Easter at Evony Estate, Part 2

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"Avery, time to wake up." Avery stirred slightly. Theo was hovering over her.

"Couple more minutes?"

"Not today, Thomas said we all need to be downstairs pronto. Dressed and ready."

"Ughshsh, fine." Avery got dressed quickly, changing into a dress she had bought earlier that week.

As she walked downstairs Thomas was tapping his foot. "Finally, let's go."

"No Happy Easter?" Avery said sarcastically.

"No." Avery rolled her eyes and followed the others out. "This town takes Easter really seriously. We need to be down there and get our table quick before some other family tries to take ours."

Theo slowed down and held Avery's hand. "Thomas also takes it very seriously." He whispered.

"I can tell." As they grew closer to the town music could be heard along with laughing. "Wow." The center of town was decked out in pastels and there were kids running everywhere. A table was filled with breakfast foods and Avery could smell fresh baked pastries.

"Like it here?" Theo asked.

Avery looked up to meet his eye. "Love it."

At one point Avery let go of Theo's hand and joined in on one of the dance circles. Though Avery did not know it, she learned it. She would leave the circle every now and then to get a drink. Each time she kissed Theo, a smile never left her face.

Soon, the sun was setting and Avery decided it was finally time to find the others. She saw the back of their heads and she walked over to where they were.

"-Asked me what my plans after Hogwarts were, if I would be staying with Avery." Avery stopped.

"What'd you say?" Lucius asked.

"I said yes, I mean, she's something else."

"What happened to just wanting a girl to snog?" Thomas asked.

"That was before I knew her before I really knew her. I love her now. I can see a future with her."

"And what will happen? If you decide other some random day?"

"I won't, I love Avery. Yes, I thought it impossible, but I do. She's amazing and besides that, her Gran is the minister. That's a perk I'll never get with any other girl."

"Amazing sure, but her friends." Lucius shook his head. "Mudbloods the lot of them."

"She doesn't talk to them anymore. Even if she did, I have her wrapped around my finger."

Surprised and hurt, Avery walked away. She squeezed her eyes shut and took in a breath. She spun back around and walked back over to the table.


Theo turned first and smiled. "Hey, did you have fun?"

"Yeah," Aver tried to smile but it was strained.

"Are you okay? You look pale."

"Yeah, I'm just not feeling too well. I think I'm gonna head back."

"Do you want me to go too?" Theo started to stand.

"No, it's okay. You four have fun and I'll see you later."

Avery ran back to the house. She tried to hold in the tears until she got to the house but they had started as soon as she turned away from Theo. Sobbing, she ran to the room Theo had been staying in. She walked to the desk that he had been using to write letters. Opening the top drawer she saw what she was looking for. She quickly flipped through the letters, finding all of the ones with her Grans handwriting.

She read through each one. Finally, she stopped at the most recent one. She dropped the letters.

"Avery? What are you doing?" Avery turned and looked at Theo, a look of disgust in her eyes.

"You've been writing to my grandma about me? Keeping her updated on everything I've been doing?"

"Why were you going through my things?"

"Because Theo! I heard you at the party! Just dating me for a snog? My gran is a great perk? How could you?"

"You weren't supposed to hear that."

"Oh great, I think that's my favorite excuse!"

"Avery, I love you!"

"No, no Theodore! Don't twist this and pull out the I love you card!"

"I don't know what else you want me to say, Avery!"

"You should know what to say!"

"Well, I'm sorry I don't!" Avery scoffed and brushed past the boy. "Where are you going?"

"Away from here, away from you."

"You don't have anywhere to go Avery! Your Gran will kill you if you go home! I'm supposed to be watching you!"

"And that is the problem! You should not have to say that!" Avery was throwing clothes into her trunk. The extension charm she had added to the trunk made sure she didn't have to fold anything.

"Avery please, stop." Theo grabbed her wrists. The girl flicked her hand and the rest of her belongings flew to her trunk.

"Let go, Theo." She said gently.

"No, Avery, you can't leave."

"You can't stop me."

"I love you."

"I'm breaking up with you." Theo dropped his hands.

"What?" Avery flicked her hand again and her trunk flew out of her room. "Avery, no." Avery took the chance and left the room. She grabbed her trunk and stepped into the fireplace, her hand was filled with floo powder. She heard steps running down the stairs and said the only place she could think of.


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