Seventeen- the battle of the rain ring

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Yamamoto,Tsuna and Basil walked into namimori high. "Yamamoto... What are you planning on doing?" Tsuna asked.

"Dad said there's no way to transcend style..." He said thoughtfully. "Hmm. Looks like no one's here yet."

"Hey! So you didn't run away, katana brat!" A loud voice shouted from on top of the building. "I'll make fish kebab out of you!"

"Superbi Squalo!" Basil exclaimed

"I won't let you, Squalo." Yamamoto said, drawing his katana. "I'm going to take you down with this katana."

"In other words, you're not going to transcend style?" Tsuna asked.

"If dad says its invincible,then why shouldn't it be?" Yamamoto grinned.

"Invincible?" Squalo snorted. "Idiots who call themselves invincible- I've already buried countless hundreds of them!" He shouted.

"I won't lose to you." He said, his hand on the pendant on his neck. "I made a promise, after all." He smirked.

The Cervello appeared. "This evening's battle will be the school's building B." she said. "Pease make your way over there now." They disappeared, Squalo with them.

"Sorry we're late!" Ryohei called, walking over. I brought this guy with me." He said. Gokudera followed him, bandages covering his injuries.

"Go-Gokudera?!" Tsuna exclaimed. "Are your wounds alright?!"

"Apparently, he's supposed to be resting quietly, but he wanted to come, so I helped him out." Ryohei said.

"I wasn't going to go down without knowing how the match went." Gokudera said.

"You're such a worrywart." Yamamoto said.

"You're the one that's too carefree!" He shouted back. "Well, lets go!"


"H-huh?!" Tsuna stared at the building. "The windows have been sealed?!" He exclaimed. "The entrance too?!"

"Looks like we enter through here." Reborn said, pointing at a door. They walked in. "What the?!" Tsuna looked around. "It doesn't even look like the original school building at all!" Water poured down through large holes in the ceiling, flooding the area.

"This is the battlefield for the battle of the rain ring." The Cervello said, "Aquarion. It's special features consist of the three dimensional structure and the large amount of water cascading through an enclosed space."

"The water flowing from the tank on the top floor will deepen from the first floor upward,so long as the battle continues. The water level will also continue to rise." She continued. "Furthermore,when the water level reaches a predetermined height," she said. "A ferocious sea beast will be released into the arena."

"The audience area will be outside the school building." She said. "Let the battle begin."


Hinata sat on her bed, clutching her pendant. It was past the time for his fight now. She looked outside the window, at the direction of the school. "He'll come back." She told herself. "He'll win."

The door opened. Hinata looked up in surprise. "Kyoya?" She asked. "What are you doing here?"

"I could ask you the same thing." He said. "You want to watch his win,don't you?"

She looked away. "I..." She shook her head. "I can't."

He sighed. "Last chance, Hinata." He said. "You want to see him win, don't you?"

She hesitated. "I..I do,but..."

"Then it's settled." He said, pulling her arm.

"Wait, where-?"

"Where else?" He replied. "We're going to namimori high."

A few minutes later, they reached the school. Hibari took his sister's hand, bringing her to the building. Tsuna and the others were standing outside the building, watching the fight on the screen. "Tsuna!" She shouted.

He looked at her, surprised. "Hinata-chan?! What are you doing here?" He asked. "Ee! H-Hibari-san!" He stammered.

She stood in front of the screen, watching. "Takeshi!" She gasped. He was heavily injured, and one of his eyes was wounded as well. But still, he stood, a determined look in his eye. "Shigure Souen style, ninth form." He said. Hinata was confused. Ninth? Weren't there only eight forms

"Ni-ninth?" Tsuna said.

"That Yamamoto, intends to unleash a new form of his own." Reborn said. Hinata widened her eyes in alarm. "What? But-" she stared at the screen, biting her lip.

"The Shigure Souen style is indeed completely flawless and utterly invincible!" He said, changing his stance.

"That stance..." Hinata stared.

"What the hell is that ridiculous stance?" Squalo asked. "Are you planning to play baseball?!"

"Unfortunately, I'm not that good at anything other than baseball." He admitted.

"He plans to end it with this strike." Reborn said.

"But- that bamboo sword!" Tsuna said. "If it's not the Shigure Souen style,then it's no use, isn't it?"

"That's why Yamamoto's father is having him use it." He said. "If he can't get the sword to transform, then Yamamoto isn't worthy of becoming successor to the ultimate sword style."

"Taking that sort of risk now?!" Hinata said. "Is he crazy?!"

"Squalo is moving!" Basil shouted.

"Hoi, don't freeze up on me, brat!! Experience the true power of my sword!" He shouted, slashing at the water. The water rose up, parting for him. He ran fast,towards Yamamoto. "Die!!!" He shouted.

Yamamoto looked at him, a look of determination in his eye. "Lets go."

Just as Squalo's sword was about to run through Yamamoto, he vanished. "Shigure Souen, ninth offensive form." Yamamoto said.

"Not so fast!" Squalo shouted, changing direction. His reaction speed was remarkably fast, and he attacked Yamamoto. Yamamoto leapt back, avoiding the full on attack. "This is the end!!" Squalo shouted, launching himself at him.

Suddenly, Yamamoto appeared behind him, sword raised. Squalo grunted, and revealed his artificial hand. It turned, and the sword pointed backwards, stabbing through Yamamoto.

Hinata choked back a scream as she stared at the image on the screen in horror. Takeshi!! But..she squinted. Why wasn't there any blood?

The wave of water crashed over Squalo's head.

"An illusion projected onto the surface of the water." Reborn said.

With the water gone,the real Yamamoto was revealed as he leapt up, sword raised. "Mirroring rain." He said, chopping down. Squalo tumbled, falling over.

"I win." He said, grinning as he put the two halves of the ring together.

"That guy.." Gokudera muttered.

"Yamamoto, you did it!" Tsuna cheered.

Hinata smiled brightly,her hand on her pendant. "Congrats, Takeshi." She whispered.

A loud laugh from Xanxus shocked everyone. "How pathetic! He lost! That trash!" He laughed. "He's outlived his usefulness."

"Boss, there's no need for you to do it yourself." Levi said. "Should I take care of it?"

"Please wait a moment." The Cervello said. It is dangerous to enter the Aquarion at the moment." She said. "The designated water depth has been reached, and the ferocious sea beast has been released."

A gate opened underwater, and a large shark swam out.

"Hold...wait a second." Yamamoto said. "What'll happen to Squalo?"

As the one who was defeated, Squalo's survival is no longer our concern." The Cervello said coolly.

"Wha-!" Ryohei exclaimed.

"I thought it would be something like that." Yamamoto said. He bent down, hefting Squalo to his feet, helping him up. "Yo."

"Takeshi?!" Hinata said.

"You-are you an idiot?!" Gokudera shouted.

"It's only normal to rescue someone in this situation,right?" Yamamoto smirked.

"Don't say that kind of things!" Gokudera shouted.

"To try to move carrying him in your condition is impossible!" Tsuna shouted.

"huh?" He looked down at one of the holes. A shark's fin could be seen in the water.

"Because of the scent of blood, the shark is closing in!" Ryohei shouted. "Get outta there!"

"Takeshi, hurry!" Hinata yelled.

"Haha, how scary." Yamamoto said. "But it can't reach us yet."

The shark rammed into one of the pillars, and the floor under Yamamoto started to crumble. "TAKESHI!!" Hinata screamed. They were now within the shark's range. "Crap." Yamamoto muttered.

"Hoi. Put me down." Squalo said. "You're tainting my honour as a swordsman." He said. "I recognise that pendant now. It belonged to that girl, didn't it?" He smirked. "Nice choice."


"You're too noisy!" He shouted, kicking Yamamoto in the chest, sending him flying far away from the water. "Brat...your sword skills aren't bad." He said. "Next, you should get rid of that naiveness of yours."

The enormous shark opened its jaws wide,and Squalo was gone, just like that.

Xanxus burst out laughing. "In the end, he became fish food!" He shouted, still laughing. "That complete piece of trash!"

Yamamoto grit his teeth, clenching the handle of his katana. "Damn it." He muttered angrily.

"The hell was that.." Gokudera muttered.

"The victory in the scramble battle for the ring of rain goes to Yamamoto Takeshi. Then, we'll announce the match-up for the next battle." The Cervello said. "Tomorrow night's battle will be the battle between the guardians of the mist."


Yamamoto walked out of the building slowly. Hinata ran to him, hugging him. He looked surprised, but didn't fight her. "I'm glad you're alive." She whispered.

"Hm. I thought you said you weren't coming?" He asked.

"Kyoya convinced me." She said, letting go. "How are your wounds?"

"I've been better." He said.

Dino came up, with Romario. "Romario will treat your wounds." He said, noticing the pendant around Yamamoto's neck. Romario took charge of Yamamoto,leading him away.

"So..." He turned to Hinata. "Is it official?" He asked.

She blushed. "Not exactly..." She mumbled.

"Huh. Good luck to you both." He winked. She smiled.

Hinata turned to Tsuna. "So. Who's the mist guardian?" She asked.

"I have no idea." Tsuna said.

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