Fifty seven - Dino and Kirika's date (part two)

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Kirika walked with Dino along the crowded streets of the shopping district. They'd decided to leave the cafe, since there seemed to be quite a noisy commotion outside. "I wonder why there was such a ruckus outside." She wondered out loud.

Dino shrugged. "Who knows?" He said. "So, where now?"

"Hmm... I know this ice cream place nearby. It sells your favourite flavour too." She said.

"You actually remember what's my favourite flavour?" Dino asked in surprise.

"No, not really. It's just that they sell so many flavours there I'm pretty sure that they've got yours too." She said. "Just a guess, is it chocolate?"


"Huh. Strawberry?"

"Again, no." They turned a corner, and she pulled him into the shop. He walked over to the counter. "One vanilla ice cream for me, and one mint chocolate chip for her." He ordered before she could say anything.

Kirika looked at him. "You actually remember?" She asked in amazement.

He grinned, paying for the ice creams. "Of course I did." He said, giving it to her. "I'm hurt that you don't remember mine." He pretended to be hurt.

She laughed. "Next time, I'll try." She said. "I still think it's a plain flavour though."

He laughed, eating his ice cream as he recalled the day they first met.


(Flashback to a year ago)

Dino sat in his car looking out the window. He was back in Italy, after the business involving the Varia had been dealt with. "Boss, we're here." Romario said, holding the door open for him. He climbed out of the car, looking at his home.

"Welcome back, boss!" His subordinates greeted him.

He smiled. "Thanks, it feels good to be back!" He said.

"Umm, boss, before you go inside, there's something that you need to know first." Ivan said nervously. Dino looked at him, a million possible scenarios in his mind. He did a quick look over the outside of the house, looking for anything ranging from hairline cracks in the wall to blown off roof tiles. Nothing could be seen, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Well, what is it then?" He asked. "There isn't a bomb in the house, is there?"

"Not yet..." Ivan muttered. "You have a guest."

"Oh. Okaaayyy.....should I be on my guard?" Dino asked.

"Professionally, I would say no. Personally.....I would have to say yes." He said in a low voice. "She's quite dangerous."

"She?" Dino raised an eyebrow. Ivan nodded, opening the door. He took a quick look inside,when no one was in sight, he breathed a sigh of relief and let Dino in.

"Honestly. Is there really such a need to be so cautious of me, Ivan?" A girl's voice called down. Dino looked up. A girl with long red hair sat on the top of the stairs railing, looking down at them. She didnt seem the slightest bit concerned nor bothered by the fact that she might fall or injure herself from that height. She held something like a staff in her hand. Her eyes looked at them, narrowing at Ivan for a moment, causing him to gulp nervously. She looked at Dino.

"You must be Dino Cavallone." She said. "Nice of you to finally show up in your own house."

"She's been here for a couple of days..." Ivan murmured.

"I see. I'm sorry for making you wait for me, I was not informed on your arrival, and I didn't even know that you'd be coming, mademoiselle." Dino said.

"I am aware of that." She said. "I just thought I'd come and see your house before meeting you in person, see how the house of the head of the Cavallone family looks like."

"She went through pretty much every room in the house...." Ivan muttered.

"Ivan, I can hear you perfectly well." She said. "Would you like another duel?" He shuddered, shaking his head.

"Um, I'm sorry, but I do not believe we have met before. You are-?" Dino asked.

She leapt off the railing, landing lightly on her feet. She flipped her hair back, walking towards him. He was impressed. She had just landed on her feet flawlessly, after jumping from the second floor.

She stopped in front of him. He could see now that her eyes were a shade of blue green. She couldn't be any older than Tsuna, he noted. Yet she was involved with the mafia. "Pleasure to meet you." She smiled. "Call me Scarlette."

(Back to present)

"Dino!" Kirika yelled in his ear. He jumped, almost dropping his ice cream. He looked at her. "You seemed to have zoned out." She said. "Just checking."

"You didn't have to yell...." He muttered, his ears still ringing. "So, where should we go next?" He asked.

"Lets go to the park." She suggested.


Meanwhile....Tsuna and the others were resting in the park, having given up on their search for the couple. They were sitting on top of a slope, looking down at the people passing by.

Gokudera sighed. "I can't believe they escaped." He said. Hinata nodded in agreement.

"We are not giving up yet! CONTINUE SEARCH FOR THE COUPLE!!! TO THE EXTREME!!" Ryohei shouted, attracting attention from several puzzled passerbys. Gokudera grabbed his shoulder before he could sprint away on a mad search for the couple. "Calm down, turf head!" He growled.

"Give it up already, Ryohei." Hinata groaned. "We're never going to be able to find them. I mean, come on! They could be anywhere in namimori by now!"

"Um...Hinata-chan?" Tsuna called.

"No, don't interrupt me. For all we know, they could be right under our noses and we wouldn't even realise it!" She complained.



Tsuna pointed to the couple sitting on a bench below the slope, not too far away from them. They had their backs to them, but it was obviously the couple in question. "Oh." She said. "Well, what do you know. They are right under our noses."

"THERE THEY A-" Hinata and Gokudera both tackled Ryohei to the ground, gagging him before he could reveal their location to the oblivious couple.

"Geez, shut up, turf head!!" Gokudera hissed. "You'll scare them off!"

Hinata looked at him. "'Scare them off?' They're not animals."

Gokudera rolled his eyes. "You know what I mean." He said.

"Ok, yes, I do know." She said. "So, Ryohei, please, please be quiet. If they get away again, we might never find them again."

Ryohei nodded and they crept closer to listen.


Kirika finished off her cone and looked over at Dino. She laughed. He looked at her. "What?" He asked, confused.

"You've got ice cream on your cheek." She laughed.

"Really? Where?" He asked, trying to wipe it off, making her laugh even more.

"Stop moving, you're smudging it." She laughed, taking out a tissue. She reached over and wiped it off for him. "There." She said. She looked up into his eyes. "Um...why are you looking at me like that?" She asked.

He didn't say anything, then leaned forward and kissed her on the lips.


Muahahahahahaha~~~ a little bit of Kirika x Dino for you readers!! Hope you enjoy :D

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