Thirty one- training

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Hinata was in the kitchen, helping Kyoko and Haru prepare for the party. They were having a welcome back party for Ryohei and Basil. Kyoko and Haru were good chefs, unlike Hinata....even though she learned from Yamamoto's father how to make simple sushi, she was still hopeless at attempting to cook anything else.

She watched as Kyoko cooked. Kyoko was cooking while giving her simple pointers about cooking. She helped Haru to serve the dishes as the others came in from their training.

The party was fun, and the food that Kyoko and Haru had cooked was delicious. Gokudera had to stop Ryohei mid-speech, because he almost talked about Byakuran and the mafia in front of Kyoko and Haru.


So, after the party,the next day, Dino showed up at the base too. Tsuna and the other guardians began their own training. Gokudera was in charge of training Ryohei and Lambo. Chrome began training with the program that the arcobaleno Mammon used to strengthen her illusions, as well as train with Bianchi and I-pin to strengthen her hand to hand combat abilities. Tsuna would train alone until he could open his box the right way. Yamamoto was on standby and would train on his own until his trainer came.


A few days later, Tsuna finally told Haru and Kyoko about the millefiore, the mafia, everything. They took it quite well. "Tsuna!" Hinata called. "So, you told Kyoko and Haru then?"

"Yeah.." He said. "I wonder if big brother will be angry.."

"Don't worry. It'll be fine." She said. "Oh?" She looked at the man in the room. "Dino, you're still here."

"I came to check on the training." He said.

"La~" everyone glanced at the computer screen. "Lalalalala~"

"What is this, Gianini?" Tsuna asked.

"I don't know. Someone is interfering with the network!" He said. An image started to form on the screen. "Lalalala~~" it popped out. "Byakuran!" It sang. Byakuran's face appeared on the screen, eating an ice cream sundae.

"What?!" Tsuna exclaimed.

"How was it?" Byakuran asked. "Is it interesting? It's too boring, so I came to play!" He held the sundae out. "Want some?" He laughed. "Just kidding! Actually, I'm here for some business regarding 'choice'." He said. "Six days later, at twelve noon, gather at namimori temple."

"We're going to fight in namimori?!" Tsuna exclaimed.

"Yeah, what do you think?" He asked. "Anyway. Pease bring everything necessary and bring everyone there. At least, bring everyone from the past over." He said. "Hinata-chan~~ I look forward to playing with you again!"

Hinata stared at the screen, her face pale.

"If everyone is not present, then you will be disqualified." He said. "So, Hinata-chan, I hope you'll bring that with you!" He smirked. "See ya."

The screen went black.

"Hmm...this isn't good." Reborn said. "Not only do the guardians need to be there, that person actually asked for the others too..." He looked at Hinata. She swallowed, turning away.

"Why would he single her out?" Gokudera asked.

"Why don't you ask her yourself?" Reborn retorted. Gokudera looked at Hinata. She remained silent, clenching her fists.

"Well, it's a good thing that Tsuna already told Kyoko and Haru everything." Reborn said. "Anyway, how did Byakuran invade the network?"

"It's a flaw in the defense system."

The door opened. "You amateurs!" Squalo stood there, holding a fish by the tail. He walked over to Dino. "Gift of greetings." He said, handing it over to him. Dino sweatdropped, but he took the fish anyway. 'Why tuna?' He wondered.

"You're pretty slow, Squalo." Dino said. "Your student can't wait anymore." Squalo strode towards Yamamoto.

"Eh? Don't tell training tutor is..." Yamamoto said.

Squalo ran at him, punching him in the jaw, then proceeded to knee him in the gut. "Yamamoto!" Tsuna shouted. Squalo picked up the knocked out Yamamoto,slinging him over his shoulder.

"Oi, Squalo! Are you trying to kill him?!" Gokudera shouted.

"I really want to kill him." He growled. "I will take care of this trash." He glanced at Hinata. "Woi. Hinata." He said to her. "You'd better have perfected That by the time I get back."

"Like I need you to order me." She said. "You'd better not kill Takeshi by accident with that training of yours!" She went out of the room. "See you guys later!"

"Wh- Hinata-chan, wait!" Tsuna called, but Hinata didn't even look back at him as she walked off to the training rooms. Dino stopped him. "Let her go." He ordered. "She'll be fine."

"What was Squalo talking about?" He asked.

"You'll see." Dino said.


The next few days passed quickly, and every single spare moment was used to train. Hinata sat in the training room, fingering her pendant. She looked up at the bullseye. It was amazing how her daggers always hit the target. She'd also learned to coat the blade in flame.

The only problem now, was mastering the pendant.

She grit her teeth angrily. "What is it that I'm not seeing?" She wondered out loud. "I've read the notes, a million times over, but I still can't expand the flame!" The flames could only appear in small waves, and barely covered a 10cm radius.

"Why won't it work?!" She shouted, flinging a dagger at the bullseye angrily. It stabbed into the target.

"Hinata." She looked at the door. Dino stood there.

"What do you want?" She snapped angrily.

"I want you to calm down." He said.

"Calm down?! The battle is tomorrow! And I can barely use this pendant! Look at the flame! It practically fizzles itself out." She groaned. "I can't do it. I'm too weak."

"Hmph. Is that really so?" He sat down next to her. "Hinata. It's not because you're weak."


"It's because your will to protect isn't strong enough."

She blinked. "My will to protect?"

"This pendant- the flames, they're defensive, protective flames. They're not for destroying." He said. "Right now, all your thinking of is using them to attack the enemy, am I right?"

She nodded.

"That's where you're wrong. This pendant's purpose is to emit a defensive flame that is used to protect others, or to neutralise the enemy's attacks." He said. "It is not used to inflict harm. Just to neutralise and protect."

"I see..." She murmured. "So that's why it doesn't work."

"Well, that's all I have to teach you." He said, patting her head. "Good luck with the rest." He got up, walking to the door. "It's almost time for dinner, by the way."

"Got it." She said, standing up. "I'll be there later. I just need to test this out." She clutched the pendant. "Lets see if this works."

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