Valentines Day

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Avery and Theodore walked hand in hand through Hogsmeade, Theodore had told her he had a big Valentine's Day surprise. "Can you please tell me where we're going?"

"We'll be there in a minute, calm down Avery," Theodore said with a laugh. They walked for another minute before Theo stopped her. "Ta-da." He moved Avery slightly to face the building.

"Madam Puddifoots, oh."

"Yes, I had to ask in January for a reservation."

Though Avery did not exactly enjoy this pink building she thought it was sweet that Theo did this. She turned slightly and kissed the bottom of Theodore's jaw. "Thank you, Theo, this was a lovely surprise."

Theodore led Avery into the building, "There's still more after but I thought we could get lunch first then continue on."

"Really? Like what?" The two were led to a table and sat down, a menu being slid onto the table.

"You'll have to wait, but I'm sure you'll love it." The two smiled at each other. "So what will you get? I'm thinking of getting some soup."

"Same here actually, I know it's still Winter and all but I was hoping it would start to get a little warmer."

"Maybe if you were in Italy it'd be warmer but we're in the Scottish Highlands, so it won't be getting warm until April." Theodore reached over the table and grabbed Avery's hand. "I can help keep your hands warm though until then."

Avery laughed and rolled her eyes. "Too bad you'll have to let go of them when we depart later."

Theodore squeezed Avery's hand and gave her another smile. "I was thinking actually that you could-"

"So what can I get you two today?" The waitress, decked down in pink everything came up to their table.

"Two tomato soups please, and we'll have the bread on the side as well," Avery answered.

"Lovely choice, I'll have that out in a jiff." The waitress walked toward another table, leaving the two alone again.

"What were you going to say?" Avery asked.

"Nothing, it wasn't important."

Remus Lupin walked sadly through Hogsmeade with James Potter, Sirius Black, and Oscar Anderson. "This is crappy, I should be out with my Lily Flower right now."

"Dear Merlin James, if I hear you say that one more time I'll throw you into the Black Lake," Sirius whined.

Remus looked through the windows, watching as couples ran around all happy. "Can we just leave? The whole village will be filled with couples. I'd rather be at the castle."

"Boohoo, little Remy is sad because he hasn't talked to Avery in a while and that she's dating a Slytherin."

"Shut it Sirius, I'm not upset about that. I just don't want to be here right now-." Remus stopped and stood, jaw slacked. There through the window of Madam Puddifoots, he could see Avery and Theodore sitting together and kissing.

"Ohhh, arrow to the heart," Sirius muttered.

"Shut the fuck up Sirius." Remus turned around, not wanting to watch as the two snogged. "Can we please just leave?"

"We can leave after we visit Zonko's, Honeyduke's, and the quidditch shop," James told the boy. Remus grumbled and followed after the boy, his head held low.

Theodore led Avery down towards the end of Hogsmeade, Avery had her body tucked against Theo's as it was getting colder as the day progressed.

"Come on Theo. Please tell me where we're going!"

"You're so impatient," Theo said with a laugh. "It's just around the corner."

The couple turned and Avery's eyes lit up at the sight of the shop.


Avery turned towards the boy and hugged him. "I didn't even know this place was back here!"

"I didn't either until the last trip." The two walked into the shop and Avery closed her eyes. The warmth and smell engulfed the girl and she smiled. "I know that you enjoy baking so I thought we could take a class together."

"Theo, that's so sweet." Avery kissed his cheek and Theo pulled her toward the front counter so they could start their class.

Should I be studying for exams? Yes! 

.... omg. wtf has my posting schedule been.

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