A Single Letter

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Avery felt an arm snake around her waist and pull her closer as an alarm went off. She tried to wiggle out of the boy's grip but failed. "Come on Theo, I have to get ready for class."

    "Just a couple more minutes?"

    Avery turned to face him and pushed his hair back from his face. "Maybe on a day, I don't have charms first. Besides, tomorrow's Saturday."

    "Fine. I'll just lay here alone."

    Avery laughed. "Drama queen."

    Avery had been staying in Theodore's dorm for the past three weeks and since Mr. Nott donated a lot of money to Hogwarts asking for his son to have a single-bed dorm was no problem.

    After making sure she had the right colored tie on since there had been an accident the day before, Avery left the dorm and the Slytherin common room. She walked to the great hall alone, sat by herself, and then walked to her class quietly. She kept to herself during charms and then when she went to transfigurations she did the same. After her first two classes, she spent lunch with Theo at the Slytherin table.

    She would try not to look at her friends, but some days she failed miserably and they would catch her. Today was not one of those days since none of them were even in the great hall. After lunch, she would go to DADA and then usually History of Magic but she skipped today, opting instead to go to the old corridor, more specifically the classroom.

    Slowly she had looked through the main class and had cleaned it up a little. She had been working up to really going through the office. Today though, today was the day she would be looking through the office. She didn't have astronomy until midnight and Theo was off with his friends after their last class so this was the perfect time.

    She found herself first at the desk. She had seen the photos, and she had tried to read more of the newspaper article but all that was left was the first three sentences. She moved on to look at the little knick-knacks and trinkets. There were chess pieces, rocks, shells, and small wood-carved animals. "Why would someone remove chess pieces from a set? And why muggle chess pieces?"

    Avery continued on and opened one of the four drawers. The first held a stack of papers. Carefully Avery lifted them out and examined them. They were for a muggle studies class. Slowly Avery went through and looked at the names on the papers. Many were familiar but some she had never heard. She looked at the date, " the second of March, 1968. Geez, maybe the guy died?"

    She placed the papers back and shut the drawer, moving on to the next one. The second drawer held what looked like hundreds of quills. "I don't even own this many." Shutting that drawer Avery moved to open the next one but it was stuck. Using both hands she pulled harder, finally, it opened, revealing old Zonkos products. Avery rolled her eyes as she thought about the Marauders. Finally, she opened the final drawer. "What?"

    The drawer held a single letter. On the envelope was written her name, not just her first but also her last. She glanced around the room quickly. "What the hell." She carefully picked up the letter and closed the drawer. Avery shoved the letter into her bag and left the room. Not having expected that she walked quickly out of the corridor, not wanting to be alone, or at least she didn't want to think she was alone when she really wasn't.

    She quickly walked to the history of magic class, realizing she'd rather be in class than alone. She tried to quietly make it to her seat but Binn had other plans. "I see Ms. Dessen has finally graced us with her presence, 10 minutes before class ends."

    "Sorry, professor. I got caught up in the library."

    "Likely excuse. Detention, after class."

    Avery closed her eyes, "Yes, professor."

    As class ended the students left, all besides Avery. "Ms. Dessen. You know better than to skip my class, you'll be organizing papers today."

    "Yes, professor." Avery sat at the table in front of the class and started to sort the different papers. An idea popped into her head. "Say, professor. Could I maybe ask you a question about a teacher who used to work here?"

    Binn halted. "I suppose."

    "He would have started to work here in 1957, taught muggle studies."

    "Oh, yes. Professor Aster. He was a wonderfully cheery man. He left though before the year ended in 1968. We were all so surprised. Something had happened though with his family and he was needed. We hired a new teacher and that was that." Professor Binn turned to Avery. "Why do you ask, child?"

    "No reason, just curious is all."

    After what felt like hours Avery finally returned to the Slytherin common room. Theo was sat with his friends by the fire. "Hi." He said as Avery sat next to him.

    "Hi." Avery gave him a smile and snuggled into his side.

    "We were just talking about our plans for spring holiday, do you have any Avery?" Lucius asked.

    "I usually just go home, my Gran likes me being there."

    "Why don't you join us in Greece?" Thomas asked, "My parents own a home there and we were going to stay there."

    "I'll ask, that sounds fun though."

    "I thought you were going to be in the library until your astronomy class?" Theo asked.

    "Binn gave me a detention so I just wanted to come back here."

    Lucius shivered, "I'm not surprised, Binn is a demon."

    Avery laughed, "He's just more accustomed to the olden days." She stood and kissed Theo's cheek. "I'm going to take a nap. I'll see you for dinner."

    "Okay, sleep well, Love." Avery smiled and walked to Theo's room.

    After putting her bag down she pulled out the letter and opened it.

My dearest Avery,

    I miss you dearly and can't wait to come home and see you. Your father tells me you starting to show heavier signs of magic and I hope that one day I will be your teacher here at Hogwarts. I hope, like me, you'll be interested in muggle studies and herbology. If you're anything like your mother though, I'm sure you'll be more interested in potions, and if you're like your father you'll like transfigurations more.

    But dear Avery, that is not the reason I am writing you today. I am writing to you to tell you that I am so proud to be your Godfather. I feel as though I don't say it enough. Already at 7, you are an amazingly smart girl. Your parents owl me regularly, telling me of the achievements you've made, learning the piano, beating your mum in a broom race, and baking the best brownies. I really hope when I come home this summer you'll make some more. I miss you dearly my little Ave.

    Lots of thoughts, your favorite honorary uncle, Uncle Grayson.

    A tear fell down Avery's face. "No. What?" Of course, the man had looked a little familiar but she couldn't place it. She hadn't seen her Godfather in almost 10 years. She was told by her parents that he had moved to America. "What the actual fuck."

    She quickly put the letter back into her bag and went to sit on the bed. Her Godfather had been very relative in her life in the summers, which made sense now, and he sent letters frequently, that was until she was 8 and her parents said he had moved. "What really happened to you?"

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