Thirty five- preparing for the last battle.

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Hinata groaned, sitting up. "God, my head hurts..." She tried to reach her hand out. "Eh?" She opened an eye. Her hands were tied together. "Wh-" it all came back to her. "Oh, FUDGE." She cursed. She looked around the room. It looked like a hotel room. She got up, walked over to the door. "Hey. Is anyone out there?" She called. No answer. "Huh." She looked for her belt. It wasn't there. She felt for her pendant.


She went over to the door. Locked. As expected. She kicked it hard. It flew open. "Hinata-chan~ you're awake!" Byakuran said, sitting on the sofa.

"Where is my pendant?" She asked.

He looked at her and chortled. "All in good time, Hinata-chan." He said. "Want a marshmallow?"

"Don't bullshit me, Byakuran." She glared at him.

"Tsk,tsk. Manners, Hinata-chan." He chided. "You're a lady,after all."

"The pendant. Byakuran." She said.

"Hmm. Do you think that you're in the position to make demands like that, Hinata-chan?" He asked. "Look at your hands, for example. And your weapons..." He held up a hand. He held her belt of weapons.

Hinata grit her teeth. She hated to admit it, but he was right. "What do you want from me?" She asked.

"Don't you already know, Hinata-chan?" Byakuran smirked.

"I do know." She said. "But you're pretty damn stubborn, since you should already know my answer." She looked at him. "My future self's answer and mine are the same."

"Hinata-chan, is there nothing I can do to change your mind?"

"Nothing at all, Byakuran." She replied. "You could kill me, but I still wouldn't change my answer."

He laughed. "Kill you?" He said. "Oh, my dear Hinata-chan. What on earth makes you think that I would do such a thing?"

"Gee, I dunno." She said in a sarcastic tone. "No clue whatsoever. Hmm, maybe because you already killed me in the future?!" She shouted at him.

"So, you do know about that little incident." Byakuran said. "But Tsunayoshii-kun seems clueless. And your boyfriend and your brother too..." He smirked. "So is it safe for me to assume that you didn't tell them?"

"Assume what you want. I don't give a damn what you think."

He sighed. "Your attitude was like this even ten years ago..." He said. "Well, I'll be sure to let them know about that, before I kill them. And you're going to help me."

Hinata glared angrily at him. "Like hell." She spat. "I'd never help you with anything. Unless, of course, you needed help killing yourself. I'd gladly push you off the cliff myself."

He chuckled. "Like I'd die that easily." He said. "You will help me to defeat your friends, Hinata-chan. And I'll make sure that you are aware of all of it." He leaned closer. "You'll kill them yourself, with your powers."


Meanwhile, in the forest...

"Damn it!" Gokudera cursed.

"Gokudera-kun, please stop moving about like that!" Haru said. "You'll reopen your wounds!"

"Like I give a fuck!" He shouted. "Tenth, let me go after that bastard!"

Tsuna was silent. Haru glanced at him. "Tsuna-san?" She called. "Are you ok?"

"No...argh!" He cried out in frustration. "This is my fault!" He sighed. "What if...what if something happens to her?" He said.

"Tsuna." Lal Mirch said. "Don't worry. Byakuran would never hurt her. Not when she has that thing that he wants." Uni nodded from next to her.

"'That thing'?" Tsuna asked. "What is this 'thing' that you all keep talking about?"

"It is something that Hinata has, and only she can use it." Lal mirch said. "I can't tell you anything else about it."

"Why not?" Gokudera asked.

"Because it was Hinata's wish. She didn't want us to tell you."

"What?!" Gokudera shouted.

"She wanted to tell you herself." She said. "And anyway. She already showed you her power."

"What?! When?" Tsuna asked. Uni and Lal mirch both kept silent. "Please, tell me." He pleaded.

"We must respect her wishes." Uni said firmly. "But...I'll be seeing it soon."

"What do you mean?"

"Byakuran is very hasty right now. He wants to extract the true power of the trinisette and make it his own. I don't know what Byakuran intends to do right now, but... There's no mistaking the fact that he'll do anything in order to capture me." Uni said. "And...there is one more thing that I must tell you all." She paused. "I will no longer run."

"Eh?! You can't give up!" Tsuna said.

"It's not that I'm giving up." Uni said. "It's the one thing that I have known for certain, since long ago. That this place would serve as the battle field for the final fight with Byakuran... That come tomorrow, dawn would signify the start of a battle, that will end all"

"A battle...that will end all?" Tsuna asked.

"Yes." Uni said. "Byakuran feels the pressure. He is gambling everything on this last battle."

"Um...when the fight is over...will we be able to return to our world again?" Haru asked.

"If we defeat the Byakuran in this world, then the Byakuran in each parallel world will disappear as well." Uni said. "You will be able to return to a peaceful past, completely free of fear." She smiled.


Hinata sat in the room, her back to the wall. How many hours had it been since she'd been brought here? She sighed. "What I wouldn't do for a watch...." She muttered. She got up, and walked over to the door. There was the sounds of Byakuran talking to the real six funeral wreaths.

Or, more specifically, Bluebell.

"I don't understand why we have to keep her!" She said. "Why can't we just kill her, like her future self?"

She could hear Byakuran chuckling. "Bluebell. If we kill her, then it would be very complicated. And I have no use for a dead body." He said. "Once I get what I want... Then maybe."

Hinata swallowed. "What else do you want from her? You've already got that rotten pendant, what more could she possibly have?" Bluebell argued.

"She has the power to use it." Byakuran said. "This girl has something that I've never found in any of the other worlds. Which is why I want it for myself."

"Like I'd ever give it to you." Hinata murmured.

Byakuran laughed. "I heard that, Hinata-chan." He said. "You can come out now."

Hinata opened the door. Bluebell glared at her. "She's ugly." She said.

"Better than you, washboard." Hinata retorted. Bluebell's eyes blazed in anger.

Byakuran laughed. "It's better not to make Bluebell angry, Hinata-chan." He said. "She's very capable of killing you."

"Well, I guess that saves you a lot of trouble." She said. "I'm not going to help you."

"You'll change your mind." He said simply.

"No. I WON'T." she said. "So you can shove any of your plans involving me using that pendant to help you up your ass."

"Feisty." Byakuran said. "You always had a smart tongue." He got up. "Tomorrow, you'll join us, and you'll help us destroy the vongole."

"As I said before, I will gladly say it again. LIKE HELL." she said.

Byakuran chuckled. "Kikyou. Grab her." He said. Arms wrapped around her, pinning her arms back. There was something in Byakuran's hand. "Why don't you have a drink, Hinata-chan?"

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