Seventy two- a wedding (Dino x Kirika)

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(5 years later....)

"I can't believe I'm actually seriously doing this." Kirika muttered as Haru and Kyoko worked on her hair and makeup. "And I'm actually one hundred percent totally sober." She sighed.

"Kirika, you've said that for the last two hours." Hinata said. "Give it a break already. You're not backing out of this now."

Kirika groaned. "Damn it!!" She yelled.

"It almost sounds like you don't want to marry Dino." Kyoko said.

"It's not that, it's just.... Too damn early? No, not a good enough reason." She muttered. "What's the sentence I'm looking for...ah, yes." She turned to them. "I can't believe we're doing this in front of so many people, people from the mafia, whom I'd prefer to keep my identity a secret from!"

"Just admit it, you've got stage fright." Hinata said.

Kirika glared at her. "Ok, fine, that too." She muttered.

"You could've told Dino about that earlier." Haru said. "I'm sure he would understand."

"Problem is, he's a mafia family boss. And the fact that the next vongole boss, namely Tsuna, will be attending, makes it all that much more attractive to the other mafia families who want to get on his good side." Kirika sighed.

"You are an infamous hacker who can bring down a government if you want to. You fought with some of the best hitmen and hitwomen in the mafia. You'll survive a wedding." Hinata said firmly. "And you look great, by the way."

Kirika's red hair had been braided in a half up half down hairstyle, with a string of pearls weaves into the braid. A white veil was over her face. Her wedding dress was short in the front, and long at the back. The original design had included a train, but Kirika had talked her way out of it.

"Thanks. You guys look cute too." She smirked, looking at their bridesmaids dresses. The door opened, and Takeshi walked in, looking smart in a suit- and an undone tie. Hinata smiled, walking over to him. "You really need to learn how to fix a tie." She said, tying it for him.

He smiled. "Thanks, Hinata." He said. "Hey, Kirika. The weddings gonna start soon, so....."

"Ok,ok. I can do this." Kirika said, standing up. "Screw it, I need alcohol."


"If I'm going to get married, there is no way I'm going in completely sober." She said, downing a glass of wine. "Ok, now I'm good to go." She took the bouquet from Kyoko. "But if I fall down in front of everyone, someone please, shoot me."

"Chill, girl." Hinata said. "Your nervousness is infectious."

"I feel like I can scream right now...." Kirika muttered, walking out.


As the wedding was about to begin, Dino was standing by the altar. Behind the altar was a fountain. He looked around, wondering where Enzo had gone to. The tortoise had escaped him fifteen minutes ago, and he was starting to worry where the tortoise could've ended up.

If it ended up in water....

He was snapped out of his thoughts as the wedding march began to play. The best man, Tsuna, stood next to him. Yamamoto walked with Hinata first, followed by Gokudera and Haru.

And finally, the bride. She walked over to the altar, ignoring the stares and whispers from the guests. Finally, she reached the altar. "You look beautiful." Dino whispered to her.

"You look handsome too." She murmured.

The priest cleared his throat. "Dearly beloved, we are here today to witness the marriage of Dino Cavallone and Kirika Sumire." He said. "Now, Dino Cavallone, do you take Kirika Sumire, to be your wife, in sickness or in health, till death do you part?"

"I do." Dino said.

The priest nodded. "Next, do you, Kirika Sumire, take Dino to be your husband, in sickness or in health, till death do you part?"

"I do." Kirika said.

"Then I pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." Dino leaned down, kissing Kirika. She kissed him back, ignoring the cheers in the background.

A loud crashing noise interrupted them, and they turned to look.

A growing Enzo was emerging from the fountain, and Hinata was thankful that the wedding was in an open location... Everyone stared at the large tortoise. It roared loudly, walking towards them.

Kirika wrenched the veil off angrily, glaring at the tortoise. "Really? At a time like this?" She yelled. Dino gulped. She pulled out her staff, and stormed over to the tortoise.

"Should we stop her?" Haru whispered to Tsuna.

"I don't think you would be able to...." Tsuna muttered.

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