Five- A series of attacks

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A guy, with blue hair sat in a chair, pondering about how he should act. He came here with a purpose, to find him, yet, after a week, he'd still had no luck in locating the one he was searching for.

And he was not a patient person.

"Chikusa. Any sign of him?" He asked. The bespectacled guy with dark hair shook his head. "I'm not even sure how he would look like." He replied dully.

"Hmm. I'm getting bored of waiting... Where's Ken?" He asked.

"I have no idea." Chikusa replied, playing with his yo-yo.

"I'm right here, you four-eyed Kappa." Ken said, walking over. "You need new glasses if you can't see me." He ignored him,continuing to play with his yoyo.

"I'm bored! There's nothing to do around here!" Ken complained.

"Well, it's time we do something about it,shall we?" The blue haired guy smirked. "We've got some work to do." He announced. "And we'll get it done, tonight."

"Finally, something to do." Ken grinned. "Lets go!"


Hinata yawned, getting up. Hibari Kyoya towered over her, both tonfas out and ready. "Sleeping in class? I'll bite you to death." He growled. She sighed.

"Ow!" She cried out as he hit her on the head.

"You'd better stay awake from now on,Hinata." He said, leaving the class. She rubbed her head gingerly. "Yeesh, then don't hit me so hard on the head...I'll fall 'asleep' if you keep doing that." She yelled after him. He glared at her.

She sighed, standing up and following him. He glared at her. "Stop following me." He said. She ignored him, ruffling his hair playfully. He responded with another hit on the head. "Owww..." She groaned. "You always did hate it when I did that."

"And you never learn." He said, walking ahead.

"Where are we even going?" Hinata asked.

He ignored her, walking into the office, the meeting room for the disciplinary committee. He laid down on the sofa, closing his eyes. "Yeesh. I can't take a nap, but you can just lie down here and sleep whenever you want?" Hinata complained. "That's not fair."

He opened one eye at her. "Shut up." He muttered,closing his eyes again.

Half an hour later... The door burst open. "Hibari-san!!" A member of the disciplinary committee shouted. Hinata looked at him, shaking her head in disappointment. That was a stupid move.

Hibari was awake. And extremely pissed.

He got up in a flash, his tonfas out by his sides. "I will bite you to death." He growled.

"Kusakabe-san was beaten up!" He said quickly as Hibari walked over to him. Hibari paused. "Tetsuya Kusakabe?" He asked. He nodded. "Hmm." Hibari swung the tonfa at him, hitting his head. He was knocked out instantly. Hinata raised an eyebrow. How weak. She'd been hit twice and suffered no ill effects. Yet with one hit, that guy had been knocked out. Hmm. Maybe he was holding back with her.

"Go back to the herbivore's gang, Hinata." Hibari said, pushing past her. "If I don't find you later..." He trailed off, leaving.

Hinata sighed. "Fine."


It was after school, and Hinata was walking back alone. Apparently, Yamamoto had something to do with Tsuna and Gokudera, and Ryohei had been beaten up, so Kyoko was with him. She sighed. It was lonely walking back alone.

She kicked a nearby pebble, wondering what Yamamoto was doing. Forget him! She shook her head violently.

"Hinata-chan?" A familiar voice called.

"Haru-chan!" She called. "Why are you here?"

"I was walking home, and I thought I'd take this route home. Is this the route you take to Yamamoto's house?"

Hinata nodded. "It's much faster, and I don't get stuck in traffic of any kind." She grinned.

"True." Haru said. "Hey, Hinata-chan?"


"Who's that?" She asked,pointing at the person ahead.

Hinata looked at who she was pointing to. It was him! The person from before,that had been following her. He looked up as she stared, and began to walk over.

Hinata swallowed. She had a bad feeling about him... "Haru, I want you to run." She said softly. "When I tell you to run, do as I say."


"Now!" She yelled, pushing Haru away. The guy ran at her. She swung her heavy bag at him, somersaulting over him.

"Hibari Hinata. Black hair and blue grey eyes. Female. Ranking: third." He muttered. "Located."

"Who are you?" Hinata asked.

He ignored her, attacking her. She defended herself expertly, then kicked him in the gut. He punched her back, and her nose started to bleed. She wiped her nose angrily. "You stupid little-" she cussed, attacking him with all her might.

"Why are you attacking me?!" She yelled, kicking him. He flew into the wall.

"Because. You are my target." He said simply.

"Hinata?!" Haru yelled.

He chuckled. "Game over." He said, swinging his yoyo's out. Needle darts flew out of the yoyo, and Hinata was almost sure that they were poisoned. "Crap! Haru,run!" She yelled, dodging the needles. She back flipped, picking up a pebble. Turning to him, she flung it at him. It hit him in the head. Hard. He went down instantly.

Hinata glared at him,then turned to Haru,who was still standing there. "Haru! I told you to get out of here!" She yelled.

"I couldn't leave you here!" Haru cried.

Hinata sighed. "Come on, lets-" the glint of metal caught her eye. "WATCH OUT!" She screamed, shoving Haru aside quickly. A shower of needles flew at her, stabbing into her back. She cried out in pain, falling over. Haru was screaming.

He bent over her. "Where is he?" He asked quietly.

"Who...?" She coughed.


"I don't know.." She whispered. He sighed,tucking a piece of paper into her pocket.

"I sincerely hope that he cares enough to come to us." He said, getting up. Hinata closed her eyes, passing out.


Haru was terrified as she watched the guy lean over Hinata. But when he left her alone, she was slightly more relieved. She ran to her, looking at the blood that was starting to soak into her shirt. "Oh..oh my.." Haru started to sob. She pulled out her phone with shaky fingers, and called the ambulance.

Once done, she called the first number she could think of. "Hello?" He said. He sounded tired.

"Ya-Yamamoto-kun!! Hinata...Hinata!" She started to cry even harder.

"Haru?! What's happened?" He asked, worried.

"Hinata-chan...we were attacked, and....and she got injured... I called an ambulance just now. I'm so worried, Hinata isn't awake, and the ambulance isn't here yet!!"

He was silent. Nothing could be heard but ragged breathing. "Yamamoto please, can you please come here now?" She whispered. "I don't know what to do."

"Haru...I can't." He said. "Gokudera got attacked too."

"Oh my..." Haru whimpered. " many people in one day?!" The sounds of an ambulance could be heard in the distance. "Yamamoto...should I...tell your father?" She whispered.

There was a pause. "No. I'll tell him if I have to." He said. "Be careful, Haru. I'll see you at the hospital."

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