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The girls had stayed by the black lake for hours, mostly waiting for Marlene to finish her assignments. "Come on Marlene, you have one last question and then we can finally go to dinner," Piper said, laying to look up at the sky.

"If one of you helped me then we could leave right now!" The blonde argued back.

"Dear Merlin. Let me look at the problem." Avery said. Marlene handed her the questions that were given by the divinations teacher. "Oh please Marlene, I don't even take this class and I know the answer."

"Then tell me!"

"It's the dog, it's a dark omen, usually meaning great death is coming. Everyone knows that."

"Not Marlene," Ali said, snickering into her notebook.

Marlene threw her quill at the girl. "Oh shut it, Ali!"

"Okay, let's stop that now. We can finally go in for dinner." Lily said, packing her satchel. "And please do it fast, Potter's walking over with his gang."

"My dear Lily flower! Trying to leave without giving me a kiss?" James teased, walking up to the girls.

"Oh shut it, Potter!" Lily said, turning red.

"Only if you go out with me."

"Okay, slow down lover boy. We're here to ask Avery something, not scare her and her friends off." Remus said.

"Well, you can do that. I've got to list off the one hundred reasons Ms. Evans should go out with me."

"Dear Merlin. Just ask so we can leave, please Lupin." Avery said, rubbing her eyes.

"Right, I ran into Professor Doesher earlier, said to talk to you about tutoring," Remus said, drumming his fingers against his thigh. To be honest the boy was nervous to be around Avery at this time. First, he didn't know how she'd react after what happened last night and second, he was unsure of her feelings towards him. Sometimes she would be rude and then sometimes she'd be friendly, like when she bought him chocolate frogs.

"Right, I was going to talk to you about that after dinner. We can meet in the library after ancient ruins, Tuesday and Thursday, and Wednesday after History."

"Yeah, I'm good with that." The boy said. "Thanks for agreeing to it too. I know you're probably really busy."

"Well, I really like Doesher. It's more a favor to her than you." The girl picked up her bag, "See you guys later. Let's go girls."

The group of girls walked away, leaving the four Gryffindors to stand alone. "I think that was her rejecting you Moony," Sirius said.

"Shut it Padfoot," Remus said, elbowing the boy's side. "Let's just go to dinner." Peter and Sirius snickered, James gave Remus a look of pity. "What is it, James?"

"It's just, it's your first rejection, they grow up so fast!"

"I'm going to push you all off the astronomy tower!" All of the boys, excluding the werewolf, laughed, falling into each other. "It wasn't even an actual rejection!" Remus said, storming off to the great hall without the other three.

"Did Doesher actually ask you to tutor him?" Lily asked as the group walked towards the Ravenclaw table. They had decided to sit together for dinner to talk.

"Yup, said he's not doing the best and I already help him in class so I might as well help more." The girls all sat at the table, filling their plates with different foods.

"I can't believe you actually agreed! You hate him and his friends." Ali said.

"I don't know, I think she might have gained a soft spot for Remus. I mean she did buy him those chocolate frogs." Mary said, smiling to Avery as she revealed the girls secret.

"I did not!" Avery whisper-yelled. The girls all looked at her differently, "Mary! Look what you did!" Avery's face heated up and she covered her face. "How did you even know?"

"I saw you two talking, and then I overheard some of the conversation. You added a bunch of chocolate to your basket after watching him leave."

"So you had to snitch on me?"

"I wouldn't say I just snitched, I call it proving my point that not all of the Marauders are bad. You've grown a soft spot for Remus, admit it!"

"I won't allow you to interrogate me."

"You bought Remus Lupin, a boy you hate, chocolate frogs?" Ali asked slowly.

"Maybe. It doesn't mean shit! I was taught to be nice and I was just being nice!"

"Yeah, 'cause you're always so nice to the Marauders Avery," Marlene said.

"Let's just change the topic. I might kill someone if we don't." Avery grumbled.

"I'd rather not die so let's do that," Dorcas said. "I think a great change of topic could be some big news. Right, Marlene?"

"Hm?" Marlene looked up, stew ran down her chin. "Oh, right!"

"So, Marlene and I have something to tell you all." Dorcas took a breath, "I hope none of you will think differently, but Marlene and I are together now."

"I thought we all already knew that?" Piper whispered to Ali.

"Finally!" Lily said, hugging Dorcas, who sat next to her. "I've been waiting since last summer for you two to get together! Remus owes me 10 galleons!"

Mary reached across the table to hug Dorcas before reaching beside her to hug Marlene. "I've known since first year. I can just tell when people are made for each other!"

"We all thought you two were already together," Ali said to the Gryffindor girls.

"We only put labels to it last night. But we have had a bit of a thing since the beginning of fourth year." Dorcas confessed.

"You two are cute, but Marlene, if you break her heart, you're dead," Avery said.

"Why do you think I'll be the heartbreaker!"

"You look like a player," Ali said.

"Fuck you. I would never break Dorcas' heart." Marlene reached across the table grabbing the girl's hand. The group laughed as Marlene grumbled to herself and continued to eat her stew.

"What everyone is really trying to say is that we're happy for you two," Lily said, smiling at the girls.

"Thanks, Lil." After the confession, the seven girls all split into different conversations, some about quidditch, some about classes, and some just about classes. No one looked up towards the teacher's table where Professor Doesher passed Professor Sprout 5 galleons.

Chocolate Toast, Remus LupinWhere stories live. Discover now