The Brothers Black

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 "Avery." Regulus Black sat beside Avery in an abandoned corridor. Both had decided to skip the Halloween feast.


"Did you know that a shrimp's heart is in its head?"

Avery turned her head and studied the boy. "What the fuck is going through your head right now?"

Regulus turned his head and studied the girl. "A lot of shit. That's just one of the fun things."

"You're weird."

"You're one to talk."

Avery bit her cheek. "Good point." The two went back to staring at the wall in front of them.

"Why aren't you hanging around Lupin as much?"

"We got into an argument a couple weeks ago."

"I'm guessing it was his fault?"

"How'd you know?"

"Because I watch him glare at me when we're sitting together in the common room. I also watch him as he watches you with sad eyes."

"Sorry, I don't mean to get you in the middle of this all."

"Oh, no it's fine. I think it's funny."

"Wow, thank you for finding humor in my problems."

"Maybe you can try talking to him?"

"I'll make you a deal. I'll talk to Remus, but you have to talk to Sirius."

"No. He doesn't want to talk to me, Avery."

Avery took the Slytherin's hand. "He does. Regulus, both of you are too proud to talk to the other. I say, you just need to be the bigger man and initiate it first."

"I'm scared, Avery."

"Everyone's a little scared of something Regulus. It shows that we're human."




"Sirius." The eldest Black brother turned towards Avery.

"What's up Little D?"

"Don't call me that. Come with me."

"Umm, okay?" Sirius waved off the other Marauders as they gave him a look, and he followed Avery. "You're not planning on killing me are you?"

"No, Sirius."

"Then why are you leading me down an abandoned corridor?"

"I have a surprise for you." Avery led the boy down one final corridor. She opened the door to one of the classrooms and motioned for him to go in.

Slowly Sirius walked in. "What's going-" He stopped as Avery slammed the door behind him. "Avery!"

"Talk to him! I'll open the door when Regulus says I can!"

"What are you talking about?!"

"Hi, Sirius." Sirius yelped and turned around. Standing a couple of feet in front of him was his brother.

"Hi. What's up?"

Avery yelled through the door. "Talk! I'll be back in ten minutes!"

"Avery!" Sirius ran towards the door and tried the knob but it wouldn't move.

"I can call her back. If you don't want to talk." Regulus said quietly.

Sirius' face fell into pity. "Regulus."

"No, it's okay. We don't have to talk."

Sirius took a step forward. "Well, she's not gonna be back for ten minutes so, what else could we do besides talk?"

Regulus moved to sit on one of the tables. Sirius followed and sat next to him. "I'm not a death eater."

"I never said you were."

"But you think I am. That's why you left, isn't it? You knew mother and father were going to make you become one."

"That's not why I left Regulus."

"Then why, Sirius? Why did you leave me there?"

"I didn't think you'd want to leave."

"We both know that's a lie."

"Fine, I didn't want to take you with me, okay? For once, I had something to myself, and it sounds selfish and horrible, but I didn't want to share." Sirius stood up and started to pace. "I messed up though Regulus! I felt like shit for leaving you! For leaving you with those people! I regret it okay?!"

"Why didn't you come back for me then?"

"Because I didn't think you'd want me to come back after I left you!"

"I waited every day, Sirius! I waited every day for you to come back and save me!"

Both of the brothers were crying. "I'm sorry Regulus, okay? I'm sorry I left you, I was supposed to be your brother and I failed."

"Then make up for it now! Please, Sirius, make up for it now."

"How? How do I do that Regulus?"

Regulus faltered. "I don't know."

"That's the problem, Regulus! I don't know what I can do and neither do you!"

The door creaked open. "I mean, don't listen to me, but maybe, I don't know. Help him out if your parents go awol and decide he needs a serpent tattoo."

The brothers looked at each other and then to Avery who stood at the door eating a cauldron cake. "Fuck this." Sirius started to leave the room but stopped. "Regulus. If they try anything, come to me okay?" He fully turned towards his brother. "If you need anything, come to me."


"Promise." Sirius turned towards Avery. "You need to talk to Remus by the way. He's been acting like a sad puppy since the argument. He feels bad."

Avery gave the boy a sarcastic smile. "I'll totally take your advice, Sirius."

"Yeah, whatever. I'll see you two around." Sirius left the room and Regulus walked towards Avery. He wrapped his arms around the girl and spun her.

"Thank you."

Guess who made Co-Captain of the soccer team <3

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