Act 1

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Avery Dessen was not expecting to make prefect, no one was. She barely participated in class, was rude at times, and was known for her dislike of the Marauders. So, when she walked onto Platform 9 ¾ with her grandmother on September 1, 1975, people's heads turned. "Avery, you earned this title, don't disappoint your teachers or me. If I get any letters from Headmaster Dumbledore I will be having a word with you during break." Millicent Bagnold, current Minister of Magic and Avery's grandmother said.

"Got it, no messing around," Avery said, her eyes wandering slowly around the platform for her friends.

"Avery. I am being serious. We have a reputation to uphold and I won't have you mess it up."

"Yeah, I know grandma. Can I just go now? I want to see my friends before I have to meet the other prefects."

"Fine, go. I will write to you later in the week." Millicent walked off, leaving Avery to watch her retreating figure without a goodbye. After her grandmother's figure was gone Avery rolled her trolly over to the train, giving her trunk to one of the trainmen.

"Thanks," Avery said, she picked up her cat carrier and walked onto the train to find her friends. 

Gracie Abrams as Avery Dessen

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Gracie Abrams as Avery Dessen

Ravenclaw, 15, pureblood

"Leave me alone you arse."

The Ravenclaws

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The Ravenclaws

Lauren Donzis as Piper Lawrence

Ravenclaw, 15, halfblood

"I don't have an addiction, you do."

Zoë Kravitz as Ali Jenk

Ravenclaw, 15, muggle-born

"Well call me a bitch and fuck my dad."

Tom Holland as Jacob Newman

Ravenclaw, 15, muggle-born

"I'm never going to get this image out of my head."

Alex Schlab as Oscar Anderson

Ravenclaw, 15, pureblood

"It's okay, my grandma sent cookies."

The Marauders

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The Marauders

Ben Barnes as Sirius Black

Gryffindor, 15, pureblood

"No, I'm Sirius." 

Andrew Garfield as Remus Lupin

Gryffindor, 15, halfblood

"You're the one making it weird."

Lewis Capaldi as Peter Pettigrew

Gryffindor, 15, pureblood

"I only wanted a butterbeer."

Nick Green as James Potter

Gryffindor, 15, pureblood

"What the fuck happened?"

The Valkyries

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The Valkyries

Annalise Basso as Lily Evans

Gryffindor, 15, muggle-born

"Avery, you can't keep running."

Lily James as Marlene Mckinnon

Gryffindor, 15, pureblood

"Fuck him, and his sweaters."

Sofia Bryant as Mary Macdonald

Gryffindor, 15, muggleborn

"They're not all bad."

Savannah Smith as Dorcas Meadowes

Gryffindor, 15, halfblood

"Do you know what sleep is?"

Hello >:) Please enjoy <3

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