Red Velvet

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"It's a beautiful dress," Millicent said as she watched Avery finish her hair. "Remember, be back before midnight, and do not cause trouble."

"I know grandma, I'll be back by 10 pm at the latest. Now, Theodore will be here soon so I should get down to the front door."

"Yes, and I should be getting back to the ministry, goodbye." Millicent walked out of Avery's room leaving her alone to grab her purse.

Walking down the final steps into the front hall Avery heard a loud knock on the door. "You look wonderful, Avery," Theo said as Avery opened the door and stepped out.

"You look nice too Theo," Avery grabbed the boy's arm, giving a nod to the boy so they could apparate.

The pair landed in front of a fancy restaurant in Diagon Alley, from the outside Avery could see multiple older couples who worked with her gran and some younger faces she knew from Hogwarts who had recently graduated.

Avery and Theo sat at a table by the front window. "Happy late birthday, I hope you received my letter?"

"I did, it was wonderful, Theo."

"Well, I didn't just want to write a letter so I got you something too, I thought it'd be better if I gave it to you in person." Theo reached into the front pocket of his suit and pulled out a small box.

"Oh, Theo, you really didn't have to."

"I wanted to, open it up."

Avery opened the small box, she brought her hand to touch the necklace, the gold chain was thin and the center held a cream-colored pearl. "It's beautiful," Avery smiled at the boy and put the box into her purse.

The waiter came to the table and took their orders, dropping off their drinks before leaving. "So, how are your classes going too far this year?"

Avery thought for a moment, "They're fine, I'm really not ready for OWLS. You take NEWTS this year though, that's probably more stressful."

"It definitely is, but I'm ready to go out into the real world, get a job."

"What do you want to do? After you graduate?"

"Probably join the ministry, I'd like to work in the law field of the ministry."

"Why law?"

"I like arguing," Avery laughed and rolled her eyes at the boy's response. "What about you? I know you still have some time but what do you think so far?"

"A potioneer, I've always wanted to be a potioneer. I love potions class and the art and science of it. There's just something about how all of those ingredients come together and are able to make these different properties and how even one misstep can make you discover a whole new potion."

Avery looked up at Theo, he was watching the girl and smiling. "Sorry, I get excited sometimes."

"No, don't apologize. It's cute to see you ramble about what you like." The pair continued to talk, going from their favorite colors to their favorite music, to the professors they liked the best.

When dessert arrived at the table Avery's face lit up, sitting on the plate was a slice of red velvet cake, a white candle was stuck into it. The server lit the candle, smiling at the two before walking away. "How'd you know red velvet was my favorite?"

"Your birthday last year. Your grandma ordered a red velvet cake."

"And you remembered that?"

"Of course I did, you've always been amazing Avery. I promise I didn't just notice it at Slughorn's party." Avery felt her heart tighten. She gave the brunette a teary smile. "Well, blow out the candle and make a wish."

Avery closed her eyes and blew out the candle. "Thank you, Theo."

He reached across and took Avery's hand, interlacing their fingers before giving it a small squeeze. "Of course, now eat your cake."

Theodore and Avery apparated in front of the manor, Avery was still laughing at the joke the boy had told and Theodore was smiling down at the girl. "That was absolutely horrible."

"Then why are you laughing?"

"Because it was that bad! I mean really? If you weren't cute I'd walk away right now."

"So you think I'm cute?"

Avery's cheeks turned red. "I think we both know that. I must be going in now, I'll see you at school Theo." Avery pulled away from the boy.

He held onto her hand and pulled her back. "I think you're cute too. I'll owl you soon." Theodore leaned down and connected their lips.

Avery pulled away first and smiled at the boy. "I'll be looking forward to it." She slapped his chest lightly before turning away. Biting her lip to hold in the giddy laugh she knew was coming.

Avery opened the front door, "Goodbye Avery Dessen!" She turned back and watched as Theo waved before apparating. Avery closed the door and smiled. She truly liked Theodore Nott, and she was hoping this wasn't all a game.

Little filler......

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