Fifty one- injuries and Dino.

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In the long hallway, there was nothing but the sound of panting. Kirika gripped onto her staff, her eyes on Orchid. "Tired already- Shadow?" She panted. There were a few cuts on her arms, one on her forehead.

Orchid glared at her. "No way." She spat.

"Good." Kirika smirked. "But this is getting boring."

"True..." Orchid said. "So how about this one last strike, to end the battle?"

"Bring it on." They ran at each other. Kirika was aiming to knock out, but she knew for a fact that Orchid was aiming to kill. "I won't let you win." She snarled, slamming her staff forward.


Hibari Kyoya walked into the school grounds, looking at the injured Gokudera. "Hmph." He went over to him, and kicked him over onto his back. Gokudera groaned, opening his eyes. "Sleeping on the school grounds is forbidden." Kyoya said. "You'd better clean up the mess later."

Gokudera scowled, sitting up slowly. "Jeez..." He winced. "That stupid bitch." He muttered, looking at the gash on his shoulder. "Gokudera-kun!!" Tsuna shouted, running over, followed by Yamamoto and Hinata.


"Are you ok?" Tsuna asked.

"I'm fine!" Gokudera forced a grin onto his face. Hinata knelt down, looking at the wound. "You need to get to a hospital." She said, worried.

"I said I'm fine!" He said, struggling to stand up. He stumbled, and Yamamoto caught his arm. "You can barely stand straight." He said. "And where's Kirika?"

Gokudera's eyes widened. "That woman-!" He turned to the direction of the school. "She should still be inside.."

Kyoya walked past them, and into the school. "I want to bite that person to death." He said simply. "It's forbidden to attack a student on school grounds."


Kyoya walked into the hallway, and surveyed the scene before him. Orchid fell over, knocked out. There was an injury on her head, which was clearly the cause of her blackout. "Hey. Herbivore." He said, looking at Kirika.

"Don't bleed out on the school floor."

She took in a shaky breath, turning to look at him. "I don't plan on dying so soon." She said, a hand on the wound. There was a deep gash in her side. She swayed unsteadily, falling over. Kyoya caught her shoulder, stopping her. "Thanks." She whispered. Then she blacked out.


Later, in the hospital. Kirika's condition had been stabilised, and was still unconscious. Gokudera had also been given medical treatment. Touya had escaped while Kirika was fighting with Orchid, and now Kyoya was hunting for him. Yamamoto had gone home, so now it was just Tsuna and Hinata at the hospital.

Hinata looked up at the sound of running footsteps. "Where is Sumire?!" He asked, followed by Romario.

"D-Dino-san?!" Tsuna exclaimed. "When did you-"

"I called him." Reborn said. "You sure came here fast."

"Where is she?" He asked again. Hinata pointed to the room door. He walked past them, going inside the room. "He sure seems worried." Hinata noted. Romario nodded. "He practically leapt out of the car as we pulled in." He said. "He does care for Kirika-san, even if he won't admit it."

"I didn't know he knew her..." Tsuna said.

"She lived with us for a few months, for an assignment." Romario said. "As soon as the assignment was over, she flew to Japan." He sighed. "They just had to get into a huge fight at the last day...."


Dino sat by Kirika's bed, staring at her face. "Geez, you idiot..." He muttered. "Getting yourself banged up like this." He sighed. She stirred slightly, surprising him. "Shut up, Dino." She murmured. "I'm trying to sleep..."

"You were awake?!" He gaped.

She opened an eye to glare at him. "What are you doing here anyway?" She asked, closing it again. "I remember the last time I saw you was in Italy."

"Reborn called me." He said. "Something about the Estonia family. Then half an hour ago, he called about you. I came to check on you."

"Well, are you done checking yet?" She snapped. "If you are then get out." She didn't open her eyes, she didn't want to see his face. She didn't want to see it.

"Sumire." He said. "I'm sorry about that time." There was a sigh, and she heard him put something on the table. He walked outside, the door closing behind him. She opened her eyes. He had actually apologised..... She glanced at the table.

It was a piece of chocolate. She recognised it from the wrapper almost immediately. It was the same kind as the piece that he had taken from her last time. He'd actually remembered about it? She bit her lip, putting a hand over her eyes. She could still hear the hurt in his voice.

Why was it that everything she did always seemed to hurt him?


Dino walked out of the room, sighing. "She still hates me after all." He muttered, running his fingers through his hair. "Geez....."

"Dino." Reborn called. Dino looked at his former tutor. Reborn jumped up, punching him in the jaw. "Ow!" Dino yelped, rubbing his sore jaw. "Reborn! What was that for?!"

"Idiot. Stop thinking about those things." He said. "If you think one more thing about Kirika, I'll put a bullet through your skull." He smirked. "You are a mafia boss, and I expect you to act like one. You are here to help Tsuna and his family to deal with this threat, not to try and start some sort of romance."

Dino grimaced. "I wasn't trying to do anything of the sort..." He said. But what if she hated him forever?

"Hmph. You don't need to worry about those things." Reborn said. "Kirika doesn't hate you that much. Yet."

"Stop reading my mind!" Dino said. He really needed to start learning how to control his thoughts....

"Mm. Yes, you do." Reborn smirked.


Reborn chuckled. "Tsuna and the others are at Tsuna's house." He said. "Get a move on. The info that Kirika dug up is on her laptop. You should know her password, right?" He asked.

"....I don't think I do."

"Well,you'd better figure it out soon." Reborn said. "If you type in the wrong one, I can't guarantee that it will remain in one piece."

Dino gaped. "WHAT?!" He shouted. "You rigged her laptop??!"

Reborn shrugged. "You'd better start cracking."


Once Dino had gone off to Tsuna's house, Reborn walked into Kirika's room. "Did you hear everything?" He asked.

She glanced at him. "Did you really rig my laptop?" She asked.


She looked at him. "Huh." She looked back at the ceiling. "I guess it should be fine... Since its Dino." She murmured. "But, if it blows up, you'd better get me a new one." She said to Reborn. "And prepare for hell to be unleashed."

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