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Avery sat across from Remus in the library. Halloween was about a week away and Avery had helped the boy make great progress in their Arithmancy class. "So, this set of numbers would mean that the girl was happy, then depressed, and then she met a partner and she's happy again?"

Avery looked over to the question Remus was on. "Exactly so, you've gotten a lot better Remus." Remus smiled, getting praise from Avery was like getting chocolate.

"Thanks, Avery. I wouldn't have gotten this far without you though. You'd make a great teacher." Avery shook her head, smiling at her Herbology paper.

"I'd hex a kid before the lesson even started most likely. I have no patience for that. But thank you." Avery had discovered in the past month of tutoring Remus that he wasn't like James or Sirius.

"I'd love to see that in the Prophet one day. Professor Avery Dessen, fired for hexxing a student after they asked to use the bathroom."

Avery laughed. "You should get back to work before I hex you. You only have two questions right now and I'd like to take a nap before astronomy."

"Sorry, I know you need your beauty sleep," Remus said, going back to his assignment. Avery finished the last inch of her Herbology paper, placing it into her bag. Having finished all of her assignments and forgetting her notebook in her dorm she took the time to watch the boy across from her. "Do you like the view, Avery?"

"Where'd you get your scars?" Avery asked.

Remus was taken aback. No one had been that straightforward about them. "Uh, big accident when I was a kid."

"You get fresh ones every now and then though."

"Remember when you said to leave you alone that one night a month ago? I'm going to have this be my turn."

Avery bit her cheek but nodded. She knew it wasn't her place to ask but she was curious. "Have you finished?"

"Yup, here." Remus handed Avery the paper.

The girl read through it, "Perfect. Like I said Remus, you've gotten a lot better in the past month. Sooner or later you won't even need the tutoring."

"I see, you just don't want to be around me anymore!"

"I promise I don't, I guess, you're my friend now."

Remus was shocked, to say the least. "You, you just said that we're friends."

"Do you not think we are? I mean we've been spending every weekday together and then extra time to be tutored. I'd say we're friends."

"I know you bought me those chocolate frogs last month!"

Avery went wide-eyed. "What? What are you talking about?" The girl let out a small chuckle.

"Oscar and I got McGonagall to detransfigure the bag so we saw it was you."

"That's how Doesher knew! Ugh, I should have just used a piece of notebook paper." Avery went to hit her head against the table, almost as if knowing Remus would put his hand there she let her head fall, not bothering to put her hand there.

"Ow, that one really hurt. If I hadn't put my hand there you could have really hurt yourself."

"Good, then I wouldn't have to go through this embarrassment."

"Why are you embarrassed?"

"You found out I gave you the chocolate, I didn't want you to. It's mostly embarrassing because I did it when we weren't even friends."

"Why did you?" Remus had been wondering this since he figured out it was Avery who had bought them for him.

"You only got two. I've seen how you eat a lot of chocolate, and I mean a lot. I just thought you'd want more, I knew that two wouldn't even last you to the next day."

"That was really nice actually, so thank you. And the two I bought didn't even make it to the end of the Hogsmeade trip." The two laughed.

"Why didn't you tell me you knew earlier?"

"I don't know. I thought you'd be upset with me. But now that you think we're friends I can tell you stuff without fearing you'll distance yourself."

The girl nodded, "Logical thinking. Let's go now, like I said, I want a nap." The two stood and made their way to the prefect common room. They didn't have their astronomy class until 11 pm so both decided in the end to take naps. "I'll see you at dinner Remus," Avery said as she walked towards the dorm stairs.

"Alright, see you then." The dark-haired girl gave the boy a wave, walking up to her dorm. When she got to her dorm she noticed her grandmother's owl sitting on the owl perch.

"Hello, Aphrodite." Avery stroked the owls back, grabbing the letter attached to her leg. Avery grabbed a treat, giving it to the owl before letting the barn owl leave. Avery opened the letter, having not heard from her grandmother at all so far.


I hope that your studies are going well and you're not causing trouble. I heard you are tutoring a student, keep in mind that this is your OWL year too. If you don't do well due to helping a stupid student I will be having a word with the teacher who made you do it.

As for the question about Christmas, I will allow your friends to stay at the manor as long as you have your teachers owl me about your status in their classes. For the party, your muggle-born friends are allowed as long as they do not embarrass us with their actions or appearance. I will let you know about the first request as soon as I've heard from all of your teachers.

Millicent Bagnold, Minister of Magic

Avery sighed, of course, her grades had to come first before everything else. Avery started short letters to each of her teachers, charming them to fly to each of their classes. The girl changed into pajama bottoms and a different shirt, falling into her bed and holding Darcy as she fell asleep.

Remus walked to the Gryffindor common room after saying goodbye to Avery. Not seeing his friends in the common room he walked up to the dorms. The three boys all lay in their separate beds, talking about a new prank.

"I have officially reached friend status," Remus said as he lay on the empty bed.

"What?" James asked looking toward his friends

"With Avery, she said we're friends."

James sat up, "What! I've known her since we were toddlers and she says that she's friends with you before me!"

"Haha, Prongs is mad that Avery likes Remus better," Peter said.

"I am! That's bull, I've been perfectly nice to her."

"Well has she told you that you're her friend yet?"

"No, we only talk in class, and half of the time she only says yes or no."

"I love having this advantage over you James."

"Why do you want to be friends with Avery so bad? At the beginning of the year, we all agreed this girl was bad news." Sirius said.

"No, you said that. Besides, you've been sitting next to her in defense for the last two months, has she not started to grow on you?" James said.

"She drew a dick on my hand when I fell asleep and put some charm over it! I still haven't figured out how to get it off!" The boy raised his left hand to show his friends.

"She deserves a reward," James said, putting his hands over his heart.

"No, she doesn't!" Sirius jumped from his bed onto James', tackling him.

"AHH, get off Padfoot, I will turn into a stag if you don't!"

"And what, have your antlers impale me? You'd miss me too much!" The boys wrestled on the floor, Remus and Peter watching.

"Want to play chess?" Peter asked.

"You know I'm shit at it, but sure." The two boys left the dormitory, leaving the other two to hash it out.

I worked 4th of July and I hate people even more now.

Chocolate Toast, Remus LupinWhere stories live. Discover now