Remus Lupin is a Stalker

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Avery went straight to the herbology section when she arrived at the library. Truthfully she had not paid much attention in class due to the talk with James and then Mary before it. All she knew was that Dittany was a plant with powerful healing. Avery slowly walked down the aisle, her finger sliding against the wood. When she came across a book with healing herbs in the title she grabbed it.

On the other side of the shelf, Remus Lupin was looking for a book about potions, he would have done horribly without Avery today and he wanted to prove to her he wasn't useless in the subject. Once he found one on the basics of potion making he grabbed it.

Avery jumped as she made eye contact with Remus Lupin. "What the fuck Lupin, are you stalking me now?"

"I-no. I just was getting a book. I promise I'm not stalking you!" A blush had grown on his cheeks.

"You're blushing, that means you're lying." Avery pointed out.

"No! I promise I wasn't stalking you. I was trying to find a book for potions."

"Why? He didn't give us any assignments."

"I know, I'm just not too good at potions. I want to get better." Avery nodded, still skeptical. She walked away from Remus without another word. She decided since she was in the library she might as well grab a book for her DADA assignment too. "What are you getting?"

"Herbology book and defense book," Avery answered, hoping he would leave her alone if she did. He did not.

"Oh, I was planning on getting one for defense too." Remus followed Avery to the defense against the dark arts section and continued to trail behind her as she looked for a book on the topic they covered today, dark curses. Avery went to grab a book but Remus beat her to it. "Sorry, were you planning on getting this one? Here." Remus handed Avery the book and she snatched it from his hand.

"Thanks," Avery said. She walked up towards Madame Pince to check out the two books. She thanked the librarian before walking out of the library to her arithmancy class.

"Ah, Ms. Dessen. Back for another year of great Arithmancy!" Avery smiled as she walked into Professor Doesher's classroom. All of the Gryffindors liked McGonnagal, the Slytherins liked Slughorn, and the Hufflepuffs usually favored Sprout. Avery liked to think that the Ravenclaws didn't like a professor just because they were the head of the house, Avery liked to think that Ravenclaws liked the teacher that thought them the best. That's why, out of all the professors, Professor Doesher was her favorite.

"Hi Professor Doesher, have a good summer?"

"It was lovely, took a nice trip to America with my husband and we spent the nights exploring. I'd recommend you go one day dear."

"Maybe, but you know my gran." Professor Doesher knew all of Avery's secrets and all of her thoughts.

"She won't be minister forever."

"Yeah I know, I just wish it would end sooner rather than later."

Doesher took hold of Avery's hand giving it a small squeeze. "If you need anything, Avery, let me know. I'm here to help." Avery nodded and walked over to her seat as other students came in.

Avery grabbed her supplies from her bag as Oscar came walking into the classroom. "Hey. Were you okay back in the great hall?"

"Yeah, I had to get some books for assignments."

"Are you sure? You just left after Jacob said that, you didn't even finish your lunch."

"Oscar, I'm fine, really." Oscar nodded, grabbing his own supplies. "Oh, he really is stalking me," Avery said as Remus Lupin walked into the class. "Quick, put your bag on the cha-"

"Mind if I sit?" Remus asked, walking up to the table.

"Go ahead. I didn't know you took Arithmancy." Oscar said as Remus sat down.

"First year, thought I'd give it a try. Didn't quite like divinations."

"Neither does Avery, finds it quite stupid." Remus looked over to Avery who avoided eye contact.

"Yeah, James, Sirius, and Pete are staying with it cause it's easy." Remus and Oscar continued to talk until Doesher started the class.

After Doesher's review lesson, she handed out a couple of different worksheets for the class to work on. "If you need any help please ask! If you don't understand anything let me know and I'll be right over to help!"

Avery went through the sheets quickly, when she finished the final one she looked over to Oscar's and Remus' papers. Oscar had one sheet left but Remus was still on his first. "You have to correspond the question above to the question below," Avery whispered to Remus.


"The first question is simple, use the number and make the prediction, then continue the prediction on the next question with the additional number."

"And what does this number usually mean?"

Avery gave him a look, "This one corresponds to marriage, now use your textbook for the rest!"

"Right, thanks, Avery." Avery nodded and stood to turn in her work.

"Wonderful, Avery, you'll do great on your OWL this year. You can leave after I give you the assignment." Avery took the homework assignment from Doesher, saying goodbye before grabbing her bag to leave.

"I'll see you at dinner, Oscar." Oscar looked up from his sheet to give Avery a thumbs up. Avery walked out of the class, planning on going to the Ravenclaw common room because it was closer than the prefect common room.

When she reached the bronze eagle knocker she stood, waiting for the riddle. "I'm light as a feather, yet the strongest person can't hold me for 5 minutes. What am I?"

Avery thought for a moment, "Your breath." The door opened to reveal the Ravenclaw common room. Avery stepped in and instantly went to the corner where she and her friends used to study and hang out for the last four years. She took out her DADA book first so she could start the 6-inch essay due Friday.

After about an hour Avery finished her DADA essay, she didn't have to be at her ancient runes class for another 2 hours so she decided to take a walk down to the black lake. She stopped in the prefect common room to drop off the books she no longer needed and get the current book she was reading.

When she got down to the black lake she went towards the shore, taking her shoes and socks off to dip her feet in. She pulled out 'Carrie' and started from where she had left off. After finishing the last of the book Avery decided she should probably start her walk to the ancient ruins class.

"Moon River wider than a mile, I'm crossing you in style someday," Avery mumbled the lyrics of Moon River on her walk, missing her record player and vinyl. She reached her ruins class a couple of minutes early, the professor, Professor Ogata, had yet to open the door so she stood outside, leaning against the wall. "Oh dream maker you heartbreaker wherever you're goin' I'm goin' your way." More students had gotten to the class and Ogata finally opened the door.

"Sorry for opening the door so late, had to finish the last of the lesson." Everyone went to a table, Lily walked toward Avery, smiling as she took the seat across from her.

"Hey, how has your day been?" Lily asked.

"It's been fine, finished our defense essay."

"I'm not excited about that, there's already so much work and it's only the first day. But it is our OWL year so we'll need the work."

"Now, for those of you new to ancient ruins I will be giving a small run-down, with enough work it's an easy class to pass. Now, if you'll open your textbooks and go to page 148, you-" Ogata was interrupted by the door flying open and James Potter and Remus Lupin walking in.

"I swear," Avery muttered to Lily, "Lupin is stalking me at this point. We've had every class together, and he was following me in the library."

"Maybe you should give him a chance, he's a good guy," Lily whispered back.

"Potter, Lupin, thank you for finally joining us. Take the table with Evans and Dessen." Avery and Lily shared a look, one that was not happy or excited.

Lol fun times

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