Seventy four- marry me (THE END)

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Kyoya sat in the backseat of the car, arms crossed as Kusakabe drove. The two cars drove alongside each other down the road to the beach. "Kyo-san, are you sure you are ok with this?" He asked.

"She's my sister." Kyoya said simply. His phone rang in his jacket pocket. "What?" He said into his phone, holding it away from his ear.

"HIBARI!!!" Ryohei's voice bellowed out of the phone. "WHY DIDN'T YOU JUST GET IN MY CAR?!?" Hibari ignored him, hanging up and tossing the phone aside.

"Um...Kyo-san..." Kusakabe said, glancing over at the other car. Kyoya looked over at the car. Ryohei had rolled the window down and was shouting from the other car. "Hmph." Kyoya looked away from Ryohei. "Ignore him." He said. "I'll be taking a nap."


Meanwhile, back at the house, Ryu started to cry as he woke up. Kirika groaned, pulling herself out of her seat. "Coming, I'm coming....." She yawned, walking over to the crib.

Hinata groaned, rubbing her eyes. "What time is it...." She glanced at the clock. "Wow. It's getting late." She said. "I think I'll go for a walk on the beach...." She twisted the doorknob. It didn't budge. "Eh?" She shook the doorknob. "It's jammed." She cursed, trying to open the door.

"What?!" Kirika went over and tried to open the door, to no avail. "You've gotta be kidding me." She muttered. She banged the door with her hand. "Hey!! Anyone out there?!" She yelled. No answer. "Geez....I didn't bring my phone in...." She looked at Hinata. "Got a phone?"

Hinata dug around in her pockets. "No...." She cursed. "Damnit! And at a time like this too...." She growled, kicking at the door.

Kirika glared at her. "Hey. No cursing around my kids." She said.

"This coming from the very girl who cursed her way through fights." Hinata muttered. "God, motherhood sure changed you."

"I don't want my kid's first words to be some kind of swear word." Kirika shuddered. "Not exactly something to brag about." She said, watching as Ryu crawled around the room, only to slip and fall flat on his face. He wailed loudly, waking up his sister. Alice let out a shriek from her crib, kicking one of her stuffed animals out of the crib and almost hitting Ryu on the head. She rolled over on her side, going back to sleep again, ignoring her brother's crying.

"Is it just me or do your kids act exactly the same as you and Dino?" Hinata asked. "Alice seems kind of violent...that's the third time she kicked something out of the crib whenever Ryu wakes her..."

Kirika grinned. "That's my girl." She said. "And that's Dino's boy." She sighed. "As clumsy as his father...." She muttered, cradling Ryu in her arms. "Speaking of Dino.... He'd better come back soon." She said. "The babies will get hungry soon."


An hour or so later.... Kyoya climbed out of the car as they reached the beach. He narrowed his eyes. "Where's the house?" He asked.

"It's up ahead." Yamamoto said, walking over to him.

He glanced at Yamamoto. "You. What did you call me here for?" He glanced at the small box in Yamamoto's hands, then looked back up at his face. "Herbivore...." He growled softly.

Yamamoto took a deep breath. "Hibari, I would like your permission to marry Hinata." He said finally.

Kyoya studied his expression carefully. He looked serious, he noted, ruling out the possibility that this was a joke. And there was that box.... "And if I say no?" He asked. "Would you give up on her?"

"Nope." Yamamoto said. "Never."

Kyoya looked at him. He'd brought his tonfas with him, maybe he could beat him out of this..... "Hmph." He took out his tonfas. Yamamoto gulped.

Surprisingly, he didn't hit him. He held the tonfa under his chin, looking him in the eye. "Hurt her even once and you're dead." He growled. Yamamoto blinked. "Are you saying you're giving your permission to do this?" He asked.

Kyoya glared at him. "Do you want it or not?" He snapped, walking in the direction of the beach house.

Yamamoto stared after him, looking surprised. Kusakabe clapped his shoulder. "Congratulations, Yamamoto-san." He said. "You received Kyo-san's blessing." Yamamoto blinked.

"Now I just hope she actually says yes...."


Hinata sighed in content as she walked along the beach. She glanced over at Yamamoto, who was holding her hand, then back out at the sea. She smiled to herself. "The sunset is so pretty...." She murmured.

"Yeah..." Yamamoto smiled.

"Ne, Takeshi," Hinata looked at Yamamoto. "What was that job that Reborn called you guys to do today?" She asked. "And, did Kyoya get here? I thought he was overseas...?"

"He's here to make sure I don't back out of this at the last moment." Takeshi said.

Hinata looked at him, confused. "Back out of what?" She asked.

He took a deep breath, reaching into his pocket. "Hinata-" he started. "I hope this isn't too sudden....but...." He knelt down on one knee. Hinata blinked in surprise as he produced a small velvet box. Hinata's breath caught in her throat as she stared at the ring in the box.

"Will you marry me?" He asked finally.

"I....." She swallowed. "Well...." She smiled. "Looks like Kirika will be getting a chance to be the maid of honour sooner than we thought." She laughed.


From the beach house, the others watched the proposal take place. "Well? Did he do it yet??" Kirika asked impatiently, Alice in her arms.

"He's asking her now." Tsuna said. Haru and Kyoko waited with baited breath as they waited for her answer. Gokudera was the first to react to her answer. "SHE SAID YES!!!!" He shouted, a grin on his face.

"WHOOOO, HE DID IT!!!" Ryohei bellowed. Everyone cheered happily.

"Hmph." Kyoya smirked on the sidelines, looking down at the couple.

"E-eh?! Hibari?!" Tsuna exclaimed. "When did you get here?!"

"Shut up, herbivore. You're being noisy." Kyoya said, glancing at the baby twins. Ryu looked at him curiously, while Alice smiled at him. "Hmph." He smiled slightly before turning back to the beach. The couple were walking back up to the beach house, obviously having heard the commotion.

He smiled.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~THE END~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

'Hibari's little sister' has come to an end! I can't think of any other ways to continue it...and it was getting really long, so....yeah. Hope you enjoyed my work! Might try writing KHR fanfics again someday....who knows?

THANKS FOR READING!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^_^

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