed to the room. There was the sound of a loud thud, and he reappeared, dragging Touya by the back of his shirt. There was blood dripping from an injury on his head. She looked at Kyoya. "He was still moving." He said coldly.

"He's still alive though." She said.

"Good, because I have questions to ask him."

She looked back at the others. "Well, we should get going. Before they send some more reinforcements. Even though I'm all for a good fight, it might be good to get going before he wakes up." She said. "Someone was expecting him at some kind of warehouse."

"Lets go." Kyoya said, still dragging him.


Later, at the school. They had tied Touya to a chair in the classroom. Originally, Adelheid had suggested dangling him over the roof in a net, which Kyoya had supported. But Hinata had said that a net might not be able to take his weight, so it might be better to tie him to a chair, on solid ground. For now, at least. "If he's difficult, you have my blessing to do whatever you wish to him." She said. "Perfect." Kyoya growled. "Is he really your father?" Enma asked. Hinata sighed. "Unfortunately, yes." She admitted grudgingly. "But I couldn't be bothered to give a damn about him. Just like he didn't care about us." She scowled. "How much longer is he going to stay unconscious? I think you hit him too hard, Kyoya." She said. "You could cause brain damage." "I could kill him right now." He said. She blinked. "Ok, I'm glad you held back." She said. Kirika snorted. "Holding back would be leaving him with barely a broken nose." She said, tapping the keys on her laptop. "Do you want to get bitten to death, herbivore?" "Nope." She said, adjusting her spectacles. "I'm trying to crack firewalls here." She frowned. "Very impressive." She tapped furiously. "But. Still. Not. Good. Enough. To. Keep. Me. OUT!" She finished, a grin on her face. "Ok. Lets see how many secrets the Estonia family has...." She tapped the keys. "She sure gets enthusiastic when it comes to hacking into personal files..." Tsuna said. Her eyes widened as something popped up on the screen. "For the love of-" she cursed colourfully in Italian. "-which-" insert more curses. "-put up all of these passwords and firewalls for me to crack?!" She yelled. "What, you can't do it?" Tsuna asked. She shot a glare at him. "Don't. Insult. Me." She tapped a few keys expertly. "It's just a waste of valuable time." She continued tapping. "Hmph. There." She smirked. Hinata sweatdropped. "....a waste of valuable time..?" She asked. "You barely took up five minutes to crack through!" "And that, is slow." She said, taking off her spectacles. "I could break into an ordinary bank vault in less than ten seconds." She said. "Five minutes is too long. But, I'm finished anyway. Here." She handed the laptop to Reborn. "That was quite some language, Scarlette." He said. "I see that Dino was not exaggerating when he said you had quite a vocabulary." She smiled at him sweetly. "He doesn't even know half of it." She said. "Thanks for your help, Kirika." Yamamoto said. She glanced at him. "You're welcome." She said, walking over to Touya. "Hmm....he doesn't look as bad as the reports on him say..." She muttered. She dug in his coat pocket, taking out his phone. She scrolled through it. "Three missed calls." She said. "I wonder who is this mystery caller." She continued looking through the files. Suddenly, she stopped at a picture. "It's a picture of Hinata." She said. "What?!" Hinata darted over, looking at the picture. "No, it's not me." It was of a young woman, who looked remarkably like Hinata. Her long hair was brown, and hung in a loose braid down her back. She was wearing a pale pink yukata, standing amongst Sakura trees. Her hazel eyes seemed to twinkle as she smiled brightly at the camera. "Move your head." Kyoya said. He looked at the picture. "That's...that's mother." He said. Hinata looked at him in surprise. "Mother?" She asked. "I've never met her...." She said softly. "She died after you were born." A voice said. "In a car accident." They all turned to look at Touya,who was looking at them coolly. "You look so much like her." He said to Hinata. "When did you wake up?" She asked, glaring at him. "A few seconds ago." Kirika said. They looked at her. "What?" She asked. "I was going to tell you." "Anyway." Hinata walked over to him. "Why did you kidnap me?" "Haven't you listened to a single word I've been saying the past few days? My aim was to capture you." He said. "Yeah, I got that.." She said. "But why?" "That's for me to know." He said. Kyoya scowled. "Maybe he'll be more wiling to talk after I bite him." He said, brandishing his tonfas. Adelheid reached for her fans. "Wait." Reborn said, walking up. He jumped up. "What is this project the Estonia family has been working on?" He asked, showing him the laptop. Touya looked at the screen, surprised. "How did you get these files?" He asked. "How else?" Kirika asked. "A hacker..." He sighed. "Well, you already know everything." He said. "So why ask me?" "Because I want to understand why you would agree to it." He said. Touya smirked. "Arcobaleno, I think you already know." He said.

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