Twenty four- arrival in the future

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Yamamoto looked around him. He couldn't believe it. That he was now ten years in the future. If it wasn't for the fact that he had just been in that fight and that he was now standing inside the vongole base, he would easily have thought that this was nothing but a crazy dream.

But now....

And to think that Kyoko and Haru as well as the kids were here as well. He thought back to Hinata, and wondered if she had been transported here as well. He hoped not.

"Gather the guardians with the vongole rings, defeat Byakuran, eliminate the guy with the glasses in the photograph. Everything will return to as it was." That was what Gokudera's future self had said.

The guy with glasses....Irie Shoichi. That was what Lal Mirch, one of Reborn's acquaintances,had called him. He walked around the base, exploring.

"Yamamoto?" Future Bianchi called him. He turned to look at her. "Where are you going?" She asked.

"Oh,no where. I was just wondering...this is the future, right?" He said. "Where's Hinata?"

Bianchi froze. Future Fuuta walked up to them. "Oh? What's wrong?" He asked.

"I was just wondering where the future Hinata was."

Fuuta's expression changed. "I see." He said. Tsuna and Gokudera walked over. "Yeah, good point. Where is Hinata-chan?" Tsuna asked.

Bianchi sighed. "She's not here." She said. "Oh! Look at the time! Time for dinner." She said. "Come on, lets go."

Tsuna and the others went ahead. Fuuta glanced at Bianchi. "You haven't told them yet?" He asked.

"No...I'm worried how they'll react to the news...especially Yamamoto." Bianchi said. "Since we all knew about their relationship." She looked at him. "I hope they'll be ok."

"They'll be fine." Fuuta said.


Meanwhile, back in the present. Hinata sat on the roof of namimori high. Tsuna, Gokudera and Kyoko were no where to be seen either...and Ryohei was worried about them too. She sighed. Where could they have disappeared to?

Unfortunately, Kirika was still here....

She looked out. There was a slight rustle behind her. "What are you doing here?" Hibari asked.

"Relaxing." She said.

He sat down next to her. "Where's the herbivore?"

"He disappeared." She said. "I can't find him anywhere." She bit her lip. "Where could he have gone?" She wondered out loud.

He ruffled her hair. "He'll be fine." He said. "Stop worrying."


"Stop worrying." He said. "Get to class. You're late."

She sighed. "Fine." She said. "Where are you going?"

"Patrolling." He said simply. "Now get going. I'll look for you later, so don't do anything reckless." He looked at her seriously. "Got it?"

"Yes, Kyoya...." She muttered, leaving. "See you later."


Another three days passed, but still no sign of Yamamoto or the others anywhere. Even Haru had disappeared as well. Reborn and Lambo,even I-pin was gone! Hinata bit her lip worriedly as she walked along the road to the shop. Where could they be?? Yamamoto's father was getting worried too, but she'd told him that Yamamoto was staying over at a friend's for a while. She sighed. She hated needing to lie to him, but she hated seeing him so worried.

The other day, Ryohei had run all over namimori searching for them too. She'd gone with him, but not a trace of them was seen. And her brother had gotten pissed because he couldn't find her.

She put her earphones into her ears, not hearing the whistle as something flew at her. With a loud bang and a cloud of pink smoke, she disappeared, just like Yamamoto had.

When the smoke was gone,she opened her eyes. "Wh-what...what is this?" She whispered, sitting up. "Where...?" She looked around, scared. Why...why was she in the middle of a graveyard?

There was a sharp intake of breath behind her. She turned around. There was a tall woman standing there, with familiar red hair and blue green eyes. It looked like her, but...she seemed...older?

"K-Kirika?" She asked.

"You-you're...but..Hinata?!" She exclaimed. "How??" She paused. "Ah. I remember what that person said. You came from the past, it seems..." She muttered. "So it was true.."

"Wait. Wait, what are you talking about, Kirika?"

"No time to explain now." Kirika said. "We need to get you somewhere safe." She held out a hand to her. Hinata looked at her.

"Why are you helping me?" She asked bluntly.

"Because that person asked-no, ordered me to." She replied. "Come on." Hinata still didn't budge. Kirika sighed. "I'll take you to Tsuna." She said.

She looked up. "Tsuna's here?!"

Kirika nodded. "Yes. But we have to go now. Before he comes." She said, looking around worriedly. "You're lucky I was here instead of someone else." She said, helping her up. "Lets go."

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