Arresto Momentum

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Avery screamed as Remus pushed her head into his shoulder. Remus felt tears start to leave his eyes. He thought he should tell Avery, tell her everything before they die but he didn't have time. One moment they were falling faster than they could blink and the next moment they were lying together on the snow-covered grass. And the next moment, everything went black.

Avery awoke first. Her head was throbbing and she felt like her skin had been blown off. She started to cry again, "Oh, Merlin, I'm dead. I'm dead and I didn't even get to write my book." She started to sob.

"Ah, Miss. Dessen, good to see you're up." Avery stopped as Madam Pomfrey walked to her bed. "You and Mr. Lupin, idiots. Which one of you thought it'd be a good idea to fall asleep in the snow?"

"I'm alive?"

"Luckily. If Hagrid hadn't been walking around neither of you would be."

"Remus is okay?"

"Yes, Miss. Dessen. Here's some tea and pepper-up potion. Drink them both. I'll be back in a bit."

Avery nodded as Pomfrey walked out of the hospital wing. Looking around the room Avery spotted Remus sleeping in a bed a little from hers. She quickly downed the potion and tea before slowly walking towards Remus. "Rem? Remus?"

After no response was given she carefully moved him over and slid in next to him. "I'm so sorry Remus. I didn't mean for us to fall." She rested her head on his shoulder and pulled the blankets over the two of them. "I used to think I'd be fine with dying, but I take it back. I don't want to die Rem. I don't want to leave you all."

When Remus woke up he was surprised to see Avery next to him. The sun was just starting to come up and he sighed in relief. They were alive, more importantly, Avery was alive. He carefully brought his hand to the girl's face. Her hair had fallen everywhere and he carefully slid it behind her ear. He smiled, moved his hand, and closed his eyes again.

When Avery woke up a second time the sun was fully up, Remus was still asleep, and her friends sat around her, quietly chatting. Mary noticed first that the girl was up. "Oh, Avery!"

The others turned towards the girl and started to bombard her with questions. She waited for them to calm down before answering. She didn't want to tell them the whole truth, that they slipped and almost died because of her, so she told them the end. "We went out for a walk and we fell asleep in the snow. Hagrid found us and brought us here."

"How the hell do you fall asleep in the snow, Avery?" Piper asks.

"I- I don't know."

Lily rested her hand on Piper's shoulder. "We're just happy that you're okay. That you're both okay."

"Thank you, Lily."

Madame Pomfrey rushed over to the group. "Good, you're up. Miss. Dessen, Dumbledore would like to see you in his office. I'll send Mr. Lupin as soon as he's awake."

"Do you know why?"

"Not in the slightest. Now up. Come see me tonight."

Avery nodded and moved slowly so she wouldn't wake Remus. "I'll see you all later."

When Avery entered the headmaster's office Flitwick and McGonagall already stood beside him. "Miss. Dessen. Lovely to see you alive."

"Professors, headmaster."

"Why don't you take a seat, Ms. Dessen."

Avery nodded and sat down. The three elders stared at her for a minute before McGonagall spoke. "What is wrong with you?!" Avery jumped slightly at the woman's tone. "What stupid thought went into your mind that it was okay to walk around on the top of the castle during the winter!?"


"I know it has been hard for you Ms. Dessen but I did not think you were that out of it, that stupid to do this!"


"And putting another student at risk! This is not the type of student, person, I thought you were."

Avery looked down, her hair fell forward and hid her face. "I'm sorry."

"Sorry will not fix the fact that you almost killed another student and yourself."

"Minerva, I think the child knows well enough." Avery flinched as Flitwick used the word child.

"If anything," Dumbledore stood, "I think it may have helped Ms. Dessen."

"Excuse you?" McGonagall looked astounded.

"Ms. Dessen, tell me, what were you thinking when you fell?"

"I, I thought about how I didn't want to die that way. That I don't want to leave yet."

"Hm. Case closed, I think that this experience has been good for Avery."

McGonagall and Flitwick looked worriedly at each other. "Albus-"

"It isn't Avery's fault!" Remus burst through the door, panting, "I took us into the snow."


"I'm the one that dragged us out after curfew!"


Remus whipped his head towards the girl. "What."

"They know."


"Please, take a seat Mr. Lupin." Remus followed Dumbledore's orders and sat in the chair beside Avery.

"Did you enjoy your little fall yesterday?"

Remus turned to look at Avery "What the fuck", he mouthed.

"It's a yes or no question Mr. Lupin."

"No. I did not enjoy it."

"Mh yes, but it made you think, didn't it? It gave you some, realizations. I know it gave Ms. Dessen some."

"I- I mean yes but we don't have to share what I figured out."

"Hm, no we don't. Please, refrain from walking on the roof. You two are dismissed."

McGonagall had a look of distaste on her face, "At least they deserve a detention, Albus."

"No, I think that experience was well enough a punishment. Go, get back to your friends."

Avery and Remus stood and nodded. Remus followed behind Avery and touched his hand to her back. When they stepped out from the office Avery turned towards Remus. "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to slip and bring you down with me."

Remus ignored the girl and hugged her. "Don't ever scare me like that again okay? No more rooftops, no more going outside. No more leaving me."

"I'm so sorry Rem. I'm so sorry."

Chocolate Toast, Remus LupinWhere stories live. Discover now