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 Avery sat two rows behind Oscar, three seats from Lily, and four rows in front of Remus. She studied the back of people's heads as she had finished her DADA exam. "Please bring your papers up, your time is up." Professor Lin told the students. Avery stood quickly and turned it in, walking to meet the girls.

"I'm so ready to get out of here," Marlene said.

"I'm ready to just finish them all," Lily said.

Avery gave the ginger a look, "Lily, you're gonna do great on them all, you're brilliant."

Lily smiled at the Ravenclaw. "Thank you, Avery." The group of seven walked towards the black lake and took off their shoes and socks, dipping their feet into the Black Lake.

"I'm so glad it's starting to warm up again," Piper said smiling at the sky.

"Same, I'm ready to go to the beach this summer. Maybe you all can come down to my house." Ali said.

"That'd be amazing! Where do you live?" Mary asked.


"That's on the East side?"

"Yup, real small town, I quite miss it during school. It's beautiful when-" Ali stopped talking.

"What is going on up there?" Lily asked. The girls looked up towards the hill, by the tree a student was being levitated up and down. "Oh, dear Merlin!" Lily stood and ran up the hill.

"That can't be good," Avery said, standing to follow. The others followed after, running to catch up with Lily.

"Put him down!" Lily screamed to James. The girls watched as James and Sirius messed with Severus Snape.

"I don't think so, Lily." James turned to Lily smirking.

"What's he done to you!"

"See, it's more the fact that he exists if you know what I mean." The other students around them laughed. The girls started silent. Avery looked towards Remus, hoping he would do something.

"You think you're so funny James, but you're really an arrogant, bullying toerag! Leave him alone, Potter!

"I'll let him down Lily, if you'll go out with me. Go out with me and I will never mess with him again." James, distracted, didn't notice Snape start to move toward his wand.

"I wouldn't go out with you if I had to choose between you or the giant squid!"

Sirius laughed, "Bad luck Prongs!" Sirius turned towards Snape, "OY!" It was too late, Snape had his wand. He sent a curse towards James and a cut appeared on his cheek, spreading blood across his robes. Avery gasped. Before Snape could do anything else he was hanging upside down. His robes fell over his face and every student could see his skinny pale legs and his graying underpants.

Sirius, James, and Peter roared with laughter. Avery looked towards Remus again, still, he didn't do anything. "Let him down!" Lily yelled.

James smiled, "Certainly." He dropped Snape, "Petrificus Totalus!" Snape went stiff as a board.

Lily pulled out her wand, "LEAVE HIS ALONE!"

James laughed, "Now, now, Lily, don't make me hex you."

"Then take the curse off, James!"

James sighed and removed the curse, "There, happy? You're lucky Evans was here Snivellus-"

Then, everyone went silent as Snape said the unforgivable, "I don't need help from filthy little Mudbloods like her!"

Avery stepped forward, her wand raised. "You are so dead, Snape!"

Chocolate Toast, Remus LupinWhere stories live. Discover now