Thirty six- final battle against byakuran.

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Tsuna stared at the spot where Ghost had just stood. Even after using zero level breakthrough on Ghost, Tsuna's flames didn't grow. "Something's not right." He said.

"Impressive indeed!" He looked up quickly. "You defeated Ghost so easily~" Byakuran said.

"Byakuran!" He shouted. "Where is Hinata?!"

He chuckled. He held out a hand, dangling a chain. Hinata's pendant. "Damnit! Bastard! What did you do to her?!" Gokudera shouted, holding his weapon.

"Tsk tsk, so hasty to assume." Byakuran smirked, tossing the pendant down to the ground. A slim hand shot out, catching it easily. She fastened the chain around her neck, walking out into the clearing. "Hinata-chan~~" Byakuran called.

"Hinata?!" Yamamoto shouted. Hibari stopped him, staring at his sister. "Hey. What did you do to my sister?" He asked.

Byakuran laughed. "So you noticed, didn't you?" He said. "The overprotective brother. It's just a simple bit of mind control, really."

Hibari gripped his tonfas. "I'll bite you to death." He growled.

"You should be happy that's all I did." Byakuran said. "Considering what I did to that future self of hers."

Tsuna's eyes widened. "The future Hinata-chan?"

"Ah, yes. She didn't tell any of you about that yet." Byakuran said thoughtfully. "Hmph, it's ancient history anyway."

"Bastard!" Gokudera shouted, aiming at him. Byakuran chuckled. "Hinata-chan~" Hinata attacked Gokudera, kicking his weapon. "Hinata?!" He shouted. "What are you doing?!" She didn't reply him, kicking him in the gut.

Hibari grabbed her wrist. "Hinata." He said. "Enough."

The pendant on her neck flashed brightly, and a wave of flame burst out. Hibari jumped back to evade the flame. "Hot!" Gokudera exclaimed. "What is that?" Hinata looked at him, the wave of flame surrounding her like a shield. Hibari tried to grab her, but he couldn't reach past the shield.

"You won't be able to get in, I'm afraid." Byakuran said. "That shield is impermeable."

Yamamoto looked at the shield. "If this is flame...then she can't keep this up for that long." He said.

"Well, she'll just have to deal with all of you before she runs dry." He said.

"Runs dry?! She'll die!"

"I could care less." Byakuran said. "She hasn't got anything of value to offer me anyway. She's useless."

Yamamoto grit his teeth. "Hinata." He called. She blinked. He reached out, his palm against the shield. "Let me in." He pleaded. There was a slight glow from under his shirt. "Eh?" He looked. It was the pendant that Hinata had given him. He went through the shield easily.

Byakuran's eyes widened. "How interesting..." He muttered. "A second pendant? That will never do." He said. "Hinata-chan, deal with him!" He ordered.

Hinata drew her daggers, attacking Yamamoto. He avoided her attacks quickly, but did not draw his katana. Byakuran laughed. "That girl will be the death of you, Yamamoto Takeshi-kun." He said. "Hinata, why are you still holding back?"

Hinata raised her leg, and sent a turning kick into his stomach. The shield had dissipated, and he slammed into a tree. Byakuran laughed. "That's how you do it! Well done, Hinata-chan!" He said. Hinata walked over to Yamamoto. She stood over him, dagger in hand. "Finish the job." Byakuran ordered.

Yamamoto looked at her. She just looked at him. "Hinata-chan? What are you waiting for?" Byakuran asked. Hinata's hand shook.

"I won't." Hinata forced out.

"What?" Byakuran frowned.

"I said, I won't, you white haired bastard!" Hinata shouted, flinging the dagger in her hand at him.

"Oh?" He caught the dagger easily between two of his fingers. He laughed. "What a weak throw, Hinata-chan. Are you already that worn out?" Hinata glared at him furiously. "But, you still managed to break free of the mind control despite that. Interesting." He said. "But it seems like I no longer have any use for you." He pointed a finger at her. "White finger!"

The flames shot out from his finger, and headed straight for her. She grit her teeth, standing her ground. Her fingers curled around her pendant.Her shield blasted out around them.

The smoke cleared, and the shield dissipated. Hinata looked up at Byakuran defiantly, breathing heavily. "Hinata!" Yamamoto shouted, catching her as she fell over. "Are you ok?"

"Fine. Just peachy." She muttered.

"I see you're back to your self." Hibari said,walking over.

"Didja miss me?" She smirked. Hibari gave her a look. "Yup, you're definitely back to your self." He muttered. "And no, I didn't."

Byakuran sighed. "What a nuisance." He said. "You're exactly the same as your self ten years later." He smirked. "Well, you're about to meet the same fate as her."

"What do you mean?" Tsuna asked.

"Well, might as well tell you now." Byakuran said. "You see, the Hinata-chan of this era," he grinned evilly. "I killed her."

Hibari stared at him in disbelief. It quickly turned into a glare as he gripped his tonfas. "Bastard." He growled. "I'll kill you."

"I'll help." Yamamoto said, glaring at Byakuran.

Hinata cleared her throat. "No." She said, holding onto Yamamoto's arm. "You'd just get yourself killed." She said. "You're all out of energy. And Byakuran..... Has more than enough to spare."

"I'll be your opponent." Tsuna said, glaring at Byakuran.


Authors note

I've decided to SKIP THE ENTIRE BATTLE BETWEEN BYAKURAN AND TSUNA. I'm evil, I know. I'M SORRY, I REALLY AM. But it's going to take a FRICKIN long time to write that whole battle I wouldn't be changing anything. Very very sorry.


Sorry for the short chapter!

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