Full Moon

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Avery sat by Remus' bed in the hospital wing. The night before had been the full moon and he looked like shit. The other boys had left to give them some space and Avery was now waiting for the werewolf to wake up.

"Avery?" Remus slowly sat up and winced.

"Woah, don't move."

"No, it's okay. What are you doing here? Where are the boys?"

"They uh, they left to give us some space."

"Oh. Look, Avery, I'm really sorry about what I said."

"No. What you said was true. When I'm around my grandma I go into defense mode. It's the only way I know I can get through the summer. I know I don't have to be like that here but it's hard to switch on and off like that." Avery put her head in her hands. "This summer was especially bad, so when I got back I really struggled with letting you all in again. I'm still struggling with it."

Remus reached out for the girl. "I shouldn't have pushed. Avery, you're one of the best things to ever happen to me. I didn't think I'd ever get the chance to know you, really know you, and now I do. Avery, I'm so glad that you got made prefect, and I'm glad that I've had you as one of my friends."

Avery moved her hands and looked at the boy. He looked pale and had fresh cuts on his face, but the sun shone on him. His brown eyes had a faint sparkle in them and his mouth was in a small smile.

Remus watched as Avery took a deep breath in. Her once brown hair was now pitch black and fell onto her shoulders. She had on a brown jumper that was two sizes too big and was probably James'. Her nails were painted a dark blue and she picked at her cuticles. He thought she looked perfect at that moment. Her eyes found his and his smile grew. "You're too good to me Remus."

"I would say you're too good to me as well but you've spent the last three weeks ignoring me."

Avery's face went slack. "Okay, I'm done. I rebuke all of what I said." The girl stood and started to walk away.

Remus laughed. "No, Avery, I was kidding. Come back, please."

Avery turned around grinning. "I would, but I've got a student that needs tutoring. I'd say you could come along but you look held up."

"Ouch, okay. Really hit the heart there. When I can walk again I'll make sure I never leave your side."

Avery stuck her tongue out at the boy. "Weirdo."

"You know you love me!" Remus called after the girl.

"Mhm, you tell yourself that, Lupin."

"Oh, I will, Dessen!" Remus watched as the girl walked away laughing. He fell back onto the bed and smiled.

"I see you two are talking again," Lily said, sitting beside Avery at the Ravenclaw table.

"Yeah, we talked the other day." Avery turned towards the girl. "I want to talk to you all actually. So, spread the word and have everyone meet me by the black lake at noon."

Lily looked at the girl confused. "Okay? It's not bad, is it?"

Avery shook her head, "No. It's good I swear."

Lily smiled. "Okay, I'll go tell everyone."

At noon all four Ravenclaws and all eight Gryfindors sat by the black lake. Avery took a deep breath and stood.

"Look, I know that I've been acting strangely these last couple of weeks. I want you all to know I'm very grateful that you've stuck it out and not given up on me. It's really hard for me to get back to myself once I come back from being around my grandmother." Avery made eye contact with Remus and he smiled. "You all make it easier to get back to normal. I'm sorry for being distant, and making you all worried. But from now on I promise to be better, to not shut you all out or ignore you."

"Oh, Avery!" Lily jumped up and hugged the girl. "We could never be mad at you or hate you! We really are just worried! You're our friend and it scares us when you go quiet!"

"Yeah!" Mary jumped up and joined the hug, "Avery it makes us sad when you don't talk to us, but we know you struggle! Take all the time you need when you need it!"

The other girls slowly followed and hugged Avery. The boys stayed seated until James stood and joined. The others followed after. "Okay, you can all let go now!" Avery said laughing.

Sirius let out a manic laugh, "NEVER!"

The girls dissolved into giggles and tried to move but the boys had them trapped in the middle. Marlene, who was hunched over laughing, tried to stand straight again but tripped, causing the others to follow. The group tripped and fell over each other. Avery fell on top of Remus and smiled down at him. Lily fell a second later, pushing the two together. Remus made a sound and Avery looked at him worriedly. "Are you okay!"

Remus laughed. "Yeah, just a little sore from the other day."

"I'm not hurting you, right?"

"No. If you were I'd tell you."

"Okay good, because Marlene's legs are on top of me and I can't get up."

Update time <3

We had our first game Monday and this girl kicked my ankle in so I have a sprained ankle now :D

I started watching Brooklyn 99 and it's sooo good

and I had my writing SOLS last week. They sucked butt.

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