Forty one- winter colds

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This is a short chapter, facing slight writers block at the moment. Don't plan on writing the rainbow arc.


Hinata sneezed loudly. "Gawd, I hate having a cold..." She murmured, wrapping her blanket around her tightly. "So cold...." She shivered, glancing out her window. It was December, almost Christmas. And December meant winter.

Winter meant SNOW.

And the cold was the one thing she could not stand. She sneezed again, louder than before. She muttered a curse, sniffing. Yamamoto walked into the room, a box of tissues in his hand. "That was loud." He said, handing the box to her.

"'Fanks." She said, blowing her nose. "You shouldn't stay in here, you'll catch my cold too." She said, tossing the tissue into the already overflowing bin. (Yes, her cold is THAT bad.) She lay back down on the bed, wrapped up in the blanket. She glanced at him. "Are you going outside?" She asked. Yamamoto was wearing a thick jacket over his sweater.

"Yeah. I'm meeting up with Tsuna and the others." He said.

"Have fun." She smiled, sniffing. "See you."

"Try not to get worse while I'm gone, kay?" He said, leaving. "My dad's outside if you need him."

"I'll be fine. Bye." She sneezed as the door closed. "Ugh...I hate winter season..." She muttered. It was the same each and every year, during the winter season, she would always fall sick with a nasty cold, which usually lasted a couple of weeks. She blew her nose again. "Another thirteen days to go...." She groaned. "Stupid cold."

Her phone rang as she sneezed again. She shuffled over, picking it up. "Huh?" She said wearily into the phone before sneezing again.

There was the sound of a sigh over the phone. "As I expected." Hibari said. "Another winter, another cold."

"Not like I can help it, Kyoya." She sniffed. "What's up-" she sneezed.

"Did you even have medicine yet?" He asked.

"What do you think?"


"You know me so well." Hinata said dryly.

"I'm coming over." He said. "You better not try to escape." He hung up.

Hinata stared at the phone. Escape...? Why would she- her eyes widened. "Oh crap." She said. "He's bringing that along." She leapt out of bed. "Gyaaaa! It's cold!" She exclaimed, snatching up her dropped blanket. She walked over to the door. "Must escape!"

She'd made it out to the back door when it opened, and he stood in the doorway. "Running already?" He asked. Hinata looked at her brother, gulping at the sight of the packet in his hand, cursing silently for not being faster. "Come on." He said, grabbing her arm and pulling her back into the house.

"Time for your medicine." He smirked evilly.

"Noooooo~~" Hinata wailed, struggling to get free. "I don't wanna-" she sneezed even louder than ever. Once, twice. "Come on." He said. Hinata made a sad puppy face at him. "No escape." He said, pulling her to her room.

Once inside, he made her sit on the bed. "Stay. Or I'll bite you to death." He threatened, going back out to the kitchen. He came back a moment later, a cup of water in his hand. Hinata wrinkled her nose as he opened the packet, pouring its contents into the cup. He handed it to her. "Drink."

Hinata stared at it, pulling a face. "Do I have to?" She asked.

"Not unless you want to keep sneezing for the rest of the month." He said.

She sighed. "Damn." She took the cup reluctantly, sniffing delicately. "Gawd, it smells even worse than I remember." She muttered.

"Just drink it already." Hibari said.

She glared at him. "Fine." She took a deep breath, then gulped it all down in one go. "Bleagh!!!" She said, pulling a face. "Tastes a million times worse too!"

Hibari took the cup, leaving the room, ignoring her as she continued to complain about the taste of the medicine. He looked at her. "Are you done complaining yet?" He asked.


"It still works, I see." He said. "You haven't sneezed once in the past...ten minutes."

Hinata blinked. It was true, she hadn't sneezed, or even felt like it. "I guess it does have its good points too...." She admitted reluctantly. "But that still does not change the fact that it is, by far, the worse tasting medicine ever!!"

"Hmph." He looked at the direction of the shop. "I'm hungry."

Hinata sweatdropped. He wasn't even listening.... "I want lunch." He said. She narrowed her eyes at him. "Fine..." She muttered, walking into the shop. "Yamamoto-san!" She called.

"?! Hinata?! You should be in bed!" He exclaimed.

"Haha...I'm better now. brother is here..."

"Oh, yeah. I know." He nodded towards two dishes in the kitchen. "That's for both of you." He said.

"Thanks,Yamamoto-san." She smiled, getting the dishes. "Kyoya-" she sneezed. "Darn. Just when I thought it was all over too..." She muttered.

"Don't blow your snot over my food." He said.

She stuck her tongue out at him, eating her food. "Ne, Kyoya." She said. "Would you really have thrown that ring into the ocean?"

"I might. Depends. Hinata." Hibari said. She looked at him. He reached over, taking a piece of sushi. "Mine." He said, swallowing it. She sighed, continuing to eat. "You've still got medicine to take later." He said, a smirk on his face.

She gulped.

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