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 Avery sat with 'The Magic Mountain' open on the floor. Her chin was resting on her knee and she slowly read through the page. Every now and then she'd look at the mirror in front of her or check her watch.

She finished the chapter she was on and shut the book. She stared forward and studied her parents' faces. She had her mother's face and figure. Her eye color and hair came from her father. Quickly she stood and left the room of requirements. She walked around the school until she got to the defense room. She opened the door slowly and the professor paused.

"Ms. Dessen, can I help you?"

"Sorry professor. I was told to get James Potter to Professor McGonagall."

"Oh, I'd take your bag, Mr. Potter. I'm sad not to see you in my class this year Ms. Dessen."

"I had some other classes that took up the spots, unfortunately."

James walked up to Avery, giving her a concerned look. "Yes, these classes can interfere. Have a good day you two."

The pair said goodbye and walked the opposite way of McGonagall's office. "I thought you said McGonagall needed me?"

"That was a lie. I need your help getting to Hogsmeade. I know you know how to get there."

James' jaw dropped. "You're joking right?"

"Nope, now will you help me or not?"

"I'll help. Follow me."

Avery looked around the shop, making sure no one was around. Slowly she climbed out of the ground. James came up after. The pair made their way up the stairs and waited for the shop owner to move.

Eventually, Avery just sent a spell towards a jar and the man went to clean it up. They made their way into the street and James followed Avery as she walked through alleys he'd never been to before.

They stopped in front of a shop and Avery turned towards him. "You don't have to come in if you don't want to. I know your next class is gonna start soon."

"I have transfigurations, McGonagall won't mind. Don't you have a class though?"

"Transfigurations, but it's fine." Avery walked into the store and James followed. The Ravenclaw made her way towards the muggle beauty products and scanned the shelf.

"What are you looking for exactly?"

Avery reached forward and grabbed the box of hair dye. "This."

"No- No, Avery. Your gran will kill you."

"I know. That's why I'm doing it." Avery went to the cashier and paid, James stared, wide-eyed. "Come on, let's go."

James followed, "Avery, you can't be serious."

"I am, and you're gonna help me."

"No, I'm not."

"You said McGonagall likes you, you're helping."

"Avery I don't want to be killed and personally I don't want you to be either."

"It'll be fine."

"I think it looks good."

"Yeah, besides the leftover black dye all over your face, it looks good."

The girl ran a hand through her hair. "It'll come off eventually."

James ran a hand over his face. "Dear Merlin. I can't believe I skipped all my classes to help you do this."

Avery bit her lip and made eye contact with him through the mirror. "Thank you."

The stress fell from his face and he smiled. "Avery, I'd do anything for you. You're like the sister I never had." Avery laughed and shook her head. "Why'd you change it though?"

The girl studied her face. "I look too much like them."

"Like who?"

"My parents. I just had to change the one thing I could. I can't get rid of my figure or structure, I can't change my eyes. But I can change my hair."

James put a hand on the girl's shoulder and squeezed it. "Well, black hair suits you."

"Where were- What did you do to your hair?" Piper stood in front of Avery, her mouth agape.

"You don't like it?"

"No." Avery's face fell. "Wait! Not like no, I don't like it I mean no, I do like it."

Avery smiled. "Is this why you skipped class?" Ali asked.

"Yeah. I just needed a change."

"It suits you."

two in one day love you little pookies

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