Thirty seven-going back to the past

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The battle was over, finally over. The power of Tsuna's x burner had defeated Byakuran. There wasn't much of him left, just the mare ring. "Tsuna!" Hinata yelled, going over to him. He sagged forward. Yamamoto and Gokudera caught him. "Oi, are you ok?" Yamamoto asked.

"You did well, Tsuna." Reborn said.

"B-but... Gamma...and Uni..." Tsuna said. Hinata looked down. Uni and Gamma had sacrificed their lives to revive the arcobaleno. "It's not just Gamma and Uni....this battle has hurt so many people..."

Tsuna sat on the ground. "So many people were hurt in this battle....Yamamoto's dad, even the Hinata-chan of this era died!" He said. "We've won, but everything is so messed up. Was there any meaning behind this victory?"

"Tsuna...." Hinata looked at him.

"Of course there was, damnit!!" A loud voice echoed through the clearing. "You all did well, damnit!!"

"That voice!" Lal mirch exclaimed.

"Colonello!" Tsuna exclaimed.

The arcobaleno were finally revived.

"We all know the situation." Colonello said, holding the orange pacifier. "Uni communicated with us through the flames that went through our pacifiers."he said. "Uni also informed us of what influence Byakuran's defeat would have on the world. By Byakuran being defeated and the mare rings losing their power, all the damage in the parallel worlds caused by the mare rings would be erased from the past. In other words, all the evil deeds done by Byakuran, would disappear without a trace, damnit!"

"Eh?! Does that mean that...the people killed by the millefiore will come back?!"

"Their deaths will be erased too, I bet." Colonello said.

Hinata's eyes widened. "Then-" Yamamoto grinned. Hibari smiled slightly, ruffling Hinata's hair.

"So...we can go back to the past now?" Hinata asked.

"Th-that's right!" Tsuna said. "Lets go home to the past!"


Hinata was walking in the vongole base, one last time. "Kusakabe!" She called, running up to him. She noted the black eye and scrapes. "Did Kyoya give you a bad time?" She asked.

"Yeah.... Kyo-san was a bit...put off because I didn't tell him about...that." He said.

"I see..." She sighed. "Sorry to put you through it."

"It's no problem, Hinata-san." He smiled. "I'll miss having you around here. You're still the only one who can tease Kyo-san and get away with it." He joked.

Hinata laughed. "Goodbye, Kusakabe." She said, poking his hair lightly. "Good luck with Kyoya."

"Goodbye, Hinata-san." He said, watching as she left.


"Alright, is everyone here?" Irie called out. "It's almost time, but first- I want everyone to leave their vongole boxes here. Please remove them!" He glanced at Hinata. "Your box too, Hinata-san."

"Darn. I was hoping to sneak it back with me." She grinned cheekily. She opened her box. Kori stood in front of her. She knelt down, stroking it. "I'll miss you, Kori. Be a good girl, ok?" She said. She sighed, walking back over to Yamamoto.

"Ok, we're starting the time warp! The arcobaleno will return once they've finished sealing the mare ring of the past!" Irie shouted. "Now then, thank you." He said, looking at Tsuna. "For everything."

"Goodbye." Tsuna smiled.

"Time warp, start!" Irie pressed the button.


Hinata looked around her. "This is... My room?" She got up quickly, and ran out over to Yamamoto's room. "Takeshi!" She yelled, flinging the door open. Yamamoto sat on the bed, looking slightly dazed. "We're back in the past!" She cheered.

He smiled. "Great! Time for a rest." He said, laying down.

She sat down next to him on the bed, ruffling his hair. "It sure feels good to be back."

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