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"The castle is eight floors." Avery had taken a layout of Hogwarts from the library and now she and the other girls sat together reviewing it. "The dungeons hold the Slytherin and Hufflepuff common rooms, the kitchens, three in-use classrooms, and five unused. The first floor holds six in-use classrooms, the great hall, two large empty rooms, most likely used for parties, and ten unused classrooms." Avery continued to go over the map. Getting to the third floor she described the corridor she had found.

"It contains six classrooms, the first one we pass is the one my godfather used. The other five, I don't know."

"How many classrooms are unused in total?" Lily asked, her eyes scanned over the papers.

"Sixty-three. There are eighty classrooms in total. Most of the middle of the castle is the staircases so really it's just the perimeter that has rooms." Avery had labeled the classrooms that were in use as well as the teacher's rooms, and Filches office. "Today, we can just do the five in that corridor."

"This school is crazy, so many classrooms with so little use," Ali said.

"There used to be more teachers, each subject had multiple teachers, and there used to be so many more clubs. They just fell out after the war with Grindelwald." Lily said.

"Let's start," Avery said, changing the subject. "If you find anything interesting yell."

The girls split into pairs with Avery joining Piper and Ali. They took the room across from her godfathers. It was empty besides the tables. "I found that the most interesting stuff happens to be in the teacher's office," Avery said going up the steps.

"What if there's just, nothing?" Ali asked.

"Then I mark it as just unused and we move to a different room."

Avery tried the handle, locked. "Alohamora." The door opened. "Nothing, just the normal office stuff."

"We should still check the drawers," Piper suggested.

"True," Avery walked towards the desk and opened the drawers, all empty. "Nothing."

The trio walked out to the hall and Avery wrote unused on the map. "I'm gonna check on the others, you two go ahead." The pair nodded and went on. Taking the map Avery walked towards the classroom Lily and Mary were in.

"Find anything?" Mary and Lily turned towards the girl.

"Yeah, a bunch of old Transfigurations textbooks," Lily told the girl.

Avery walked to where they stood, "These were the ones they used until the 50's."

"We were about to go into the office if you want to join us," Mary told the girl.

"Yeah, let me just mark this class." Avery labeled the classroom and followed the girls up the steps. The door opened and the girls looked around.

"Looks like it's just filled with transfiguration material," Mary said.

"I guess this hall was used before we came," Lily said as they walked out of the classroom.

"But why did they move the classes?" Avery asked as they moved towards Marlene and Dorcas' room.

"Probably for efficiency. It could take a while to get here from a different class."

"I guess. Marlene, Dorcas, find anything?"

Marlene and Dorcas walked out of the classroom as the others were going in. "Nothing, empty as Potter's brain," Marlene said. Avery wrote it down on the map.

"One room left, we can all go together after Ali and Piper finish in their current one."

As if they heard their names they walked out of the classroom. "Found some old potions textbooks," Ali told the girls.

"Mkay, you all can go ahead to the last room, I'm gonna write that down."

The girls went ahead and Avery looked through the blueprints. She walked towards the room and stopped as she saw what filled the tables. "Why are there so many chess boards?"

"Lily did say the rooms used to be used for clubs. I guess they had a wizard's chess club." Piper said.

"That's actually really cool." Avery wrote chess club down and then looked back at the girls. "That took like ten minutes. Want to go to another corridor?"

The girls all smiled, "I think you already know the answer, Avery." Dorcas replied.

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