Thirty four- hiding

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"Oof!" Hinata blinked, looking around. "Ow...are we..?" She got up quickly, and looked outside. "We're back!" She ran outside. "Kyoya!" She called, helping him up. "Are you ok?"

"I'm fine." He said.

"Destroy the transportation system right away!" Irie shouted. "That way the enemy won't be able to follow us!"

"Leave that to me!" Gokudera said. He fired his flame missile at it. It hit, and fell towards an uninhabited mountain. Suddenly, it vanished. "What?!" Hinata yelled.

"It went back to Byakuran's side...seems that it wasn't destroyed after all." Dino said.

"That's not good..."

"Everybody!" Hinata turned around.

"Kusakabe!" She said, walking over. "Where'd you come from?" She shook her head. "Screw that! A very dangerous enemy is following us!" She said.

"Enemy?!" He exclaimed. "I don't really get the situation, but why don't you guys go back to the vongole's secret base? There's a connection to it here too!" He said.

There was a whirring noise in the air. "Aah! That's-"

"The transportation system has returned!" Gokudera shouted.

"Something is spreading out in every direction!" Tsuna shouted. "It's coming this way!" Hinata gasped as the transportation system exploded suddenly.

"The transportation system was about to crash. Maybe that's why it spread its parts everywhere." Fuuta said.

Hibari walked off. "Eh? Kyoya, where are you going?" Hinata asked.

"One of those pieces has fallen near namimori high." He said. "I'll go take a look."

"Wait for me,then!" She yelled, running after him. He stopped, turning around. "No." He said. "You stay here. Herbivore." He said, looking at Tsuna. "Make sure she stays safe. If anything happens, I'll bite you to death." He walked off.

"What?! KYOYA!!" Hinata shouted, going after him.

"Hinata!" Yamamoto grabbed her arm. Hinata looked at him. "Let him go. You won't be able to stop him anyway..." He said. "Not if it's about the school."

She sighed. "You've got a point..." She looked at Hibari. "KYOYA! You better not lose, got it?!" She shouted at him.

"Don't worry, Hinata." Dino said, going after Hibari. "We'll keep an eye on him." He grinned, running after Hibari, Kusakabe chasing after them. "Get inside the base!" He shouted.


Hinata strolled through the hallway, walking towards Yamamoto's room. She kicked the door wide open. "Takeshi-" she stopped. "Agh!! I sorry!!" She yelled, running back out. An embarrassed blush started to spread along her face. She forgot to check if he was wearing clothes first... And now she'd seen him shirtless. She blushed even redder at the thought of it. After a moment, Yamamoto walked out of the room, a shirt covering his body, Hinata was glad to see. "Erm...sorry about that." She said.

"It's ok." He said. "Hey, are you blushing?" He asked, leaning closer.

"Gyaaa!" Hinata's face burned even redder. He laughed at her reaction. "You're so cute, you know that?" He teased, ruffling her hair. She smiled at him.

"Hey. Do you think Kyoya already found one of them to fight?" She asked.

"Maybe." Yamamoto said.

"If he has....I bet he's already fighting him right now." Hinata said. "He's always looking forward to a fight."

Yamamoto chuckled. "Yeah, he is." He looked at her. "Hey, there something you haven't told me?" He asked.

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