Fifty four - warehouse

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Hinata walked along the hallway, towards the vending machines. She picked her snacks and waited patiently. "Hibari Hinata?" Someone asked from behind her. A man's voice, one she didn't recognise.

"Sorry, but nope." She lied, walking away. He looked at her, a confused look on his face. A second man blocked her path. "Yes, this is the girl." He said. The other man scratched his head. "But she said she wasn't her." He said.

"Gee, you really are a thick one, aren't you?" Hinata muttered.

"Get her already!" He lunged at her. She sidestepped him quickly, and the other one tried to grab her. She slammed a fist into his face, then a kick to his gut. The one behind her attempted to grab her, but she sent a turning kick to his stomach, sending him flying into the wall.

"Huh." She scoffed. She heard more footsteps coming, and whirled around, ready to face the incoming threat. "Hinata-san!" She relaxed, and looked as one of Dino's subordinates appeared. "Hi!" She grinned. "So, what's up?" She looked at him. "You're Ivan, right?"

He nodded. "Boss told me to keep an eye on you." He said. "Are you ok?"

"Yup! Not a single scratch on me. Though I can't say they're fine." She pointed at the men. Her expression grew serious as she thought of something. "Kirika." She said, starting to run to the room.

"Kirika!" She yelled, barging in. Kirika looked up from her laptop, looking over her glasses. "What are you yelling for?" She asked. "I'm not here because I'm deaf." She glanced at Ivan. "Ivan? What're you doing here?" She asked, narrowing her eyes at him in a glare that meant 'if you lie, you're dead'. He gulped.

"Dino sent him." Hinata said quickly. Kirika didn't drop her gaze. "Huh." She muttered, looking back down finally. Ivan breathed a sigh of relief. "I'll be outside, then." He said, going back out quickly.

"Well...anything new?" Hinata asked.

"Nope." She said, a scowl on her face. "Not a single camera there for me to tap into." She cursed. "This is so unfair! We're the only ones who don't get to see what's going on inside there! Hand me a snack, would ya?" She asked, holding out a hand.

Hinata looked down at her hands, and realised that she'd accidentally left the snacks behind. "Err..." Kirika looked at her and sighed. "What happened outside?" She asked.


She gave her the look again. "You do realise that I could simply hack into the cameras in the hospital and find out myself, right?" She said. "But I'm really not in the mood. So talk."

Hinata sighed. "Fine. A couple of men outside tried to kidnap me."


"I knocked them out cold." She grinned. Kirika nodded. "Ok. Ask Ivan to go and get the snacks. You're not leaving this room either." She said.

"What?! Why not?"

"Are you deliberately trying to get yourself kidnapped? Because if you keep going out alone like that, you'll be a target. At least if you stay in here it makes it more difficult for them to track you down." Kirika said. "Plus, two is better than one."

"Kirika, you can barely move."

"Shut up." She muttered. "At least I've got a weapon."

"What weapon?"

"You'll see, later." She muttered, turning back to the laptop. "Now get me those snacks." Hinata sighed and walked outside. Kirika reached for her phone, and sent a message.


Dino looked at his phone, reading the message. It was from Kirika.

'Which idiot decided to send a couple of unarmed goons to kidnap Hinata? Relax, Hinata's fine. Ivan's here too. Try not to get yourself killed. See you later, Dino.'

He smiled slightly. Hinata was fine, which was good news. Yamamoto looked at him. "She's fine." He said. Yamamoto nodded, looking relieved. The others relaxed a bit at the news. Yamamoto glanced over at Touya, who was looking at his phone, an unhappy frown on his face.

"Is there something wrong, Touya?" Gerald asked.

Touya looked at him. "It escaped again." He said.

Gerald's expression darkened. He scowled at Touya. "Honestly. How difficult can it be, it's just a weak little girl!"

The door flew open, kicked open by none other than Kyoya, who wasn't in a good mood. "Just a weak little girl?" He said. "Don't insult my sister like that." He looked at Touya. "You and I haven't finished yet."

Touya sighed. "Stubborn child." He muttered.

"And who is this?" Gerald asked. "He seems to resemble you."

Kyoya glared at him. "Don't compare me to that bastard." He growled. "I think I'll bite you to death first."

"This would be Kyoya, my son." Touya said.

"Shut up, bastard." Kyoya said. "I've changed my mind." He brandished his tonfas. "You're first." He lunged. Touya took out his weapon, deflecting his quick attacks seamlessly.

"Great, they're at it again...." Gokudera muttered.

"They should be here soon." Reborn said. "I've already sent word beforehand."

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