Grayson Aster

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The salve had finished and Avery sat across from Remus in the living room. "Is there anywhere else that needs it?"

Remus turned red. "There's one on my back."

Avery nodded. "Okay, turn around."

Remus complied and lifted his shirt off. His back was littered with scars, some were more faded but one stood out. Avery shut her eyes and took a moment. She took some of the salve on her fingers and started to apply it to the cut. She felt Remus tense.

"It might burn for a minute so I'm sorry," Avery said as she finished applying it. "You have to wait 5 minutes before you can put your shirt back on. I don't want it to rub off. Turn around."

Remus turned and Avery eyed his stomach. She felt her face heat up and she avoided eye contact. She started to apply more of the salve to his neck. Remus winced as she hit the area that had been bleeding. "I'm sorry." She started to move her hands away.

Remus grabbed her wrists. "No, it's okay." Avery looked up at him. "Are you okay?"

"I-" Avery stopped as she heard the fireplace roar. Effie stepped out and looked at the two.

"Oh?" Remus let go of Avery's wrists and scooted back. Effie looked between the two of them and then turned her attention fully to Avery. "As soon as you're done with, this, meet me in the library dear. We can talk about what you asked earlier."

"Right, okay, thank you, Effie. I'll be there in a minute." Effie nodded and walked towards the kitchen. Avery turned back to Remus. "Let me just put a final layer on the front." She quickly applied a second layer and then stood. "I'll put the rest into a container later."

"Right, thank you." Avery started to leave, "What did you ask Effie about earlier?"

"Nothing important. Come get us for dinner will you?"

Remus nodded and watched as Avery made her way toward the Potters' library.

Avery sat across from the Potter woman, waiting for her to start. "We all went to school together, you're mother was in Ravenclaw, your father, Fleamont, Grayson, and I were all Gryffindors. We didn't let that house separation separate us. I'd known your mother since we were babies and she stayed my best friend throughout Hogwarts. Your father and mother met because I was friends with her." Effie sighed. "Grayson and your father were best friends. Grayson was muggle born and your father stood up for him every time something bad was said. Grayson always had his back as well when talk arose about his family."

"I know all of that, I know they were friends. I just. What happened to him when he moved and left? My parents had said he'd moved to America, but why didn't he come back for me after they died?"

"Let me start from the beginning Avery. It'd be better if I did." Avery nodded. "When your father was disowned he moved in with Grayson, his family always loved your father. When we all graduated we moved in together, all five of us. Then Grayson met Emily. She was a muggle and she was always so fascinated with our magic. Eventually, she moved in as well. Eventually, your parents married, and Fleamont and I followed right after. We all moved out and found our own places. Then your mother became pregnant, and again, Fleamont and I did too. When you were born they named him godfather. I was named godmother."

"Now, Grayson had started to work as the muggle studies professor two years before you were born. He loved that job, Emily though was unhappy that he was always gone. Grayson would go home to her every night but besides that, they never really saw each other. Grayson was slowly losing Emily but he hadn't even noticed. Eventually, a couple months before you were born, Emily left Grayson. He was heartbroken and he spent all of his time creating lessons and focusing on work. We all felt as though we were losing him. Then when you were born he changed. He left that depressive, workaholic state and became more, there, in the moment. He was finally himself again."

Effie stopped and rubbed her eyes. "Then, when you turned 8, Emily was back. She asked to start over. He agreed. We warned him not to, reminded him how she left him. He wouldn't listen, not to anyone. Next thing we know, we get a letter from Dumbledore. He said that Grayson left, quit the job, and packed everything. We all knew why. Emily had been talking to him about it for months. She was upset, felt as though we were the reason Grayson stopped loving her the first time. The fascination of magic she had had before turned into hatred."

"So he left? With Emily?" Avery asked quietly.

"Yes. We had gotten letters from him too, the day after he had quit Hogwarts. He wrote that he was leaving with Emily. That we shouldn't contact him, shouldn't try to find him. He chose Emily and left us all behind. When your parents died Fleamont and I tried to find him but we couldn't. It's like he disappeared."

"Why didn't you take me in? When my parents died? You are my godmother." Avery's voice was small.

Effie took Avery's hand and squeezed it. "You think we didn't want to? Avery, we tried our hardest to take you in. Your grandmother wouldn't allow it."

"I hate her Effie. I know it sounds horrible that I hate my grandmother but I do. I wish she wasn't minister, I wish she wasn't my grandmother, I wish she wasn't here anymore."

"Oh, Avery." Effie started to move to the other side of the table but stopped as the doors opened.

"Oh, sorry. I just came to tell you that dinner is ready." Remus told the woman.

"Alright, thank you, Remus."

"No problem. Monty is home now too. He's trying to get James to eat a moth."

Effie shook her head. "I'll be right there. Would you mind waiting for Avery?"

"Not at all."

"Wonderful, I'll see you again in a minute." With that Effie left the library, leaving Remus and Avery alone.

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