Three- A new job and the Nightmare memory

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"Sorry if I'm a bother to you." Hinata said apologetically to Yamamoto's father.

"No, it's not a problem at all! That room has been empty for ages, and I've been looking for an extra assistant to help out at the shop for a while now." He grinned.

"Thank you, sir." Hinata bowed.

"Now now. Just make sure you don't slack off, got it?" He said. Hinata nodded. "Good. Now, we've got customers waiting." He went out, and Yamamoto came in. "So?" He asked.

Hinata grinned. "I can stay!! And eat. But I need to work as an assistant at the shop." She said. "Yay!"

"Great. Go and get changed. There should be a uniform somewhere in the wardrobe." He said. "I'll wait for you outside."


"She seems like a nice girl." Yamamoto's father said. "She your girlfriend?"

Yamamoto almost dropped his plate. "Wha-what?! No! Of course not!" He said, blushing. "She's just a friend."

"I see." His father sighed. "Whooooo!! You rascal, you should've told me that you were seeing her!" He winked, ruffling his hair.

"Dad! I'm not seeing her!" He groaned, fighting him off.

"Takeshi, just know that I'm supporting you two!" He laughed, going into the kitchen. Yamamoto sighed. Just how was he going to explain to his father that he didn't feel any different towards Hinata?

"Yamamoto Takeshi!! How do I look?" He turned around.

Hinata was dressed in a black skirt and a white blouse, with the shop's apron over it. She'd plaited her hair and wore a white bandanna on her head. "Ta-daaa! I hope you don't mind that I'm not wearing the actual uniform...since they were all guy clothes." She grinned. "Well?"

He swallowed. "You look great." He said. That skirt sure was short...

"Hey, Yamamoto." She snapped her fingers in front of his face. He blinked. "Huh?" He asked.

"Can I call you by your name? Takeshi?" She asked. "Since you do call me by my name. And if I keep calling you and your father by Yamamoto..... It gets confusing."

"Oh. Sure!" Yamamoto grinned at her. "Now lets get to work!"


It was late at night when they finally closed the shop and went to rest. Yamamoto was studying on his bed in his room when Hinata walked in. "Hey, Takeshi. Have you seen my bag?" She asked. He shook his head.

"Hmm. I think I left it back at the shop..." Hinata muttered, walking out. "Go to sleep already, Takeshi."

"Where are you going?" He asked, yawning.

"To find my bag." She replied.

He sighed, getting up. "Wait up. I'm coming with you." He said. She stared at him. "You don't have to. I can take care of myself." She said.

He shrugged. "Let's go." He said.

As expected,the bag was inside the shop after all. Hinata sighed in relief when she found it. Lightning flashed, and a loud clap of thunder echoed through the night. She flinched at the thunder, causing her to lose her grip on her bag. "I hate thunder." She muttered, picking up the bag.

It started to rain harder.


Hinata was dreaming.

She was seven years old, wearing a white dress and a purple cap. Water splashed out from the puddles as she ran, soaking her feet. She had to run, and run fast to escape.

She gasped as she realised that the blonde haired man was catching up to her. His grey eyes gleamed. She forced herself to run faster. Kyoya was nearby, Kyoya would save her.

His hands curled around her arm, jerking her back. She screamed in terror, before he cut off her scream with a hand over her mouth. She struggled and kicked frantically,her muffled screams still loud in the quiet alleyway.

"You little brats." He hissed. "Do you have any idea how much trouble your brother caused us?" She started to cry,terrified. "Well, now it's payback time. I hope you like pain, little girl." He took out a small knife, holding it to her cheek.

She bit his hand,hard. He yelled,loosening his hold over her. That moment was all she needed. She ran faster, towards the open field where Kyoya would be. "KYOYA!!" She screamed.

The blonde man grabbed her waist, lifting her up bodily. She screamed louder than ever. "KYOYAAAA!!" She screamed for her brother. She noticed two other men,standing over a figure lying in the grass. A figure with familiar black hair.



"HINATA!" Yamamoto shouted,leaning over the screaming girl. Hinata had barely blinked when she sent a kick at him, sending him flying. She opened her eyes slowly, tears streaming down her face. Her eyes finally settled on Yamamoto's still form on the ground.

"Ta-Takeshi -kun!!" She bolted upright, rushing over to him. He groaned. "Omigawd I'm so, so sorry. I wasn't thinking straight- are you ok?"

"I'm fine. I'm ok." He said, sitting up slowly. "That's quite the kick you've got there, Hinata. Please don't use it on me again?" He smiled nervously.

She laughed. "I'll try not to." She said. "What were you doing in my room?"

He looked at her uncomfortably. " were screaming in your sleep." He mumbled. "Thankfully, my old man isn't up yet." He said. "Are you ok?"

She nodded, remembering the nightmare. "It wasn't a dream...just a... Childhood memory." She shivered.

"Who was in it?"

"Just...some assholes."

"Even Hibari-san?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Not him. It was nothing. Nothing at all." She said, turning around to her bag. Where were her clothes....?

"I took your clothes out to wash. I hope you don't mind." Yamamoto said. His eyes narrowed. He brushed her hair to the side, staring at the back of her neck. "What's this?" He asked.

"Um.." Hinata was uncomfortable. "It's...just a scar?"

Yamamoto fingered the scar gently. It was along the back of her neck, but mostly healed. Even so, he could tell that this had once been a deep wound. Hinata shivered. "How did you get it?" He asked absentmindedly.

Hinata remained silent. "I can't tell you." She replied softly. "Now could you please stop looking at it?"

Yamamoto pulled his gaze away from it. "Sorry." He mumbled. "Um... I'll wait for you outside."

Hinata sighed, changing into a pair of knee length jeans and white blouse. She put on a slender chain necklace, that had a pendant with her initials on it. She smiled, remembering how Hibari had given it to her. Unfortunately,the next day, he'd vanished,without a trace.

But now, eight years later, she'd finally found him again.

And she wasn't gonna lose him again.


"So...what are we doing today?" She asked.

"First of all, we're going shopping for groceries. Then, I'll take you for a tour of namimori. How's that?" He asked.

"Sounds great." She smiled. "Let's go!"

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