Dirty Converse

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Avery really hated the Hogwarts Express. There were too many people and with all the new students it was hard to find her friends. She walked through the narrow halls trying to find her friends, every compartment seemed to be filled with people. "I guess I'll just be going to the prefect compartment first," she said to herself as she turned to go the other way.

She held tightly onto her cat carrier which held Darcy and tried to make sure no one knocked into him. She continued to look into compartments in case she missed her friends but had no luck. "Okay, go to the prefect's compartment, get my assignments, wait for the train to start so the halls will be clear, and then find my friends," she said quietly to herself. She continued to maneuver around the other students until she finally got to the front of the train where the prefect compartment was. Slowly she slid the door open to see if anyone had arrived yet but it was empty. Checking her watch for the time she was surprised no one had arrived. She slid the door shut and put her backpack and cat carrier on the nearest seat before sitting beside it.

Avery sat in silence for a couple of minutes before looking over to Darcy who was staring at her. "The letter said to be here before 11 Darcy, I don't know where everyone is."

"The letter did say 11, the train is packed though." Avery turned to the door to see who had come in, of fucking course, she thought to herself. "And it's still two minutes until 11, you're just here rather early." She scowled and turned away from the tall boy to look back at Darcy. "You're Avery, right? I don't think we've had many conversations due to being in different houses." She saw a hand come into her field of vision. For fucks sake, why was he still talking? Why was he trying to shake my hand? She thought.

The door slid open again, thank Merlin, she thought to herself. "Remus! I was wondering if you'd be here already." Lily Evans said. Avery looked over at Lily, who waved slightly. "Hello Avery, I didn't think you'd be here." She covered her mouth, "That was so rude sorry, I just didn't expect you to accept it, you said you'd never want to be prefect a couple of years ago."

"It's fine Lily, I'm only here because of my grandmother," Avery replied.

"Oh, of course. Do you mind if I sit?" Lily pointed to the seat across from her.

"Go ahead. Better you than a stranger." Lily sat down across from the brunette, Avery thought Remus would sit in another booth but no, this fucker doesn't understand signals and he decided to sit next to Lily.

"So Lily, have a good summer?" Remus asked as more students came in.

"It was alright, you know how Petunia is though. How was yours?"

"Fine, spent it catching up on some novels." Avery didn't mean to listen in, but this got her interest.

"Which ones?" Lily asked.

"Alice in Wonderland, Emma, The Princess Bride, couple of others." Avery silently approved, nodding her head while watching the door for the fifth-year Ravenclaw prefect.

"Avery? What did you do?" The girl looked back toward Lily as she talked.

"Not much, piano lessons and reading took up most of it. Lots of parties too." Lily nodded sympathetically at the mention of parties. She knew how Avery didn't like going to them but her grandmother made her.

"Avery!" The girl looked up at the person who had called her.

"Oscar, I was wondering where you and the others were. Do you have a compartment?" She asked as he sat next to her.

"Yup, it's in the back, that's why it took me a while."

"That's okay, I was talking with Lily."

"Glad you weren't totally alone," Oscar said with a smile. Avery liked Oscar, he was a great friend and she was glad he had made prefect too.

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