Act 2

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"I said I'm sorry! I apologized! Please, Grandma! This is too much!" Avery stood in front of her grandmother. The term had ended three weeks ago and Avery finally understood what Theodore meant on the last day.

"Enough, Avery! You will do as I say!"

"I don't want this! You can't do this to me!"

Millicent stood, "Enough! Enough of this! You will not disrespect me or the family name anymore! You are worthless Avery! At least marrying a respectable man will give you some purpose in your miserable, unimportant life! You will finish at Hogwarts, you will marry that boy and you will finally have some meaning!"

Avery covered her mouth. Her eyes became watery. "Enough of this nonsense. Go to your room. Don't come down until you are told." Avery turned. As she walked out of her grandmother's office she saw the Nott family sitting in the living room. Theodore looked up as she walked in. Saying something to his parents he started to walk towards the girl.

Avery walked faster, she had made it to her room but Theodore stopped her before she could close the door. "Are you alright Avery?"

"Don't, don't play dumb." Avery looked up at him. "I hate you. I will hate you forever."

Theodore moved his hand, moving a piece of Avery's hair behind her ear. She flinched. "You'll learn to overcome it." He smiled at the girl and then walked back towards the stairs.

Avery closed the door the rest of the way. Slowly she walked to her window. No one had written to her, no owl even came close to her room. She placed her head on the glass and cried.

Gracie Abrams as Avery Dessen

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Gracie Abrams as Avery Dessen

Ravenclaw, 16, pureblood


The Ravenclaws

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The Ravenclaws

Lauren Donzis as Piper Lawrence

Ravenclaw, 16, halfblood

"Stupid Hufflepuff."

Zoë Kravitz as Ali Jenk

Ravenclaw, 16, muggle-born


Alex Schlab as Oscar Anderson

Ravenclaw, 16, pureblood

"She needs you."

The Marauders

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The Marauders

Ben Barnes as Sirius Black

Gryffindor, 16, pureblood


Andrew Garfield as Remus Lupin

Gryffindor, 16, halfblood

"I love you."

Lewis Capaldi as Peter Pettigrew

Gryffindor, 16, pureblood

"Peter Piper picked a pack of pickled peppers"

Nick Green as James Potter

Gryffindor, 16, pureblood


The Valkyries

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The Valkyries

Annalise Basso as Lily Evans

Gryffindor, 16, muggle-born

"Maybe take a nap?"

Lily James as Marlene Mckinnon

Gryffindor, 16, pureblood

"We did."

Sofia Bryant as Mary Macdonald

Gryffindor, 16, muggleborn

"I'm not saying that."

Savannah Smith as Dorcas Meadowes

Gryffindor, 16, halfblood

"I'll say it."

Can someone just kill me already? Like bffr I want to die.

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