Sixty eight- threatened

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Tsuna stepped out of the elevator, followed by the others. "Hah...I'm so tired." He sighed, as they walked through the hallway to their hotel rooms. "I wonder what the girls have been doing all day?" He wondered aloud.

"They said they were going to the beach, remember?" Yamamoto said.

"Yah! Lambo-san wanted to go to the beach too!" Lambo yelled from Gokudera's grip. "Stupid Tsuna, why didn't you let me go!"

"Shut up, stupid cow!" Gokudera shouted, boxing his ears, causing Lambo to wail.

Tsuna sighed, pushing open the hotel room door. "We're back-" he called, walking in.

"KYOKO, WE'RE BACK!!" Ryohei bellowed, rushing in. "Eh?" He looked around the empty hotel room. "No one's here?"

Yamamoto and Gokudera walked in. "That's strange." Yamamoto said, looking around. "Maybe they went out?"

"Lets go check the next room." Tsuna suggested. "Maybe Kirika-chan is there?" They went into the next room. "Hello?" Tsuna called, walking in. Bianchi looked up from the sofa.

"S-sis?!" Gokudera groaned, collapsing on the ground.

"G-Gokudera!" Tsuna exclaimed. "Bianchi, your mask!"

"Oh?" Bianchi's hand reached up to her face. "I must have forgotten it." She said, walking into the bathroom. "Ah, here it is." She walked back out, the mask on her face.

"Um, Bianchi-san, have you seen Kyoko and the others?" Tsuna asked. "They weren't in the room."

Bianchi looked surprised. "No, I haven't seen them since this morning, after they left for the beach." She said, glancing at the clock. "They can't still be out at the beach this late." She reached for her phone, dialling Kyoko's number. It went unanswered. Ryohei frowned.

"I'll try Hinata's phone." Yamamoto said, dialling her number.


Hinata stirred, sitting up slowly. "Ow..." She murmured, wincing at the pain in her head. She looked around. "Oh, fudge." She muttered. It looked like some kind of room. Kyoko and the others were tied up in each corner of the room. She tried to stand up, then realised her hands and feet were bound together. "Great. Kidnapped again." She groaned. "How many times is this going to keep happening to me?"

"Shit." Kirika muttered. "Damn these ropes..."

"Oh, great, you're awake too." Hinata said.

"Wonder who brought us here." Kirika said. "HEY!" She yelled. "WHOEVER THAT BROUGHT US HERE, YOU OWE US AN EXPLANATION!!"

"Wow. Great plan, yelling at the kidnapper for an explanation." Hinata muttered.

"Got any other ideas?" Kirika hissed.

"Not really. Huh?" She looked up. The sound of footsteps could be heard. The door to the room opened. A tall burly man stood in the doorway, Hinata's phone in his hand. "I suppose you're our kidnapper?" Kirika asked.

"Yes, you are correct." He said, walking over.

"Mind telling me why we're here?" She asked.

The phone started ringing in his hand. He smirked. "Your friends are getting worried." He said, accepting the call. He put it on speaker, so they could all hear it. "Hinata?" Yamamoto's voice echoed from the phone. "Hey, where are you guys?"

"They're perfectly fine." The man said into the phone, smirking at Hinata's scowl. "For now, at least."

There was a pause. "Who is this?" Yamamoto asked. "Where's Hinata?"

"She's right in front of me." He said, turning the phone towards Hinata. "Say something, sweetheart."

"Don't. Call me sweetheart." Hinata growled. "Stupid bastard." He frowned at her, and snapped his fingers. Another man came into the room, a small knife in his hand. Her eyes widened as he walked over to the still unconscious Kyoko. She struggled against her binds, her eyes on the man. "Kyoko! Leave her alone!" She yelled.

"Learn some manners," He retorted. "And I'll leave your friends alone."

"You sick son of a-" Kirika cursed furiously. His nostrils flared as he glared at her. He barked a quick order to the other man, and he grabbed Hinata's shoulder, placing the knife underneath her chin. "Hinata!" Kirika shouted. Hinata yelped at the cold steel. "Shut up and don't speak until you've learned to behave." The man said. "Or she gets it." Kirika glared at him, biting her lip to keep from spouting profanities.

"Hello?" Bianchi's cool voice echoed from the phone.

"Ah, yes, back to business." He said, speaking into the phone. "The four girls are with me, and of you ever want to see either one of them alive again, tell the Ninth Vongole boss that I would like my brother to be released from his hold. I will call back in an hour to check on your progress, and if my demands have not reached the Ninth, well, I will kill one of these young ladies." He looked over at Hinata. "Starting with Hibari Hinata."

"You have one hour."


The call ended before anyone could say anything. Tsuna stared at the phone in shock, the man's words still echoing in his mind. Kill? Kyoko, Haru, Hinata and Kirika....

"That bastard...." Gokudera growled. "Tenth, lets go and track him down!"

"Don't be stupid." Bianchi snapped. "He'd kill the girls in an instant." She said. "And you're not the only one who's angry." She glanced at Yamamoto. The usually cheerful and calm baseball player's aura was murderous as he glared at his phone. "Damnit." Yamamoto clenched his fist. He gripped the phone tightly.

Ryohei was thoroughly pissed, and not afraid to show it. With a roar, he punched the wall behind him angrily. "Doing such a thing...." He growled. "Kyoko..." He grit his teeth. "I'LL BEAT HIM UP, TO THE EXTREME!!!" He shouted.

Reborn frowned from his perch on top of Tsuna's head. "This is certainly a dangerous situation." He said.

"Ah! Reborn! What should we do?" Tsuna asked, looking up.

"You're the future boss of the Vongole, don't always come crying to me." Reborn said.


"What you do next is up to you." Reborn cut in. "Time is ticking away. You'd better decide quickly, Tsuna."

Tsuna looked down. "Then...lets go talk to the Ninth." He said.

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