Lily's Party

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"Dear Merlin. James, you are not invited. How many times do I have to tell you that?"

"Avery, pleaseee." James gave Avery puppy dog eyes. "I really want to be there."

"So does Snape but we're not inviting him." Avery rolled her eyes at the boy and continued her walk to the library.

James stepped in front of the girl and blocked her. "Avery, please!" He grabbed the girl's shoulders and looked her in the eyes. "Avery I'm being serious. I really want to be there. I won't cause a scene, I won't confess my undying love for her, I won't ask her out. I want to celebrate her birthday with her and all of you."

Avery rolled her eyes, "Fine. I'll give you the instructions on how to get there tonight. It's at 5 pm so make sure you get her a gift."

James jumped up and down. "I love you so much! Thank you, Avery!"

"Yeah, yeah. Now bugger off, I have to start my ruins homework."

James started to walk away backward. "You won't regret this Avery! And I'm bringing Sirius."

"Sirius was invited, idiot."

James gasped dramatically. "You invited that dog but not me?"

Avery bit back a smile. "See you tomorrow James. Be on the lookout for my owl."

Lily Evans woke up on her birthday to see her friends gathered around her bed, party horns ready and hats on. The girls all screamed. "Happy birthday Lily!"

The redhead grinned and the girls fell onto her. "Get off of me, you all weigh a million pounds!"

"Then why are you giggling!" Marlene pointed out.

Lily's laugh grew and she put her arms out trying to hug the girls. "Thank you all."

Mary smiled. "Open our presents."

Ali clapped her hands together. "Oh, yes!"

"You have to let me change and get ready first."

Marlene huffed. "Fine."

Lily quickly changed and sat at the edge of her bed. Each girl took a turn handing over their gifts.

Avery went last and handed the girl her gift.

Lily carefully ripped away the paper and smiled. "How'd you know I needed a new journal?"

Avery smirked. "You don't have to act happy. Compared to the other gifts a boring notebook isn't great." Lily frowned. "But, this isn't a normal notebook."


"Whatever you write shows up in my matching notebook. It shows up in all of our matching notebooks."

"What?" Lily flipped through the pages and saw some of them already written on. She paused and read the three filled pages. "Oh," she started to tear up, "I love you girls. This is amazing."

"It'll be perfect for when we leave on break, or after Hogwarts," Mary said.

"This has been one of the best birthdays ever."

Marlene smirked and pulled the girl up. "Well, it's not over yet."

The girls all laughed as they led Lily to an abandoned room in the west tower. "Can I take the blindfold off yet?"

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