A Tumble

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 "Where are they?" Lily asked.

"I don't know. They were here just a minute ago." James said as he rubbed his chin.

"I saw them walk out about 20 minutes ago," Mary added as she walked towards the food table.

"What? Where could they have gone?"

"Maybe they're finally confessing their love for each other!" Mary stated happily.

"Avery, I think it's time we head back. Everyone's probably wondering where we are."

"It's fine. They probably haven't noticed."

"Are you sure this is safe?"

"I've done it plenty of times."


Avery got her footing right and pushed herself up the last bit. Remus followed closely behind and sat next to her on the ledge. The girl shivered slightly as snow fell onto her.

"You're shivering. Maybe it'd be best if we went back inside."

"No, this is the best part. Feeling the cold air, feeling, invincible."

"Well, I don't feel invincible. I feel as though if we make one wrong move we'll fall and die."

"We won't."

"Sure, you say that now."

"I've done this plenty before Remus. We're going to be fine. I just want to sit here for a couple more minutes then we can head back."

Remus bit his lip. "Okay."

A couple of minutes turned into twenty. Avery finally let out a sigh. "Okay. Let's head back now."

"We need to get you in front of a fire ASAP."

"I'm fine. I came out in shorts and a tank top once."

"Still. Here, let me get down first and I can help you after."

"Okay." Avery watched as Remus climbed down the 3-meter tall wall.

"Okay. I've got you." Avery started to move down. As she grew closer to Remus he brought his arms up and wrapped them around the girl's waist. "I can bring you down the rest of the way."

Avery let go and waited until her feet hit the ground to turn toward the boy. "Thanks, Remus!"

The boy smiled. "No problem Avery." The pair started their journey back to the window and chatted lightly.

Avery laughed as Remus' story ended. "I'm not surprised at all by how that end-"

Avery's face turned fearful as she felt her body slip. She stumbled into Remus who caught her, caught off guard he took a step back, still holding onto her, they fell.

Chocolate Toast, Remus LupinWhere stories live. Discover now