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 "I tried writing. I really did. Every time I'd go to the owlery it'd be locked. And I tried to use wandless magic but there was some complex spell on it."

"But why couldn't you get our owls?" Piper asked.

Avery took a deep breath. "My gran locked down this summer. I guess she got the letters first." She paused. "I- I couldn't leave my room without her say, she had the house elves watching me like hawks, most of the time if she wasn't there someone would still be there to watch me."

"Like who?" Remus asked.



"He took me home on the last day too. He said my gran had asked him to and she had." She moved her face into her hands. "She wants me to marry him."

Shorts went through the car. "She can't make you do that!"

"You'll be 17 by the time you graduate!"

"Does she know what he did!"

"Stop." The car went quiet. "She knows exactly what happened. She applauded his plan. She said that marrying him would be good."

"Marrying someone you don't love will be good for you?!" Remus stood from his seat and paced. "You have to leave Avery! You'll be 17 in December!"

"He's right," James said, "You can access your parent's vault, you don't have to be there anymore."

"I can't, I may be of age but she's still minister."

"Just get disowned," Sirius said calmly.

"What!" Lily turned to the boy, "You did not just say that!"

"What! It's what I did. And I'm living in luxury now!"

Lily turned back to Avery, "Don't get disowned." She took the Ravenclaw's hand, "We'll find a way around this, I promise."


"Why don't we go back to an actual compartment? You can get some sleep before we get to school."

"Okay." The girls all stood.

"Wait, Lily can I talk to you first?" Remus asked.

"Yeah. You all go ahead, I'll find you."

Mary looped her arm around Avery's, "Come on Avery. We can stop at the trolly on the way."

Lily and Remus watched as the girls left. "Do you mind giving us a minute?" Remus asked the other boys.

"Not at all, we'll meet you in the compartment," Oscar said.

Once only Lily and Remus were left the boy fell back into the seat. "What's wrong Remus?"

"Did you see her face? Her wrists? Just, her?"

Lily bit her lip and sat across from the boy. "She's not telling us everything."

"That's for sure, I just want to know why." Remus turned to the girl. "Does she not trust us?"

"Remus, you have to understand, she's grown up with a manipulative woman. She can't even trust her grandma."

"I know, I just wish she'd see we really do care for her."

"It'll just take time."

"I don't want to lose her again."

Lily smiled. "Do you like her?"

Remus looked up quickly. "No, no. I mean yes, as a friend, but that's it!"

Lily slapped the table. "Holy crap, you do."

"NO, I don't!"

"It's okay Remy, your secret is safe with me."

"There is no secret because that's not true."

Lily stood, "No need to lie anymore. Don't worry, I'll put in some good words."

Remus stood and followed her out. "Lily, no! Please!"

"I'm just kidding Rem, kinda."

"She doesn't like me like that at all! Besides, she has too much on her plate for any of this."

Lily turned, "You think I don't know that? Remus, what she really, really needs right now is all of us. Keep being you, keep caring for her. I see how you both look at each other, I think we all can see it.

I wrote like 5 chapters today, not counting this one or the next

Chocolate Toast, Remus LupinWhere stories live. Discover now