Twenty eight- box animals and throwing daggers

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Hinata sat in the her future self's room, reading the records of how to use the pendant. They had been relatively easy to find, since they were in the first place she felt that she would hide them.

In plain sight.

They had been hidden amongst the mess of books and papers on the table.

She read through them quickly, committing them to memory. Although she had failed her school tests, it was not because of failure to remember. It was simply because she didn't want to remember. Within the hour, she had finished the records. She tucked them back under the paper pile, hiding them again.

She stretched, looking around the rest of the room. "Hmm...where would I keep important things..?" She wondered. She squatted down, looking underneath the bed. Sure enough, there was a box there. "Bingo." She grinned, taking it out.

Inside the box were a set of throwing daggers. She took them out, confused. Her aim was the worst in the world, why would she use these? She looked through the other things in the box, and came across something familiar.

A worn black leather cord, threaded with blue and purple crystal beads. The bracelet Hibari had given her on her birthday.

She slipped it onto her wrist.

There were plenty of other things inside the box,photos, books, a few necklaces.

And rings. She took them out gingerly. They each had a stone on them. Most were blue, but there were a couple different coloured ones as well. What could they be for? And why would she keep this many? She examined it closely.

There was a knock on the door. "Mind if I come in?" Kirika asked.

"What's up?" She asked, still staring at the ring.

"Ah, I see you found the weapons." She noted, sitting down.

Hinata glanced at her in surprise. "Weapons? Oh, you mean the knives." She said. "Hey, what's this for?" She asked, showing her the ring.

"That's used to open boxes."

"I don't get it."

She sighed, taking out a box from her pocket. It was small, and there was a hole in one side. "This, is a box. A box weapon." She said. "You need a ring to be able to open it." She showed her the green ring on her finger.

"Oh...ok?" Hinata looked through her box again. Buried underneath were two small boxes, like the box weapon in Kirika's palm. "Is this my box weapon?" She asked.

"Mm-hmm." She looked at it.

"How do I open it?" She asked.

"You have to learn to create a dying will flame first." Kirika said. "Like this." She focused, and a green flame crackled around the green stone of her ring. " was it again? Ah, yes. Imagine your resolution as a flame."

Hinata looked confused. "My..resolution?" She asked. My resolution...she thought. She closed her eyes, concentrating.

The stone lit up, enveloped in a blue flame. Kirika's eyes widened. "Interesting.."

"So...what's next?" She asked.

"You put your ring into the hole of the box." She said. "Then point it away from you."

She put her ring in, then did as she said. A flash of blue erupted from the box, and the contents were revealed.

A grey wolf, the blue flames streaming along its body. It's blue eyes looked at Hinata. Hinata stared at it. "Is box weapon?" She asked.

"'s a box animal." Kirika said. "This is Kori." She said, pointing at the wolf. "She is Your box animal."

Hinata stared at it. "Kori?" She called. The wolf looked at her, trotting to her. She reached out a hand, petting her head. She seemed to like it, and licked her face. She giggled. "Good Kori." She said, looking into her blue eyes. "Lets go for a run." She picked up the daggers and the other box. "Thanks, Kirika!" She said, running out the door, Kori overtaking her in seconds.


Tsuna was walking in the hallway, tired from the training that Hibari had given him. He was thinking about going to the kitchen, when a wolf ran past him. "Geh?!" His eyes widened as he gaped after the wolf.

"Tsuna, duck!" Hinata's voice shouted. Tsuna ducked. She vaulted over him, chasing after the wolf. "See ya later, Tsuna!" She called, waving as she left.

He gaped after the both of them, wondering how on earth she had managed to get a wolf. He blinked. A box animal probably?


Hinata was running after Kori, barely able to keep up with her. She had no idea that when she told Kori to find Hibari, she'd shoot off running like that. "Kori! Wait up!" She shouted. "Slow down!" The wolf slowed to a halt outside one of the training rooms.

She held onto the wall, panting for air. Damn, that wolf was fast. "Is Kyoya in there?" She asked, scratching Kori behind the ears. The wolf nudged the door open. Hibari Kyoya stood in the room.

"Kyoya!" Hinata shouted. "Finally. Found you."

He looked at the wolf next to her. "Congrats, I see you found and opened your box animal." He said. "What do you want?"

"Can you tell me why the heck I would choose these as my weapon?" She asked, holding up the throwing daggers. "I have the worst aim in the world, and that is a fact."

He chuckled. "No, as a matter of fact, you are the opposite." He said. "You are an incredibly good shot."

She snorted. "You're mocking me."

"No, I'm not." He insisted.

"Fine then. Give me a target." She said. "I'll show you just how terrible my aim is."

He sighed. "Come on..." He pulled her arm, taking her out of the room. He led her to a different room, with bulls eyes on the walls. "Give it your best shot." He said.

She took a deep breath. Then she flung the knife.

It didn't even hit anywhere remotely near the targeted area....

"I told you. I couldn't hit a target to save my life."

He walked over to her. "Close your eyes." He ordered.

"What? But then, how am I supposed to-"

"You don't have to." He said. "You're already pointed in the right direction. Just do it. Close your eyes, and throw."

She sighed. "I don't think this will work, but...why not?" She closed her eyes, holding the knife. Deep breath in, beep breath out. She flung the knife.


She peeked at the target. Her eyes widened. It had actually hit. The. Bullseye. She blinked. "Am I seeing things?" She asked. "Because I could swear that the knife actually hit the target."

"I told you you were a good shot." Hibari smirked,ruffling her hair.


It was after dinnertime, and everyone else was resting.

Hinata, however, was in the training room. She put a hand on her pendant, recalling the notes in the records. She closed her eyes, and focused. A faint glow came from the pendant. She grit her teeth, concentrating harder. Flames started to materialise as she concentrated harder, willing the flames to grow.

She pushed out with her mind, trying to force the flames. It snapped instantly, and the flames blew out. She cursed. "This is harder than I thought..." She muttered. "And a lot more tiring too." She said, feeling light headed already.

She sighed. She knew that if she continued, she would eventually pass out, and that wouldn't be good. She walked out of the training room, and headed back to her room.

She would continue tomorrow. She had to master it, before Byakuran found out about anything. She couldn't lose.

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