Forty two- valentines day <3

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The rest of the winter passed uneventfully, if you don't count the crazy snow ball fight that Tsuna and the others had with Dino and his subordinates. Hinata was still sick with the cold that day, so she wasn't there to watch the fight. Christmas and New Year's Day passed by as well.

"Hinata-chan!" Haru called her.

"Oh, Haru-chan." She smiled. "What's up?"

"Hinata-chan, have you finished your chocolate yet?"

"Chocolate...??" Hinata asked, confused. "What for?"

Haru stared at her. "Hinata-chan!" She said loudly. "Don't tell me you forgot!?!"

"Forgot...what?" She asked.

"Hinata-chan!! What is today's date?" She asked.


"Exactly!!" Haru said excitedly. "Tomorrow is VALENTINES DAY!!!!"

Hinata seemed stunned into shock. "" She murmured. "Valentines day..." Haru shook her shoulders. "Hinata-chan! Snap out of it!" She said.

"Aaaaaah, I totally forgot!!!" Hinata screamed.


The next day, armed with a box of chocolate in hand, Hinata walked into the school. It was finally finished...thanks to Haru teaching her how to make it. It didn't taste particularly good though... She took a deep breath, walking into the classroom. About a quarter of the guys snapped their heads up as she walked in. She blinked, looking at them as they stared at her.

"Hinata-san...has chocolate..." Someone murmured. "Who is it for...?"

Hinata sweatdropped. That's what all of them were thinking about? Kirika was sitting in her seat already, a bunch of guys looked depressed as they glanced at her. Kirika looked up. "Oh? Chocolate?" She said. Hinata nodded. The guys' stares grew more intent.

"Kirika, you didn't make any?" She asked.

"Nope." Kirika said loudly and clearly. "I'm not interested in anyone at the moment, I'm afraid." She flipped her hair. A couple of the depressed guys looked ready to cry, Hinata noticed. "Who's it for?" Kirika asked.

The guys around her seemed to crane their heads towards them, waiting for her answer. "Erm..." Hinata looked around. "He's not here yet." She said, noticing that Yamamoto's seat was empty. There was a chorus of groans and disappointed sighs. "First it was Sumire-san, now even Hinata-san...." Someone murmured. "The pretty girls have been taken already..." Hinata stifled a laugh as she sat down.

The door opened, and Tsuna and Gokudera walked in. A group of fangirls squealed excitedly as Gokudera stepped in. "Tch." He glared at them. "Gyaaaaa Gokudera-kun looked at me!!" Someone shrieked. Tsuna sweatdropped. The girls started to crowd around Gokudera, pushing Tsuna aside. "Gokudera-kun, accept my feelings!"

Hinata watched as Gokudera shouted and yelled. "Wow, Gokudera sure is popular." She noted. Kirika scoffed. "Don't see what's so good about him." She murmured, looking at her book. "Can't those girls be quiet?"

The door opened, and Yamamoto walked in. "Yo!" He said. Another round of fangirling began. Hinata stood up, chocolate in hand. The guys all stared at her. "No way, even Hinata-san?" Someone wailed. The fangirls around Yamamoto shot glares at Hinata as she walked over.

"Hey, Hinata." Yamamoto grinned. "You're a lot earlier today."

Hinata smirked. "You wouldn't wake up." She said. "Happy valentines." She smiled, holding out the chocolate. He grinned, taking them. The glares grew more pointed.

"Thanks, Hinata." He said, ruffling her hair lightly.

"Ne...Yamamoto-kun, would you accept my chocolate too?" One of the fangirls said from next to him. "Mine too!" They all crowded around him, and Hinata was pushed out. Hinata shook her head, smirking. "I'll see you later, Takeshi!" She said, walking back to her desk.


The bell had rang for recess. Fangirls still crowded around Gokudera and Yamamoto, so Hinata didn't have a chance to talk to Yamamoto. She looked out the window. "Hmm...I wonder what Kyoya is doing..." She murmured. She got up, walking in the direction of the office.

She paused halfway. "Can you stop following me yet?" She turned around. "What do you want?" She asked the group of girls behind her. It was a group of Yamamoto fangirls. She recognised them from earlier, when she gave her chocolates to Yamamoto.

"What's your relationship with our Yamamoto-kun?" One of them demanded.

"None of your business."

"You're not good enough for him, so you should just give up on him already!" She yelled. "Yamamoto-kun would never go out with you anyway!"

Hinata smirked. If only they knew. "FYI, what I do is my own business, and none of yours. You shouldn't poke about in other people's personal life that much." She said, turning to leave.

"Why you-!!" She grabbed Hinata's arm.


She let go of Hinata's arm quickly at the sound of that voice. "H-Hibari-san?!" She exclaimed. Hinata looked at him. "Oh, Kyoya?" She said. "What are you doing here?"

Hibari glared at the fangirls. "You're crowding." He said, a glint in his eyes. They ran off, scattering quickly. He turned to Hinata, bonking her on the head. "Ow! What-"

"Next time, don't wake me up." He said.

"Yeesh...fine." She dug through her pocket. "Oh right, here." She held out a chocolate. "You like chocolate, right?"

"Hmph." He took the chocolate, popping it into his mouth. He swallowed. "Baka." He bonked her head again. "Too sweet." He said, walking off. Hinata rubbed her sore head, and headed back to her own class.


It was finally time to go home. Yamamoto walked over to Hinata's desk. "Hinata, wake up, sleepyhead." He teased, ruffling her hair. She groaned, sitting up. She stretched lazily, and rubbed her eyes. "What." She yawned.

"Time to go." He said. She nodded, getting up.

"I've got your chocolate." He smiled, holding up her box of chocolate.

"I'm afraid they won't taste as good though." She said. "This is my first time making chocolate." She admitted.

He opened the box, and popped one into his mouth. "Tastes delicious." He said, smiling. "You shouldn't have worried." He ruffled her hair, kissing her forehead.

"Eeehh???!!" They looked at the front of the class. A couple of fangirls were there, staring at them. "Uh oh." Hinata murmured.

"Yamamoto-kun, what are you doing?!" They asked. "And- Hinata-san?!"

Hinata gulped. He smiled sheepishly at them. "Sorry, but I can't accept your chocolate." He said. "I've already got a girlfriend." He held her hand, and led her out of the class.

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