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"She's a dirty mudblood. You can't go talking to her." Avery stayed hidden in her little alcove and listened to the two Slytherin boys talking.

    "I didn't know, okay!"

    "Don't let me hear that you're talking to vermin like that. Don't let Him know you're talking to them. It shouldn't be me you fear, it should be him."

    Avery stayed quiet as the two walked by her. She watched as the two 7th years, both of whom she'd met last year, continued down the corridor. "Arses." She whispered.

    Checking her watch she jumped down from the window and continued on with her nightly rounds. Rachel, the 5th-year Hufflepuff prefect, was supposed to be patrolling with her in the dungeons but she'd grown ill and stayed in that night.

    She should have taken house points from the two Slytherin but since she got to patrol alone she was in a good mood. She also knew it was better not to pick a fight with two Slytherin boys when no one else was around. She quickly finished her final walk and made her way back to the prefect common room. Remus and Lily sat in front of the fireplace chatting when the girl walked in.

    Pulling the old chalkboard out from under the sofa she drew another tally. Lily frowned. "Another?"

    "Yup. Did any more get added today?"

    Remus nodded. "Five."

    Avery shook her head. "What the hell is going on."

    "Bad stuff." The three turned as Regulus walked towards them. "Hand me the board." Avery passed it over and Regulus drew three tallies.

    "Merlin. We're gonna have to restart soon."

    "Maybe not." Lily said, her voice high, "Maybe this will all stop soon. It's probably just some big stupid club."

    Regulus looked towards Avery and shook his head. "I think we should go somewhere more, private."

    "I'll owl the others."

    Ali, Piper, Peter, James, Sirius, Marlene, Dorcas, Mary, and Oscar sat scattered around the girl's 6th year Ravenclaw dorm room. Regulus, Lily, Avery, and Remus stood in front of them. Regulus spoke first. "Nine tallies were added today."


    "Nine, Sirius." Regulus rolled his eyes at his brother.

    "Just making sure."

    "We need to bring this up to the teachers," Piper said.

    "We don't have any real evidence. All we have is the stupid board." James added.

    Mary raised her hand. "We should go to McGonagall. She'll listen to us."

    "And what will we say? Slytherins are calling muggleborns you know what, that they're saying there's some bigger force?" Regulus asked.

    "Reg," Avery put her hand on the boy's shoulder. "It's not a bad idea. MsGonagall will listen. She trusts us."

    "No one will believe this Avery."

    "She will. Look, something is happening, someone is rising. I heard about it a little from Theodore last year. I though it was some nobody just trying to scare people but we're hearing about it more and more now. Someone has to know."

    "And you trust McGonagall? One hundred percent?"

    James spoke first. "One hundred percent."

    "Fine. But I'm not going with you when you all talk to her."

    "You have to," Lily said. "You're one of the biggest pieces of, sorry to say this but, evidence."

    "Thanks, Lily," Regulus said while rolling his eyes. "Good to know what part I play."

    "I mean it in a good way."

    "So we'll talk to McGonagall tomorrow?" Sirius asked.

    "Yes." Avery looked around the room at  her friends. "I don't know what's going on, but we have to stick together now more than ever."

Chocolate Toast, Remus LupinWhere stories live. Discover now