Fifty nine- it's a promise <3

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"Ow...." Tsuna groaned, rubbing the bump on his head. "She sure can hit hard..."

"Tenth, are you sure you don't need to go to the hospital?!" Gokudera asked, all worried about his precious tenth. Tsuna looked at him. He was covered in various scrapes and bruises.

"Hey, tako head, are you sure YOU don't need to see a doctor?" Hinata asked, rubbing the bruise on her arm.

"She's right, Gokudera-kun." Tsuna said. "Are you sure you're ok?"

"Me? Don't worry about me, tenth! This sort of light injury is nothing!" He grinned.

"Is that so...." Kirika glanced at him. "Well then, shall I give you a more serious injury, Bakadera?" She asked in a threatening tone as she cracked her knuckles menacingly.

Gokudera gulped, moving farther away from her. Hinata looked at Yamamoto. "Are you ok?" She asked, looking at the bump on his head.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Nothing to worry about." He smiled at her.

"You still deserve a heavier punishment, in my opinion." Kirika muttered, her staff over her shoulder. "How about another round?"

Hinata laughed weakly. "No thanks...." She said.

"Hmph." Kirika kept the staff away. "Well, I hope you learned your lesson. So, in future, if you guys dare to do such stupid missions again....." She smiled evilly. "You'd best be reserving a hospital room."

They all gulped.


Kirika was fast asleep on her bed, it was barely even eight in the morning. It was a nice quiet, peaceful morning. Then her alarm clock rang loudly, shattering the silence. She growled, slamming her fist on the snooze button, without even looking. With the alarm clock quiet, she resumed her sleep.

Then someone started knocking on her front door.

She ignored it, hoping they'd take the hint and get lost. Unfortunately, it didn't go away and continued for another ten minutes. She groaned. "I'm not awake yet...." She said loudly. "Go away."

There was a brief pause, then the knocking continued again.

Another five minutes passed. Finally she could stand it no more. She got out of bed, muttering millions of curses. She opened the door reluctantly. "What." She said groggily.

"Good morning?" Dino said.

She looked at him for a moment. "Tell me one reason why I shouldn't slam the door in your face." She said.

"Um...I have food?"

She thought about it. She was feeling a bit hungry.... "Ok, fair enough." She said, letting him in.

"You just woke up?" He asked.

"Kind of." She yawned. "So, where's the food?"

He held up a bag. She practically snatched it from him, looking through its contents. "Dino....why isn't any of these cooked or ready to eat yet...?" She asked, looking at him.


Kirika sighed. "Well, it seems like I'll be cooking then." She muttered. "Your stomach had better be prepared..."

Dino gulped as he remembered the first time she'd tried to cook... She could have been the poison scorpion's apprentice. All of the family members had food poisoning for the whole week.... " know what, how about we go out instead?" He asked.

"Hmm." Kirika looked at the food, silently debating whether or not she should risk destroying her still brand new kitchen in an attempt to cook. (She's seriously terrible at cooking....and it always ends up being some kind of possibly poisonous substance.) "Ok, why not?" She said, handing the bag to him. "Just let me go and get changed."

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