Fifty two- cracking a password. planning.

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"So...have you thought of what the password could be?" Hinata asked. They were all crowded around Kirika's laptop, which was held by Dino. Except for Gokudera, whom Hinata had forced to lie on the bed if he wanted to stay by his precious tenth's side, or she would ask Romario to send him back to the hospital.

"Hmm...maybe her birthday?" Yamamoto suggested.

Dino shook his head. "Too obvious." He said. "I know Sumire, and she doesn't take passwords lightly...especially if its for her personal laptop." He drank from his cup.

"Huh." Hinata said. "A special date? First kiss?" Dino choked, almost spewing water from his mouth. "I-I'm pretty sure that she hasn't done anything like that..." He stammered. She narrowed her eyes at him, but didn't pursue the subject.

"It has to be something special to her..." Tsuna said. "But not something so obvious that just anyone would know about it?" He clutched his head. "Aaaaagh, Reborn, why do you do this to us?!"

"Shut up, Tsuna." Reborn said from the window. Tsuna shrieked, falling over. "REBORN!! When did you get there?!" He shouted.

"Stop being so noisy." Reborn said. "Would you like a hole in your head?" He held Leon the gun in his hand, aiming at Tsuna.


"Stop screaming and let Dino think." He said. "Well, Dino?" Dino sighed. "She seems to think that you will be able to do it." Reborn said. "In fact, her exact words were: 'I guess it should be fine...,since its Dino.' You don't want to let her down, do you?" He said. Dino looked at him. "Oh, and she said to prepare for hell to be unleashed if you do blow up her laptop."

Dino gulped nervously. "Haha..." He said weakly. "That sure lessens the pressure..." He stared at the keyboard, contemplating his next move.

"Do what you want." Reborn said. "As long as you believe it's correct."

Dino took a deep breath. "Ok." He flexed his fingers. "You might want to step back a bit...." The others scattered instantly. Hesitantly, he typed in the date.

After what seemed like the longest three seconds of his life, a message popped up.

'Welcome back, master.'

He exhaled, in relief. "You did it!" They cheered. Reborn smirked. They looked through the files, Dino scanned each one quickly, stopping at one. It was labelled Shadow.

"Shadow? What's that about?" Hinata asked.

"Shadow....she was one of Sumire's biggest rivals." Dino said. "I'm not really sure about her history, but it seems like they knew each other pretty well...and boy, could they hold a grudge...." He clicked on it. Inside was a detailed file on everything, from past dealings to connections. And the latest added page...

Gokudera gave a start as he looked at the picture. "That's the person who was tracking the bastard!" He shouted, sitting up.

"You're sure?" Tsuna asked.

"Definitely, tenth!"

"Because she knocked you out?" Hinata muttered. He glared at her. She glared back. "Lie down already, tako head!" She yelled, pushing him back down.

Dino looked serious. "It looks like I need to have a chat with this Orchid." He said.


Romario walked into Kirika's hospital room. "Sumire-san, how are you?" He asked.

She looked at him. "Oh, Romario?" She asked. "Nice to see you again. I suppose you came with that idiot." She said. "And to answer your previous question, I'm fine."

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