Twenty six- what happened to the Hinata of the future

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Hinata walked through the base,wandering around. She stopped outside a door. There was a sign on the door, and her name was written on it. "That's my name...and my handwriting too." She said, opening the door. She opened the door cautiously.

"It's...a bedroom." She went inside. The walls were decorated with paintings, of sceneries from around the world, as well as some pictures. She looked at them. In one of them, a young man, whom she assumed was Yamamoto, stood with his arm over an older version of herself. She stared at it. " hair was really long in the future, huh..." She murmured.

She glanced at the one next to it. It was of her and Hibari together. He was ruffling her hair, while she smiled at the camera. He actually looked at the camera, even if he didn't smile. But he wasn't glaring at the camera, at least.

She turned her attention to the table, which was a mess. Papers were scattered everywhere, books piled up in a corner, and there was even a laptop in the middle of all that mess. She looked around.

Her gaze fell on a hand phone. She picked it up, turning it on. "A password,huh..." She said thoughtfully. She typed in her birthday. It worked, and she scrolled through the files on her phone. There were even more pictures in it, of her and Yamamoto together.

There was a file in it, with a strange label. 'fiamma a sospensione'. She opened it, but another password lock came up. She thought about it, then typed in Hibari's birthday.

It opened.

Inside was a single video. She clicked on it.

Her older self looked out at her. "If you are watching this, either I am dead, or I am just reviewing my own handiwork. Ok. I don't have much time." She said. "It is important that you do not let Byakuran get his hands on this." She held up something.

Hinata gasped. It was her pendant.

"This pendant is the reason why he has such a special interest in me. Because of the flame that I can use with it. He must never be allowed to get this pendant, because if he does, we are all toast." She continued. "I am the only person who is able to use the pendant. However, Byakuran may also be able to use it, I am not sure, nor do I wish to find out. Keep the pendant away from him at all costs." She said.

"But. Just in case the is anyone else in the vongole who can use it. I have kept a detailed record of how to use its power. If you know me, you'll know where to find it." The video ended.

Hinata stared at the phone. 'Either I am dead..'

She ran from the room, clutching the phone in her hand.


She kicked the door open, startling them. "Tell me the truth." She blurted out. Bianchi looked at her. "What?"

"Tell me. What happened to the me of this era??" She asked. "Please, tell me."

Kirika got up. "Hinata, what happened?"

"I just need to know." She said. "I need to know why my future self was in a cemetery. Why Byakuran would be after her. Please." She stared pleadingly at Bianchi.

Bianchi looked at the phone in her hand. "I see..." She said. "I..I'm not sure where to start though..."

"Just- tell me everything." She said.

Bianchi sighed. "Take a seat then." She said. "Hinata- the future you. The Hibari Hinata of this era-"

"Died three months ago."


[three months ago....]

Yamamoto and Hinata walked out together, having finished a mission. "Yo, Ryohei. We're done here." He said into his earpiece. "How're things on your end?"

"Almost done." Ryohei replied. "Just finishing up."

"Great." Hinata smiled. "We'll see you later then."

Yamamoto held her hand. "Wow,your hair sure is growing longer." He said.

She smiled. "True..." She said. "It's for until after the wedding." She smiled, glancing at the ring on her finger.

He kissed her forehead. "I can't wait for it." He grinned.

"Aw, isn't that sweet." A voice said, as a white haired man stepped out. "I didn't get an invitation though." He smirked.

"Byakuran?!" Yamamoto held Hinata closer to him. Hinata glared at him. "Take a hint, Byakuran." She hissed. "What do you want?"

"I know that you're the one with That flame." He said. "I want to have it for myself." He smirked. "I can't let that vongole have something I don't have."

"Screw you, Byakuran." Hinata said.

"Oh, come now, Hinata-chan. Don't be mean." He took a step forward. "Give it to me, and I'll let you all go."

"Ryohei. That bastard is here." She said into her earpiece.

"Crap! We're on our way!" He shouted.

"You know I can't do that, Byakuran." She said. "And I don't want to either."

He sighed. "Ever so difficult." He said, as his subordinates revealed themselves. "Get them." He ordered. Hinata tightened her grip over her pendant, and it glowed bright blue. Waves of blue flame, of the rain attribute, spread out, neutralising the other flames of the enemies weapons. Yamamoto leapt into the fray, sword out, slashing down his enemies. He had almost made it to Byakuran, when a gunshot sounded, and the bullet tore through his arm.

"Takeshi!" Hinata shouted.

"Oh?" Byakuran chuckled. "It seems like he got hit in his sword arm." Yamamoto glared up at him, reaching for his sword with his other arm. A second gunshot sounded, tearing through his shoulder. "Takeshi!" Hinata screamed as he winced in pain. "Stop this!"

A subordinate grabbed his shoulder, forcing him to the ground. Another two subordinates grabbed Hinata's arms, keeping her from going to Yamamoto. "Byakuran!" She shouted.

Byakuran glanced at her, then looked at Yamamoto. "Well, my dear Hinata-chan, now you've got a choice. Join the millefiore," he grabbed a gun, pointing it at Yamamoto's head. "Or your beloved fiancé dies, right now."

"Let Takeshi go!" She screamed.

"Is that your answer?" He asked, brightening up.

Hinata snorted. "Bastard, I won't join the millefiore." She said. "You can kill him, but what good would that do? I will never join you, in this life or the next." She spat.

His eyes blazed with anger. "I'm disappointed in you." He said. "If I can't have you..." He raised the gun, aiming it at her. "Then no one else is allowed to have you." He smirked. "Looks like you won't be having that wedding after all."

He pulled the trigger. The bullet hit her in the chest. The subordinates released her as she fell to the ground. Yamamoto was shouting, struggling for all he was worth. Byakuran laughed. "Let him go to her." He ordered. The subordinate released Yamamoto,who ran over to her. "Hinata!" He shouted, holding her close. "You bastard!" He shouted at Byakuran.

"T-Takeshi..." She whispered as blood flowed from her wound. He looked at her, his eyes brimming with tears. "Hinata, please stay with me." He said. "Ryohei is on his way, please-"

She reached her hand up, caressing his face gently. "Don't give up." She said, a tear slipping down her cheek. "I love you, Yamamoto Takeshi." She closed her eyes, and her hand went limp.

"No! Hinata!" Yamamoto said,shaking her gently. When she didn't respond, he cried, unable to stop the tears any longer. "I love you." He whispered, burying his face in her hair.


Sorry about sad part :( feeling so evil now

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