Remus Lupin, a Real Werewolf

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James wrote the letter and attached it to his owl. "Remus Lupin then Lily Evans, please" The two Gryfindor boys watched as the owl flew off.

"Well, that was a night." James gave Sirius an unimpressed look. "I'm just saying what we both think!"

"I feel really bad for Avery. Nott probably manipulated her or something like that. She has a bruise coming in on her wrist and there's no way my mum did that in the ten minutes they were talking."

"I wouldn't worry right now. We can talk about this more in the morning." Sirius turned to leave, "Do you think Remus will come?"

James gave Sirius a look. "Of course he will. He won't admit it, but there's something there, between those two. This whole Avery and Theodore thing was just a setback."

Sirius nodded and left the room, leaving James alone to think.


Avery woke up to Effie stroking her hair. "I have some breakfast downstairs for you. I made sure the boys didn't take it all."

Avery sat up and stretched her arms out. "Thank you, Effie."

"Of course. I have to go to work and Fleamont is already gone so I'll see you later tonight. Take whatever you'd like from the kitchen and if you need anything James can do it."

"Alright." Effie stood and started to leave, "Wait." The woman stopped. "Can I ask you something quickly? It's about my godfather. Grayson Aster."

Shock filled the woman's face. "I think, it'd be best if we talk about that later, when I get home."

Avery nodded and Effie left, leaving the girl to change and get ready.

Hearing a knock on her door Avery walked towards it, drying her hair with a towel. As she opened the door Sirius and James walked in. "Breakfast is downstairs, don't know if Mum told you."

"She did, but thank you." She threw the towel onto her bed. "Is that all you needed?"

"I figured we could go out today," James said.

Avery frowned. "I don't really feel like it. But you two are welcome to go."

"There's four of us actually." Peter said.

"Remus, come in," Sirius said with a sigh.

Remus slowly walked in, his hands stuffed in his pockets. Avery became aware of what she was wearing and moved her arms to cover her bare stomach. "Hi, Avery."

"Hi, Remus."

James, Sirius, and Peter looked at each. "We'll let you two talk." The trio left the room before Avery or Remus could argue.

Avery sat on the bed, her head down. The two sat in silence. "I'm sorry." Avery finally said. "For acting so poorly about you not telling me. I promise though, I didn't tell anyone and I won't."

"I don't really have anything to be sorry about, to be honest. Besides being a jerk about you and Nott. But even now I was right about it."

"Can you not?" Avery stood and walked towards the boy. "I apologized, I said I'm sorry and I am. Can you now just apologize for being a dick in general? Why do you always have to be right!" Avery poked Remus in the chest.

"Oh come on Avery, I was right and you can't be upset about that. I knew Nott was bad but you didn't listen."

Avry scoffed, "Can you stop? For one second, stop thinking about how you were right and maybe realize that I know you were right. I know he's a jerk now, you were right bravo! Can you just be sensitive for once and maybe think about what I'm going through! I just broke up with my boyfriend because he was using me! Manipulating me! I understand I was wrong so just shut up about it!"

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