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"I can't believe you!" Marlene stormed into the train compartment, her finger pointing accusingly at Avery.

"What the fuck are you talking about?" Avery asked.

"I was going through Diagon Alley yesterday and I saw you holding hands with Theodore Nott!"

"Oh, right. We're going out."

"What! You're going out with Theodore Nott? Since when?" Piper asked.

"We went out on the 30th and then we went out again on New Year, he asked me to be his girlfriend and I said yes."

"Why! Why would you go out with him? He's a blood supremacist!" Marlene's voice was filled with disgust.

"He's not like that! His family is but he's not."

"How can you be sure? Let's go shove Jacob near him and see how he acts."

"What! No!" Jacob moved away from Marlene, not wanting to be her choice of sacrifice.

"He's not! Can you all just trust me? Please?"

"I trust you, Avery," Ali told the girl.

Avery gave the girl a thankful smile. "I promise if he was a bad person I wouldn't date him."

"You're dating Nott!" James stood behind Lily and Mary, the other three boys standing beside him.

"You're joking right?" Sirius asked the girl.

"No, I'm not. Don't say shit, Black. Theo is not a bad guy and I won't hear you all talk bad about him."

"How did you know I was gonna say something bad about him? Maybe I was going to say he is a very nice boy."

Avery scoffed, "Look, I like Theo, and I'm not going to listen to all of you talk badly about him just because he's in Slytherin and because of his family. We don't think badly of you because of your family Sirius."

"Low blow there Avery," James said.

"Whatever, I told Theo I'd find him later but I'm just going to go now."

"Avery!" Lily called after the girl as she pushed past the four boys. "Nice going you two."

"Hey! Don't blame us!"

Avery knew not to waste her time looking in the regular compartments, instead, she walked back towards the compartments saved for Slytherin. She slid the door open slowly and looked to see if Theodore had arrived yet. She met his eyes and smiled. Closing the door behind her she went and joined his table which included Lucius Malfoy, Narcissa Black, and Thomas Zambini.

"Hello everyone." Avery greeted the four.

Theo smiled and put his arm around Avery. "Hi."

Avery looked up at him and grinned. "Hi."

"Geez, here I thought I wouldn't be a third wheel." Avery looked towards the dark-skinned Slytherin and chuckled.

"Sorry about that Thomas. I was planning on coming around later but thought I'd come now."

"It's fine Avery, I enjoy your company too much to be annoyed about this."

"Did you have a good rest of your break, Avery?" Narcissa asked.

Avery had gone on a second date with Theodore two days after their first and later that day had met his friends. "Oh yes, it was very nice. I mostly just relaxed and finished my homework."

"Ugh, I still have to finish my divination essay! I hate how they give us work during break."

"I agree, they give us this break to relax right? And then they just pile work on us before we leave!" Thomas said, his voice going up an octave as he complained.

Avery laughed into Theodore's shoulder. "Just you wait Avery, when you start seventh year you'll be sick of it too," Theo warned the girl.

"I already am honestly, I'm only laughing because Thomas' voice change."

The four of them laughed while Thomas glared at Avery. "You know, what if I told you all that I have a medical condition, would you be laughing then? I think not!"

"Really Thomas, if you told us that was an actual medical condition I think we'd be laughing even harder!" Lucius stated.

"Whatever, you're all bullies. I don't need any of you."

"What other friends do you have Thomas?" Narcissa asked jokingly.

"Plenty, I'm friends with every person in this car."

"Really? What's that girl's name?" Lucius asked, pointing towards a red-headed 5th year.

Thomas paused for a second. "Clair?"

Avery giggled, "That's Marissa, she's in my year."

"Right, see me and Marissa are on a nickname basis, we call each other different names so I just couldn't remember her actual one."


"Wow, I envy the friendship you two have," Theo stated sarcastically.

Thomas hit Theo from across the table. "Oh shut it, mate."

Theo just stuck his tongue out to Thomas. "I'm going to find the trolly. Want to come?" Theo asked Avery.

"I'm good, thank you though."

Theo nodded and turned to his friends. "Sure, come on Malfoy, you're coming too," Thomas said.

Lucius groaned but got up to go with Thomas and Theodore.

"I promised Bella I'd find come see her, you don't mind being alone for a bit, do you, Avery?" Narcissa asked the girl.

"Not at all, have fun," Avery said with a smile.

Narcissa left the car leaving Avery alone, feeling tired she put her head against the window and fell asleep.


Heyyyyy. I'm so sorry to all of you who actually read this and then just did not get any updates for like 4 months........ Schools been kicking my ass :D Anyway, I figured if I was going to give this story a new cover I might as well update it too.

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