Forty four- Hinata's past

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[flashback to twelve years ago...]

A man sat in the car, tapping his fingers on the steering wheel impatiently. It was a quiet night, and the only sounds heard in the vacant clearing was the sounds of the engine running. He raked his fingers through his black hair, his grey eyes looking around impatiently. He glanced at the two passengers in the backseat of the car, a young boy with the same black hair and blue grey eyes glared at him. His arms were around a smaller, younger girl, who was fast asleep. There were yellowing bruises on her arms, a dark bruise on his cheek.

Another car drove into the clearing, a black van. The man looked up at it. He grinned, and glanced at the boy. "Time to go, Kyoya." He said. "Wake her up. Or I will." He opened the car door, and stepped outside.

Hibari Kyoya glared after the man angrily. He shook the girl gently. "Hmm? Onii-san?" She murmured, rubbing her eyes. "Where are we?"

"Shh. It'll be fine, Hinata." He said, patting her head.

"Damn brats, get out of the car!" The man shouted, wrenching the door open. Hinata cringed, clinging to Kyoya. He clenched his jaw, and climbed out of the car, holding on to Hinata's hand. "Good." The man said.

A few men came out of the van. The leader, a man with a shaven head and a tattoo on his arm walked over. He looked over the children. "Are these the children?"

"Yes, of course."

"Hmm." He bent down, examining Kyoya, who glared him in the eye fearlessly. Then he turned his gaze to Hinata, who hid behind her brother. He nodded to the men behind him, who grabbed Kyoya's arm. The other one picked Hinata up, hefting her over his shoulder. Kyoya tried to pull his arm away from the man, reaching for the crying Hinata. The men bundled them into the back of the van.

The man with the shaven head looked at the black haired man. He handed him a thick envelope. "I trust you understand the terms of your agreement." he asked.

"Yes, of course. You might want to be careful with the boy. He's got a fighting spirit alright." He said. "Well, I'll be off. I hope we never meet again in future." He got back into the car, and drove off.

Hinata watched as the car sped away. "Onii-san, what's going to happen to us?" She asked, clinging to his arm.

"We'll be fine." He said. "I'll protect you, I promise."


[back to the present.]

"So, there you have it." Hinata said. "He's an asshole who sold us off to pay his own debts." They were quiet as they digested this. "Then, why would he try to take you away now?" Tsuna asked.

Hinata shrugged. "Who knows?" She said. "Whatever the reason, I'm not going anywhere with him. I don't even want to be near him." She reached out for her drink. "Well, now that you know, what do you think?"

"He's not coming anywhere near the shop any time soon, that's for sure." Yamamoto said. "If he does, I'll kick him out. There's no way I'm letting him go near you."

"YEAH!!" Ryohei shouted. "Protect Hinata to the EXTREME!!"

Hinata smiled. "Thanks guys." She said. She glanced at the clock. "Awmigawd, look at the time." She said. "It's already getting dark. You guys should get back home, before your family gets worried."

"Ok then, see you tomorrow, Hinata-chan, Yamamoto." Tsuna said, leaving. Gokudera followed him. "Oi, woman, you better not get in trouble." He said, leaving.

"See ya, Ryohei!" Hinata called after him as he ran off to finish his run before heading home.


After dinner, Yamamoto slipped into Hinata's room. She was busy fiddling with her phone, trying to top her last high score. "C'mon, c'mon!" She muttered, completely into the game. She didn't even notice Yamamoto.

"Boo." He whispered in her ear.

"Gyaaaaa!!!" She shrieked, throwing her phone up into the air. "Ah! Oof!" She caught the phone just in time. "Yamamoto Takeshi! What the fudge?!" She yelled, checking the phone. "Damn, I lost." She muttered.

"Sorry." Yamamoto laughed. "It just seemed fun to prank you."

"Grrrr...." Hinata scowled at him, punching his arm. "I'll get even with you someday, you'll see." She said, putting her phone aside. "So, what's up?" She asked. "And if you dare to tell me that you snuck into my room just to scare me out of my wits, make me lose my chance at topping my high score and almost break my phone on the hard floor," she looked at him. "I will beat you into a pulp." She said sweetly.

"Haha....ok, I did come here to talk to you about something." Yamamoto said.

"About what? My mad gaming skills?" Hinata asked jokingly.

"Nope." He said. "It's got something to do with your past."

"Shoot away." She said, braiding her hair.

"How did you get out of that mess, and end up separated from Hibari?" He asked.

She took a deep breath.


[flashback to ten years ago]

Hinata sat with her brother in the room. They were all alone in the room, and most of the guards were busy with preparations to move them to the new house. The other kids had already gone, so it was just them left. Hinata's stomach grumbled loudly, and she'd wished she could have gotten more breakfast...

A full fifteen minutes had passed, and still no guards. Hibari got up, walking over to the window cautiously. "Onii-san?" Hinata asked. Hibari placed a finger to his lips, signalling her to be quiet. He peeked out of the dirty window. Not a guard was in sight. "Come on." He said, grabbing Hinata's hand. "Lets go."

"Go where?"

"We're getting out of here." He pushed the door open slowly so not a single creak was heard. Pulling Hinata along, Hibari walked along the hallway quickly, often stopping to check for guards. They hadn't run into any of them yet, so he walked quickly. They snuck downstairs, to the back door of the house. There weren't any guards outside, so he pushed the door open and walked out, Hinata following him.

A shout was heard from inside. Hibari pulled her arm, running as fast as he could. "Come on, Hinata. We're almost there." He said as they ran. Hinata was panting, struggling to keep up. A house could be spotted in the distance, a village!

They ran to the house, and Hibari pounded his fist on the door. The door opened, and a woman looked down at them in shock. "My goodness! What-" she said, staring at them.

"Help us. Please."

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