Sixty three- one year anniversary <3

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"So, where are we going today?" Hinata asked, looking at her boyfriend. He was wearing a teal blue hoodie over a yellow striped t-shirt and dark jeans.  

"It's a surprise." Yamamoto winked as they boarded the train.  

Half an hour later, the train stopped at a station, and Yamamoto stood up. "Time to get off." He smiled, holding a hand out to Hinata. She took his hand and got off the train, and onto the platform. 

"A theme park?" She asked, surprised. 

"Like I said, it was a surprise." Yamamoto said. "Come on, lets go." 

She looked down at her clothes. "I feel overdressed." She muttered. She was wearing a light purple dress with floral prints under a black cardigan, striped tights that reached above her knees and white sandals. "I really shouldn't have worn a dress now, I guess...." 

"Don't be ridiculous." He leant closer. "I think you look very pretty. She blushed at his praise. He pulled her along, walking over to the entrance of the theme park. Once inside, he gave her a map of the theme park. "So, where would you like to go first?" He asked. 

She looked at the map. "I honestly have no idea..." She muttered. "Have you been here before?" She asked. 

He shook his head. "The park is relatively new. I think it was built last year...I'm not sure." He said.  

"Huh." She looked at the map again. "Well...the rides sound like fun..." She looked at him. "Ever been on a roller coaster?" She asked. He shook his head. "Me neither. So, wanna have a go on it?"  

"Lets go." He said. She pulled his hand, leading the way. 


"Never again." Hinata mumbled, half stumbling. They'd just gotten off the roller coaster, which had been, according to Hinata, a total of five minutes of sheer terror. She was surprised she didn't get a heart attack after that... 

"It wasn't that bad." Yamamoto said. She looked at him. How could he still be walking properly after that ordeal?! "So, what's next?" He asked. She looked at the map.  

"Hey, it looks like there's an arcade here!" She said. "Lets gooooo!"  

They played all sorts of arcade games, from shooting games to fighting games. Hinata even convinced Yamamoto to give a dancing game a shot. They played everything and anything, until it was soon evening, and the park would be closing soon. 

Hinata hugged the panda plushie that Yamamoto had won in the shooting game. "I can't believe it's already so late." She said, tucking a loose lock of hair behind her ear. "I had a lot of fun today." She smiled at Yamamoto. 

"Well, it's not over yet." He said, holding her hand. "Come on, we've still got one more ride to go on."  

"Really? What ride?" She asked as he lead her off. He grinned. "You'll see." He said. 

As they walked through the park, it seemed like there weren't that many people crowding the lines for the rides anymore. "Come on, over here." He said. "Here we are." 

Hinata looked up in wonder. "A Ferris wheel?" She asked. "Why didn't I notice it just now?" She noted that there weren't any people waiting in line for a ride on it.  

"Come on, lets go." He said, pulling her into one of the passenger cars. 

"I've never been on a Ferris wheel before." Hinata said excitedly, looking out the window as the passenger car moved up. She could see all of the theme park from up here! "Wow...the sunset is so pretty up here!" She exclaimed cheerfully. 


She looked over at him. The rays from the sunset seemed to make him look a bit mysterious...and cool. "Yeah?" She asked.  

"Have you forgotten what day today is?" He asked. 


"Today's our one year anniversary." He said. "And, well. In this past year, you've made me fall in love with you even more than I did before. You made me realise how lucky I am to have a girlfriend like you, even if you are the sister of Hibari Kyoya." He joked. "And I hope that next year, and for the next few more years to come, I will still be able to do this." 

He leaned forward, and cupped her face in his hands. "Please don't hit me." He muttered, then he leaned forward and kissed her on the lips. It was a gentle kiss, a perfect first kiss, Hinata thought as she closed her eyes and enjoyed it. 

They finally pulled apart, and smiled at each other. "I love you." He said softly. 

Hinata smiled. "I love you back." She said. The passenger car started its descent as the sun began to set behind them....

"Mysterious....and cool." AAAAAARGH sorry, I'm really not good at describing stuff like that... 

So, sorry about the shortness of this chapter! I couldn't really think up what couples usually do during dates like these....I've never been on a date before anyway. Hope you enjoyed it!

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